Black Myth Wukong: Forest of Wolves Quest Guide

ruekuma |  Published: August 25, 2024

Discover secrets, bosses, and collectibles to complete the Forest of Wolves quest in Black Myth Wukong. Master combat, find hidden items, and conquer enemies.

The Forest of Wolves is the first area you’ll explore in Black Myth Wukong. It’s packed with secrets bosses and important items. This guide will help you navigate the Forest of Wolves and complete this quest in Black Myth: Wukong.

How to Complete Forest of Wolves Quest in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong Forest of Wolves
Game Science

As you begin your adventure you’ll face a few easy fights. Don’t worry about these early enemies. Just use your light attacks to defeat them. Make sure to grab the ginseng plant before moving on.

You’ll soon reach a fork in the road. Both paths lead to the same place but taking the right path first will get you to a chest. There’s also an optional enemy nearby if you want some extra experience.

Forest of Wolves: Front Hills

Black Myth Wukong Forest of Wolves - Front Hills
Game Science

Continue and you’ll find a shrine with an interesting old man. Cross the bridge and look for a path leading left and down. This path goes under the bridge.

Here you’ll spot a suspicious character disappearing into the forest. Once it’s gone check the spot to find a Skandha of Form. This seems to be an important item so don’t miss it.

Black Myth Wukong Frog Enemy and Jade Lotus
Game Science

Head down to the river where you’ll face a frog soldier. Be careful when his health gets low – he’ll explode if you’re too close. Further down the river, you’ll find a Jade Lotus and a tough crow-like enemy. Use your dodge skills to avoid damage in this fight.

Bullguard Boss Fight

Black Myth Wukong Bullguard - Immobilize Spell
Game Science

Your first major challenge is the Bullguard boss. He’s not too tough but he can still be tricky. Watch out for his charge attacks and overhead swings. A good strategy is to use a light attack light attack heavy attack combo to stagger him.

After beating the Bullguard you’ll get the Immobilize Spell. This will be handy in future fights.

Forest of Wolves: Outside the Forest

Black Myth Wukong Forest of Wolves - Outside the Forest
Game Science

The next area starts with you turning into a Cicada. This transformation is brief so be careful not to change back near enemies. Explore thoroughly to find Purple Lingzhi Ginseng and other items.

Black Myth Wukong Chest Guardian - Crow - Ginger Monster
Game Science

You’ll encounter a tough enemy guarding a chest. Take your time with this fight and use your freeze spell when you can. There’s also a Ginseng monster nearby that looks like a normal plant at first. It’s easy to beat if you wait for it to finish its attack combo.

As you near the waterfall you’ll face another crow enemy. He’s tough but gives good rewards. Look for Jade Lotus in the water near the falls.

The Bridge and Guangzhi

Black Myth Wukong Wandering Wight
Game Science

Be careful of the ranged enemy on the bridge. Use your staff to block his attacks as you approach.

Now you have a choice: cross the bridge to face the boss Guangzhi or run past the Wandering Wight enemy to reach the next shrine where you can craft armor.

Guangzhi Boss Fight

Black Myth Wukong Guangzhi
Game Science

Guangzhi is a challenging boss with fire-based attacks. Watch out for his multiple swing combos and charge attacks.

Use cooling powder if you have it to deal with the fire damage. Be patient and look for openings after his attack sequences.

Forest of Wolves: Guanyin Temple

Black Myth Wukong Guanyin Temple
Game Science

After beating Guangzhi head to Guanyin Temple. Explore the area for items including Nine-Capped Lingzhi and a chest with common items.

You’ll find another shrine here where you can craft armor.

Final Boss Fight: Lingxuzi

Black Myth Wukong Lingxuzi
Game Science

The final challenge in this area is Lingxuzi. He’s a tough fight but his attacks have clear tells. Watch his body language to predict when he’s about to strike. When he jumps to the roof be ready to dodge his pounce attack.

Use your spells and transformations wisely in this fight. When Lingxuzi stops to lick his paw that’s your chance to get some good hits in.


Black Myth Wukong Bamboo Grove
Game Science

After beating Lingxuzi explore the temple thoroughly. You’ll find some useful items including a health boost in one of the pots. This marks the end of the Forest of Wolves area. From here you’ll move on to the next region Bamboo Grove.

Remember to take your time explore thoroughly and don’t be discouraged if you die. That’s part of the learning process in games like Black Myth Wukong. Good luck on your journey through the Forest of Wolves!


  • How many bosses are in Black Myth Wukong’s Forest of Wolves?
    • The Forest of Wolves area features three main bosses: Bullguard, Guangzin, and Lingxuzi.
  • Where can I find the Skandha of Form in Black Myth Wukong?
    • The Skandha of Form is located under the bridge in the Forest of Wolves, where a suspicious character disappears.
  • Can I craft armor in Black Myth Wukong’s Forest of Wolves?
    • Yes, you can craft armor at the Keeper’s Shrine in Guanyin Temple, including the recommended Pilgrim’s Headband for healing while sprinting.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.