How to Find and Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

ruekuma |  Published: August 22, 2024

Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong with this detailed guide on location, attacks, and strategies for victory.

Black Myth: Wukong is packed with challenging boss fights and one you’ll encounter is Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw, an electrified frog-like miniboss that may seem deceptive at first but can quickly overwhelm you.

Located in Chapter 2 near Sandgate Village, Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw offers a tough battle with valuable rewards for those who can beat him. Here’s a guide on how to find and defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong.

Where to Find Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw Boss Guide
Game Science

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw is an optional Yaoguai Chief miniboss in Chapter 2 of Black Myth: Wukong.

To locate this boss, head to the Yellow Wind Ridge area, close to the start of the chapter. The frog resides in a large watery pit at the end of a brackish pond near the entrance to Sandgate Village.

If you’re approaching from the Village Entrance Shrine, head under a bridge and through a tunnel to find a friendly Xu Dog Guai. This character will request assistance in defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw, leading you directly to the boss’s lair.

The pit where Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw dwells is surrounded by water, making it an ideal battleground for the frog’s lightning-based attacks. Once in the area, you will need to be on high alert, as the electrified environment enhances the boss’s attacks, amplifying the Shock status effect that worsens all damage received.

How to Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong Frog Electric Spit
Game Science

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s Moveset and Tactics

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw may seem like just another frog, but its arsenal of electrified attacks can quickly turn the tide against you.

The boss has a limited moveset, but its attacks are potent, especially with the added Shock status. Understanding each move and how to counter them is essential for victory.

Here’s a breakdown of Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s most dangerous attacks:

Boss AttackDescriptionCounter
Tongue GrabThe frog releases an arc of electrified balls that circle it before flying toward you.Dodge roll forward-left to avoid being grabbed.
Electric BurstThe frog rears onto its hind legs and releases a burst of electricity, followed by lightning strikes around the area.Stay mobile, sprint, and dodge roll when the yellow aura appears.
Lightning Tongue SweepThe frog braces itself and sweeps its electrified tongue back and forth three times.Dodge forward-left to end up on the frog’s right side and attack.
Electrified SpitThe frog spits several electrified projectiles that can track and curve toward you.Keep your distance, and jump or double-roll through the projectiles.
Electric BreathThe frog releases an arc of electrified balls that circle around it before flying toward you.Sprint in an arc around the frog to avoid the projectiles.

The key to overcoming these attacks is to stay mobile and avoid the electrified areas in the water, as these enhance the boss’s damage output.

Watch for the frog’s throat swelling, which signals the start of most electric attacks, and be ready to dodge or counterattack.

Strategies to Defeat Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw

Black Myth Wukong Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw Boss Fight Strategies
Game Science

Defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw requires patience and careful observation. The frog’s attack patterns, though limited, can be relentless if not countered correctly. Here are some strategies to help you emerge victorious:

  • Stay near the frog’s back quarter, but avoid staying directly behind it to minimize the risk of its Backward Retort kick. This position also gives the best angles for attacking without being caught in its forward-facing assaults.
  • Investing in Mysticism points to unlock the Immobilize spell can be a game-changer in this fight. Use it to interrupt the frog’s electric attacks, giving you crucial openings to strike.
  • When overwhelmed by the frog’s attacks, use Cloud Step to create distance and regroup. This ability also provides an opportunity to heal before reengaging.
  • Many of Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw’s attacks, like the Tongue Grab and Electric Burst, can be avoided by well-timed dodge rolls. Staying nimble and reacting quickly will reduce the damage taken.
  • Save your consumables for tougher battles ahead. This fight can be won through skill and careful planning, so rely on your abilities rather than expendable items.
  • The water-filled arena amplifies the frog’s electric attacks, making it crucial to stay alert and avoid electrified zones. Remember, staying on land won’t protect you from lightning strikes, so keep moving.

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw Boss Rewards in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw Boss Rewards
Game Science

After defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw, you’ll be rewarded with valuable items that will aid in your journey through Black Myth: Wukong. The rewards include:

  • Tadpoles
  • Evil Repelling Medicament Formula
  • Stone Spirit
  • Yaoguai Core
  • 770 Will

Additionally, if you assisted the Xu Dog Guai with his quest, returning to him after the fight will net you extra rewards, including Evil Repelling Medicaments and the ability to craft consumables at any Shrine.


Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw may seem like a simple miniboss at first glance, but its lightning-infused attacks can quickly turn the fight into a challenging ordeal. By understanding the boss’s moveset, staying mobile, and utilizing the right strategies, this electrified frog can be defeated.

With patience and careful execution, the rewards for this battle are well worth the effort, providing valuable resources for the journey ahead in Black Myth: Wukong.


  • Where can Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw be found in Black Myth: Wukong?
    • Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw is located in a flooded pit near the brackish pond in Yellow Wind Ridge.
  • What are the most dangerous attacks of Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw?
    • The most dangerous attacks are Electric Bursts, Tongue Grab, and Electrified Spit attacks.
  • What rewards are obtained from defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw?
    • Defeating Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw grants Tadpoles, Stone Spirit, Yaoguai Core, and Evil Repelling Medicament formula.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.