How to Find and Defeat Non-Able in Black Myth: Wukong

ruekuma |  Published: September 08, 2024

In Chapter 3 of Black Myth: Wukong you’ll encounter Non-Able – a tough optional boss in the Valley of Ecstasy. This guide will help you locate and defeat Non-Able to earn his Spirit Summon in Black Myth: Wukong.

This reward enhances your light attack combos and boosts your attack critical hit chance and critical hit damage. It’s a great addition to your arsenal but comes at the cost of reducing your maximum Mana.

How to Find and Beat Non-Able in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong Valley of Ecstasy
Game Science

To find Non-Able head to the Brook of Bliss Shrine in the Valley of Ecstasy. From there go left until you reach an upward path.

You’ll end up in an open area with trees and statues. Keep walking and you’ll spot Non-Able in the middle of a snowy field.

Non-Able’s Key Attacks

Here’s a list of Non-Able’s key attacks to watch out for:

PhaseBoss AttackDescriptionCounter
OneSpring KickNon-Able puts his back on the ground then does a spring kick with a possible follow-up kickDodge in any direction, stay at a safe distance
4-Hit Kick ComboThree kicks followed by a jumping attackDodge each attack or sprint away, but still dodge the final jump
Hopping KicksSmall hop followed by a higher jump with larger AOESprint out of range or dodge
Quick 360 Degree KickA strong quick kick, often used as a follow-upDodge as the kick is about to hit
TwoGrab AttackNon-Able tries to grab you as he transitions to Phase TwoDodge backward or use Cloud Step when his right hand reaches out
Three-Hit Palm StrikeStarts with a martial arts stance, then unleashes three palm strikesUse Cloud Step or Immobilize to avoid damage
Glowing Limb AttacksAny limb glowing signals a powerful attackBe extremely careful, dodge or use defensive abilities

Non-Able: Phase One Battle

Black Myth Wukong Non-Able Boss Battle Phase 1
Game Science

In the first phase Non-Able fights with his hands tied using only his legs. This phase is all about conserving resources for the tougher second phase. Use Immobilize sparingly maybe once during this phase.

Be ready to dodge at any moment even during your light attack combos. If you notice Non-Able preparing an attack dodge backward. Some of his kicks are incredibly quick and can interrupt your combos.

If you’ve defeated the Wandering Wight boss in Chapter 1 consider using its Spirit. It gives you +20 Defense which can help you survive Non-Able’s relentless attacks.

Non-Able: Phase Two Battle

Black Myth Wukong Non-Able Boss Battle Phase 2
Game Science

When you deplete Non-Able’s health bar in Phase One he’ll break his restraints and enter Phase Two. He’ll now use both his arms and legs making him even more dangerous.

In this phase, focus on using Immobilize and Cloud Step as much as possible. These abilities help you deal damage while limiting Non-Able’s offense.

The Red Tides Transformation can also be useful. It allows you to deal significant damage or negate some incoming attacks since the Transformation has a separate health bar.

Rewards for Defeating Non-Able in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth Wukong Non-Able Boss Rewards
Game Science

After defeating Non-Able you’ll receive the following rewards:

These rewards make the challenging fight against Non-Able worthwhile especially if you’re looking to enhance your combat abilities.


Black Myth Wukong Brook of Bliss Shrine
Game Science

Here are some final tips to remember so you can conquer this battle against the Non-Able boss in Black Myth: Wukong:

  1. Take advantage of medicinal pills and buffs you can craft. Items like Tiger Subduing Pellets can raise your attack while others can boost your stamina or focus.
  2. Non-Able has specific movements before certain attacks. For example, if he angles his head down to your right be ready for a fast roundhouse kick.
  3. Non-Able’s combos can be long and relentless. Keep some stamina in reserve so you can dodge when needed.
  4. Different spells can be effective against the Non-Able. Rock Solid can sometimes knock him back while Cloud Step is great for avoiding his rapid attacks. Red Tides transformation can help you keep up with dodging and Azure Dust can help you soak up some damage.
  5. Try to master the first phase so you can get through it quickly without taking much damage. This will leave you with more resources for the tougher second phase.

Remember Non-Able is an optional boss. If you’re finding the fight too challenging you can always come back later when you’re stronger or have better equipment. However, if you persevere and defeat Non-Able you’ll be rewarded with valuable items and a powerful Spirit Summon.

Good luck on your journey through Black Myth: Wukong. With patience and practice you’ll overcome Non-Able and explore the rest of the story in Black Myth: Wukong.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.