College Football 25: How to Throw a Touch Pass

Suki |  Published: July 17, 2024

Learn how to throw a touch pass in College Football 25 with this detailed guide. We’ll explain everything you need to know.

College Football 25 brings a fresh take on passing mechanics. The new Revamped Passing system introduces different types of throws, including the touch pass. This article explains how to execute a touch pass effectively in the game.

How to Throw a Touch Pass in College Football 25

how to do a touch pass in college football 25
EA Sports

A touch pass falls between a lob and a bullet pass in terms of power and arc. It’s useful for passing over defenders but under safeties. Mastering the touch pass adds finesse to your offensive game.

While it seems difficult at first, with the right practice, you’ll be throwing touch passes with ease. The key to a successful touch pass lies in the timing. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Choose your receiver
  2. Hold down the receiver’s button
  3. Watch the power meter
  4. Release when the meter hits the blue section

Timing makes all the difference between a touch pass, lob pass, and bullet pass. A quick tap results in a lob while holding too long produces a bullet pass. The sweet spot for a touch pass is when the power meter reaches the blue area.

It takes practice to get the timing right. Start by holding the receiver button until the meter is about halfway full. This is typically where the blue section begins. With experience, you’ll learn to adjust the power for different situations.

When to Use Touch Passes

Touch passes work well for:

  • Passing over linebackers
  • Throwing to receivers running intermediate routes
  • Hitting targets in tight coverage

To become a top quarterback in College Football 25, practice all pass types. Knowing when to use touch, lobs, and bullet passes makes your offense unpredictable and hard to defend against.


With practice and proper timing, throwing touch passes in College Football 25 becomes second nature. Incorporate this technique into your offensive arsenal to keep defenses guessing and be the best team!

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