How to Intercept the Ball in College Football 25

ruekuma |  Published: July 17, 2024

Discover how to intercept the ball in College Football 25. Learn key strategies, timing, and controls to win the game with game-changing picks.

Interception is one of the crucial play mechanics you need to master in College Football 25. While you might have nailed down the basics of offense, interceptions can be tricky. Let’s dive into how you can intercept the ball and dominate on defense in College Football 25.

How to Intercept in College Football 25

College Football 25 How to Intercept the Ball
Image via YouTube QJB /GameWitted

Interceptions can totally flip a game in your favor. Not only do you deny your opponent points but you might even score some of your own.

Here’s how to make it happen:

Position is Key

First things first you need to be in the right spot. Keep an eye on the quarterback and try to predict where they’ll throw.

If you’re playing zone coverage stay alert and ready to pounce on any passes that come your way.

Timing is Everything

When you see the ball in the air it’s go time.

Press B (Xbox) or Circle (PlayStation) to switch to the nearest defender. Then quickly press Y (Xbox) or Triangle (PlayStation) to make a play on the ball.

Practice Makes Perfect

If you’re struggling to get the hang of it hit up the practice mode or mini-games.

The Coverage Skeleton and DB Battle mini-games are great for honing your interception skills.

Read the Offense

Pay attention to the offensive formation and routes. If you can anticipate where the pass is going you’ll have a better shot at picking it off.

Don’t Get Greedy

Sometimes it’s better to play it safe. If you’re not in a good position to make the interception focus on breaking up the pass instead. A tipped ball can still lead to a turnover.

User Control is Key

While the AI can make interceptions controlling the defender yourself gives you the best chance at making a big play.

Practice switching to the right defender quickly to maximize your opportunities.

Capitalize on Mistakes

Keep an eye out for errant throws or tipped passes. These are golden opportunities for easy interceptions.

Know When to Intercept

In tight games be careful about going for risky interceptions. Sometimes it’s better to ensure an incompletion rather than risk giving up a big play.

Mastering Interception in College Football 25

College Football 25 Interception
Image via YouTube QJB /GameWitted

Interceptions take practice but they’re one of the most satisfying plays in College Football 25. Keep working on your timing, positioning, and awareness and you’ll be stealing picks left and right in no time.

Remember each interception can be a game-changer. With these tips and tricks on how to intercept a ball, you’ll be well on your way to defensive dominance in College Football 25.

So stay focused, read the offense, and be ready to make that pick when the opportunity arises!


  • What button do you press to intercept in College Football 25?
    • Press Y on Xbox or Triangle on PlayStation to attempt an interception when the ball is in the air.
  • How can I practice interceptions in College Football 25?
    • Use the Coverage Skeleton and DB Battle mini-games to hone your interception skills in a controlled setting.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.