The voice chat error prevents players from hearing their teammates in Content Warning. Luckily, we found a few solutions to try to fix this issue.
Content Warning’s proximity voice chat is a crucial feature for teamwork and immersion, but many players are running into a frustrating audio glitch.
The voice chat error prevents players from hearing their teammates, even though they can still be heard. But don’t worry because there are a few solutions to resolve this issue. Check them out!
There are three solutions we can find to try to fix the voice chat bug happening in the newly released horror game, Content Warning. Here are some steps you can follow if you have the bug:
The Content Warning developers have identified that many affected players use the Focusrite Control audio program. Improper settings in this software can lead to a voice chat glitch. To fix it you should do these two steps:
Make sure your PC meets the minimum requirements listed on Steam for Content Warning. Check if your audio drivers are up to date or if your PC specs are causing voice chat issues. You can use free driver update software to find and install any needed audio driver updates
Corrupt game files may cause unexpected bugs like the voice chat error. To rule this out:
This process will not affect saved data. If the issue persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Note that certain gameplay mods, like allowing more than 4 players, can also break voice chat.
While this voice chat glitch is annoying, trying these solutions should help Content Warning players get back to communicating with their team.
Developers are probably fixing the issue permanently, but for now, these workarounds are the best way to solve the audio problem. Hope this guide helps!