Dark and Darker: Best Class to Choose

Kyuma |  Published: June 12, 2024

Choose the best class in Dark and Darker with this beginner’s guide, covering each class’s strengths, weaknesses, and viable builds.

Dark and Darker offers players a variety of classes to choose from when building their characters. Each class has its own unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, making it crucial for players to understand how they fit into different playstyles and team compositions.

This beginner’s guide will provide an overview of each class, helping new players make an informed decision when selecting their first character.

Dark and Darker: Which Class to Choose


Fighter Dark and Darker
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Fighter is one of the beginner-friendly classes in Dark and Darker. It is a well-rounded class that performs decently in both melee and ranged combat, making it a solid choice for players who want to experience a bit of everything. Fighters have a balanced stat layout, with 15 points in each attribute, allowing them to adapt to various situations.

To make the most of the Fighter class, players should utilize all the tools at their disposal. Start fights by attempting to land a shot with the crossbow, then use the Sprint ability to close the distance and finish the fight in melee. There are two main builds for Fighters: one focused on leather armor, high damage, and dual-wielding, and another that emphasizes heavy armor and a sword and shield combination.


Barbarian Dark and Darker
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Barbarian is another beginner-friendly class. With the right setup, Barbarians can become incredibly fast. This class excels in melee combat, dealing massive damage with two-handed weapons. They are unmatched in head-to-head melee fights but struggle against ranged opponents.

Barbarians have a straightforward playstyle. Cooldown management is also crucial, as Barbarians possess some of the most powerful skills in the game.


Rogue Dark and Darker
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Rogue is a challenging class that is not recommended for beginners unless they are willing to embrace the steep learning curve. Rogues are characterized by their high movement speed, stealth, and low HP, making them unforgiving to play. They excel at dealing damage from the range with hand crossbows and throwing knives while seeking opportunities to strike in melee without taking damage in return.

Mastering the Rogue requires excellent movement and the ability to bait enemies into favorable positions. There are two to three primary Rogue builds one of which is the “Landmine Rogue” build that utilizes stealth for massive damage.


Ranger Dark and Darker
Image Credits: Gamewitted

The Ranger is an ideal class for players who enjoy ranged combat. Rangers have three bow options: the high-damage, slow-shooting Longbow, the quick-shooting, low-damage Survival Bow, and the balanced Recurve Bow.

The Wizard

Wizard Dark and Darker
Image Credits: Gamewitted

The Wizard is a challenging class that heavily depends on gear, making it less beginner-friendly. However, players who enjoy using magic as their primary damage source will find this class appealing. Wizards have the highest skill cap.

Wizards use spell books to cast their spells and have access to the Spell Memory skill, which allows them to slot five different spells.

The Cleric

Cleric Dark and Darker
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Cleric is currently the only dedicated healer class. They excel at supporting teammates with protective shields, damage-amplifying spells, and substantial healing. They also have high damage and can be used for controlling space. Clerics struggle in solo play but can be very tanky.


Bard Dark and Darker
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Bard is a versatile class that excels at managing buffs and debuffs. While not beginner-friendly, Bards can be powerful in both melee and ranged combat when played skillfully. They are often used as front liners in trio compositions and can hold their own in solo play.

Bards have two main playstyles: a supportive trios playstyle that focuses on buffs, debuffs, and ranged damage, and a self-sufficient solos/duos playstyle that prioritizes melee damage.

The Warlock

Warlock Dark and Darker
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Warlock is a high-skill spellcaster that utilizes blood magic and damage-over-time effects. They can handle themselves well in melee combat and have a lot of agency in how they approach fights. Warlocks can heal off mobs, players, and their summoned companions.

By understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles of each class in Dark and Darker, beginners can make an informed decision when selecting their first character.

Remember that each class has its own learning curve and that mastery comes with practice and experimentation. As players progress through the game, they will discover which classes and builds best suit their preferred playstyle and team composition.

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