How to Increase Town Rank in Fields of Mistria

Shida |  Published: August 08, 2024

In this article, you will discover how to increase Town Rank in Fields of Mistria and unlock new gameplay experiences.

In Fields of Mistria, Town Rank plays a crucial role in unlocking new areas, experiences, and rewards. This comprehensive guide will walk through the intricacies of the Town Rank system, how to increase your rank and the benefits that come with each level.

What Are Town Rank and Renown in Fields of Mistria

Town Rank in Fields of Mistria is directly tied to your Renown level. As you gain Renown, your town’s prestige grows, unlocking new possibilities and rewards. The game starts with the town at Wood Rank, and you can work your way up through various ranks by increasing your Renown.

How to Increase Town Rank in Fields of Mistria

How to Increase Town Rank in Fields of Mistria
NPC Studio

To boost your Renown level, you can engage in several activities in the game. Contribute to the Museum by collecting and donating items, sell goods using the Shipping Bin on your farm, and complete various quests in the game, including those listed on the Request Board. Each of these actions helps increase your Renown and advance your progress.

Here’s a breakdown of the Town Ranks and their corresponding Renown levels:

RankIconRenown Level
WoodWood Rank Fields of Mistria0-9
StoneStone Rank Fields of Mistria10-19
CopperCopper Rank Fields of Mistria20-29
RubyRuby Rank Fields of Mistria30-39
IronIron Rank Fields of Mistria40-49
SapphireSapphire Rank Fields of Mistria50-59
SilverSilver Rank Fields of Mistria60-69
EmeraldEmerald Rank Fields of Mistria70-79
GoldGold Rank Fields of Mistria80-89
DiamondDiamond Rank Fields of Mistria90-99
MistrilMistril Rank Fields of Mistria100+

Why Increase Your Town Rank in Fields of Mistria

How to Increase Town Rank in Fields of Mistria

Increasing your Town Rank offers more than just immediate rewards. Higher ranks typically unlock new areas for exploration, grant access to advanced crafting recipes, improve relationships with townspeople, and enhance gameplay mechanics.

As Fields of Mistria is still in Early Access, future updates may bring even more benefits associated with Town Rank progression.

Remember, moving from Wood to Mistril rank takes time, so enjoy the journey of building up your town’s reputation. Each rank brings new opportunities, and as the game evolves, Town Rank will become even more important in Fields of Mistria.

Our other Fields of Mistria guides:

How to Fix and Use the Mill | How to Use Magic | How to Upgrade Your Backpack | Crafting Guide | Fishing Guide | All Resources in Fields of Mistria | Forageables Guide | How to Unlock All Tools | Romance Candidates in Fields of Mistria

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.