How to Open the Earth Seal in Fields of Mistria

Shida |  Published: August 09, 2024

Learn how to open the Earth Seal in Fields of Mistria and access deeper mine levels with valuable resources.

Delving deeper into the mines of Fields of Mistria presents new challenges and rewards. After conquering the Water Seal, players encounter the Earth Seal on floor 40. This guide will walk through the process of opening this seal and accessing the riches that lie beyond.

How to Open the Earth Seal in Fields of Mistria

How to Unlock the Earth Seal in Fields of Mistria
NPC Studio

To open the Earth Seal four specific items must be collected. These items can be found between floors 21 and 40 of the mines:

Required ItemHow to Get
SapphireFound from blue rocks or nodes
Coral MantisFound roaming on mine floors
ArcherfishCaught in water on mine floors
Jade DulseGreen aquatic weed found on mine floors

How to Get Sapphire in Fields of Mistria

Sapphires are precious gems found in blue-colored rocks or nodes throughout the mine levels. For those having trouble finding them, Balor‘s Wagon occasionally sells Sapphires as an alternative acquisition method.

How to Get Coral Mantis in Fields of Mistria

Coral Mantis are distinctive purple insects that wander freely on the mine floors. Keep an eye out for their unique coloration while exploring.

How to Get Archerfish in Fields of Mistria

Archerfish are medium-sized fish that inhabit water sources within the mines. While not the rarest fish they can still take some patience to locate. The upside is that other fish caught during the search can be donated to the Museum.

How to Get Jade Dulse in Fields of Mistria

Jade Dulse proves to be one of the trickier items to find. This green aquatic plant grows on the mine floors but can be easily overlooked. A thorough exploration of each level is key to finding this elusive component.

Once all four items have been gathered, return to floor 40 of the mines. Approach the Stone Tablet in the center of the room and interact with it to offer the collected items. This action will unlock the Earth Seal granting access to deeper levels of the mine.

Rewards for Opening the Earth Seal in Fields of Mistria

Earth Seal in Fields of Mistria
NPC Studio

Opening the Earth Seal yields several benefits:

  • Access to new mine floors (41-60)
  • Ability to find valuable resources like Emeralds, Crystals, and Silver Ore
  • A Heart Crystal from the Priestess increasing maximum health
  • The “Growth” Magic Spell from Caldarus for instant crop growth
  • Increased total Mana to 3

The new mine levels introduce tougher enemies, making upgraded gear with Silver Ore essential for survival. The extra health from the Heart Crystal helps, but you should still be cautious when exploring these deeper areas.

By opening the Earth Seal, you will unlock a wealth of new content and resources in Fields of Mistria. The journey deeper into the mines promises exciting discoveries and challenges for those brave enough to face them.


  • Where can I find the Coral Mantis?
    • Coral Mantis can be found roaming freely on mine floors 21-40.
  • Is there an alternative way to get Sapphires?
    • Yes, Sapphires can sometimes be purchased from Balor’s Wagon if mining proves difficult.
  • What reward does Caldarus give for opening the Earth Seal?
  • Caldarus grants the “Growth” Magic Spell which can instantly grow crops in a 3×3 area.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.