How to Romance Eiland in Fields of Mistria: Complete Guide

Shida |  Published: August 07, 2024

Find out all the tips and tricks you need to know on how to romance Eiland in Fields of Mistria in this comprehensive guide

Eiland, the charming archaeologist and head of the Historical Society in Fields of Mistria, is a captivating bachelor for players seeking a romance filled with mystery and history. This guide will help navigate the path to Eiland’s heart through strategic gift-giving and meaningful interactions.

Who is Eiland in Fields of Mistria?

Eiland in Fields of Mistria
NPC Studio

Eiland’s Birthday: Summer 20

Eiland is a passionate archaeologist and the leader of Mistria’s Historical Society. Born on Summer 20, he shares a deep connection with the town’s past and believes that understanding history is crucial for Mistria’s future. Eiland’s family includes his sister Adeline, Aunt Elsie, and unnamed parents. His dedication to uncovering Mistria’s secrets makes him an intriguing character to pursue.

How to Romance Eiland in Fields of Mistria

To win Eiland’s affection, focus on presenting him with gifts he loves or likes. Here’s a comprehensive table of Eiland’s gift preferences:

Fields of Mistria Eiland
Loved Gifts– Chocolate
– Coconut Cream Pie
– Glowberry Cookies
– Golden Cheesecake
– Golden Cookies
– Ice Cream Sundae
– Pumpkin Pie
– Spell Fruit Parfait
– Strawberry Shortcake
Liked Gifts– Apple Pie
Berries and Cream
– Candied Lemon Peel
– Candied Strawberries
– Caramelized Moon Fruit
– Caramel Candy
– Cherry Cobbler
– Cherry Tart
– Crystal Berry Pie
– Lemon Cake
– Lemon Pie
– Peaches and Cream
– Pomegranate Sorbet
– Pudding
– Roasted Rice Tea
– Strawberries and Cream
– Sweet Sesame Balls
– Wild Berry Pie
– Wintergreen Ice Cream
Neutral GiftsTBD
Disliked Gifts– Junk
– Bugs
Hated Gifts– Frog

How to Build Relationship with Eiland

How to Build Relationship with Eiland
NPC Studio

To increase your chances of romancing Eiland in Fields of Mistria, consider these strategies:

  1. Join the Historical Society: Accept Eiland’s invitation to join the Historical Society. This shows interest in his passion and provides more opportunities for interaction.
  2. Explore Together: Participate in archaeological activities around Mistria. Use the shovel or pickaxe on raised areas of ground to potentially uncover artifacts.
  3. Daily Conversations: Make it a habit to speak with Eiland every day. These regular interactions will gradually build your relationship.
  4. Gift Frequency: Present Eiland with his favorite sweets and desserts as often as possible. Remember you can give one gift per day.
  5. Help Raise Mistria’s Renown: Engage in activities that increase the town’s standing such as turning in Museum Sets completing Requests and shipping items

Eiland’s love for archaeology goes beyond mere profession – it’s a fundamental part of who he is. Eiland’s belief that reconnecting with Mistria’s past is key to its future demonstrates his deep commitment to the town and its heritage.

His role as head of the Historical Society showcases his leadership skills and ability to bring people together around a common interest. Exploring these aspects of his character can lead to more meaningful interactions between the both of you.


  • What is Eiland’s occupation in Fields of Mistria?
    • Eiland is the town’s archaeologist and head of the Historical Society.
  • What are some of Eiland’s favorite gifts?
    • Eiland loves gifts like Coconut Cream Pie, Glowberry Cookies, and Ice Cream Sundae.
  • When is Eiland’s birthday in the game?
    • Eiland’s birthday falls on Summer 20 in Fields of Mistria.

Our other Fields of Mistria romance guides:

Adeline Romance Guide | Balor Romance Guide | Celine Romance Guide

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.