How to Unlock Pictomancer in FFXIV Dawntrail

ruekuma |  Published: June 28, 2024

Learn how to unlock the Pictomancer job in FFXIV Dawntrail. Discover basic requirements and quest locations for this new caster DPS.

The newest Final Fantasy XIV expansion Dawntrail brings new additions to the game including the Pictomancer job. This unique caster DPS uses a magical paintbrush to create devastating attacks and support allies. If you want to try out this artistic job you’ll need to follow some specific steps to unlock it. Let’s break down how you can unlock the Pictomancer in FFXIV Dawntrail.

How to Unlock Pictomancer in FFXIV Dawntrail

Pictomancer Job FFXIV Dawntrail
Square Enix/ GameWitted

To start your journey as a Pictomancer in FFXIV Dawntrail you’ll need to meet certain requirements:

  • Purchase the Dawntrail expansion
  • Have an active subscription (not available in the free trial)
  • Reach level 80 with any combat job
  • Progress through the main story

Windows Mac and Steam users should double-check that their account has the correct registration codes for both the base game and Dawntrail.

For PlayStation and Xbox players buying Dawntrail from the console store will automatically update your account.

Finding and Completing the Pictomancer Quest in FFXIV Dawntrail

After meeting the requirements:

  1. Head to Old Gridania in the Black Shroud
  2. Look for an NPC called the Cheerless Hearer near Nophica’s Altar
  3. Accept the quest “The Joy of Pictomancy”

The Cheerless Hearer is just north of an aethernet shard making it easy to find.

Pro tip: With the expected influx of players during early access, consider using the option to hide other player characters around NPCs. You can find this setting in the Character Configuration menu under Control Settings.

Completing the Pictomancer Quest

Once you accept the quest and go through the dialogue and cutscenes you’ll receive your rewards:

  • Soul of the Pictomancer job crystal
  • Paintbrush weapon
  • Starter Casting gear

With these in hand, you’re ready to begin your artistic adventure!

Understanding the Pictomancer Job in FFXIV Dawntrail

Pictomancer Job FFXIV Dawntrail
Square Enix/ GameWitted

The Pictomancer job draws inspiration from Relm Arrowny a character from Final Fantasy 6. Like Relm, Pictomancers use their artistic skills to turn enemies’ attacks against them.

As a caster DPS, Pictomancers share Casting armor and accessories with other magical DPS jobs like Black Mage.

Key Job Mechanics

Two key elements of the Pictomancer job in FFXIV Dawntrail are:

  1. Palette Gauge
  2. Canvas Gauge

These job gauges can be customized in the HUD Display Settings allowing you to move and resize them to your liking.

While Pictomancers lack a resurrection spell they make up for it with a team damage buff that can be used every two minutes.

Getting Started with Pictomancer

When you first become a Pictomancer:

  • Read through each spell’s tooltip carefully
  • Arrange your hotbars in a logical way
  • Practice on Striking Dummies to get a feel for your abilities

Pictomancer Gameplay Basics

Your basic rotation involves a three-part paint combo which generates white paint. This white paint can be used for instant-cast spells perfect for movement-heavy fights.

You’ll also manage a Rainbow gauge which allows you to convert white paint into black paint for stronger abilities.

Understanding Motifs

Pictomancer Motifs FFXIV Dawntrail
Image Credits: Mrhappy1227 via YouTube /GameWitted

Pictomancers use three types of motifs in FFXIV Dawntrail:

  1. Creature
  2. Weapon
  3. Landscape

Each motif provides different benefits and should be used strategically throughout a fight. The landscape motif in particular grants party-wide buffs and summons a beneficial area for you to cast from.

Balancing Mobility and Casting

While Pictomancers have great mobility options they also have some longer cast time spells. Learning when to use your instant casts and when it’s safe to stand still for bigger damage will be an important skill to develop.

Pictomancer in Group Content in FFXIV Dawntrail

FFXIV Dawntrail Pictomancer
Square Enix/ GameWitted

When joining group content as a Pictomancer in FFXIV Dawntrail, remember that you don’t have a resurrection spell. This might make some players hesitant to bring you along, especially in challenging content.

However your unique abilities and damage potential can make you a valuable asset to any team in FFXIV Dawntrail.

Coordinating with Your Party

Your two-minute buff window will be crucial for coordinating with your party’s burst phases.

Communication with your team about when to use your landscape motif and other support abilities will help maximize your effectiveness.

Handling Mechanics

As you get more comfortable with the job look for opportunities to use your mobility to handle mechanics while maintaining uptime.

Your ability to store instant casts and use swift movement abilities can make you very adaptable in various fight situations.


Unlocking and mastering the Pictomancer job in FFXIV Dawntrail offers an exciting new way to experience the game. From its unique aesthetic to its engaging gameplay mechanics Pictomancer brings a fresh perspective to the caster DPS role.

Remember to meet all the requirements before starting your Pictomancer journey and take the time to practice and understand your new abilities. Happy painting and check out also how to unlock Viper in FFXIV Dawntrail!


  • How to unlock Pictomancer in FFXIV?
    • Reach level 80 with any combat job purchase Dawntrail and complete the “The Joy of Pictomancy” quest in Old Gridania.
  • Is Pictomancer a healer?
    • No, Pictomancer is a caster DPS job, not a healer.
  • When can I play Pictomancer?
    • You can play Pictomancer when the Dawntrail expansion releases and you’ve met the unlock requirements.
  • What role is Pictomancer in FFXIV?
    • Pictomancer is a caster DPS role focusing on magical damage and party support.