How to Collect Plastoids in LEGO Fortnite

ruekuma |  Published: May 03, 2024

Discover how to collect Plastoids in LEGO Fortnite for your Star Wars gear with this guide and find the best ways to farm this resource.

The new Star Wars update in LEGO Fortnite introduced Plastoids, a crucial crafting material needed to create Star Wars weapons and gear. But finding these resources can be tricky if you don’t know where to look.

This guide will show you how to collect Plastoids so you can start building that Bowcaster or Thermal Detonator!

How to Collect Plastoids in LEGO Fortnite

Collect Plastoids in LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games

The primary sources of Plastoids are Stormtroopers and Star Wars structures.

Head towards the wrecked Star Destroyer ship – you’ll spot plumes of smoke marking its location. As you get closer, you’ll encounter more Stormtrooper patrols. Defeating these hostile forces will make them drop Plastoids, along with Scrap Durasteel.

Destroy Star Wars Buildings in LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games

Another option is to destroy any Star Wars decor or buildings you come across, like banners, boxes, or bases. Many ruined huts near the Star Destroyer crash site contain breakable objects that will yield Plastoids when demolished with your pickaxe.

Finally, keep an eye out for Rebel Icons on your map. These mark Rebel Outposts where you can farm more Star Wars materials by wrecking the place!

What You Need Plastoids For in LEGO Fortnite

Rebel Workbench in LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games

The primary use of Plastoids is to craft the Rebel Workbench, which unlocks the ability to build epic Star Wars items.

With this special crafting station, you can create powerful weapons like Bowcasters and Thermal Detonators, or handy tools such as Macrobinoculars for locating Star Destroyers.

For the tough fights ahead, make sure to gear up properly before venturing towards the crash site. The Stormtroopers hit harder than in the movies! Having a vehicle will also help you cover ground faster.

With this guide, getting your hands on those crucial Plastoids in LEGO Fortnite should be a cinch. Stay tuned for more guides on the latest Fortnite Star Wars quest and may the Force be with you!

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.