How to Find Exotic Weapons Chest in Fortnite Reload

ruekuma |  Published: June 24, 2024

Discover the rare Exotic weapons chest in Fortnite Reload in this guide. Learn where to find it and what powerful weapons you can get.

Fortnite Reload brings back the excitement of classic weapons and locations. But there’s a special treat for those who love rare gear – the Exotic weapons chest. Let’s dive into how you can get the Exotic weapons chest in Fortnite Reload.

How to Find the Exotic Weapons Chest in Fortnite Reload

Exotic Weapons Chest in Fortnite Reload
Epic Games

The Exotic weapons chest is a special loot container in Fortnite Reload.

It’s different from regular chests because it gives you all five Heisted Exotic weapons at once. That’s right – you get a whole set of powerful guns from just one chest!

Here’s what you need to know about finding this chest:

  • Location: The chest spawns randomly in Named Locations on the Reload map. This means you’ll need to explore different areas for each match.
  • Rarity: It’s important to know that this chest is very rare. Only one spawns in each match. So don’t expect to find it every time you play.
  • Luck factor: Finding the chest is mostly about luck. There’s no guaranteed way to locate it.

What’s Inside the Exotic Weapons Chest in Fortnite Reload

When you’re lucky enough to find this special chest you’ll get these five Heisted Exotic weapons:

  • Accelerant Shotgun
  • Explosive Assault Rifle
  • Blink Mag SMG
  • Breacher Shotgun
  • Run ‘N’ Gun SMG

These guns are super powerful and can really change the game for you.

But remember if you get eliminated your loot will drop. Make sure to grab it back before someone else does!

Other Ways to Get Exotic Weapons in Fortnite Reload

Fortnite Reload Exotic Weapons
Epic Games

Don’t worry if you can’t find the special chest. You can still get Exotic weapons in other ways:

  • Rare Chests: These have a better chance of giving you Exotic weapons.
  • Supply Drops: Keep an eye out for these falling from the sky.
  • Regular Chests: You might get lucky with these too but the chances are lower.

The drop rates for Exotic weapons from these sources are pretty low. But it’s still worth checking every chest you come across.

Tips for Success in Fortnite Reload

  • Explore Named Locations: This increases your chances of finding the Exotic weapons chest.
  • Stay alert: Even if you don’t find the special chest keep looking for Rare Chests and Supply Drops.
  • Play as a team: In Reload you can respawn if a teammate is still alive. Stick together for better survival chances.
  • Use the OG weapons: Don’t forget about the classic guns. They can be just as effective as Exotic weapons.
  • Adapt to the smaller map: Reload uses a smaller version of the OG map. Be prepared for more frequent encounters.

The Exotic weapons chest is an exciting addition but don’t let the search for it distract you from enjoying the game. Good luck and have fun in Fortnite Reload!

Stay tuned for upcoming releases and check out our article on the best weapons to use in Fortnite Reload to best equip your journey in this new mode.


  • What do the exotic weapons do in Fortnite?
    • Exotic weapons in Fortnite provide unique abilities or enhanced stats compared to regular weapons giving you a significant advantage in combat.
  • What guns are in Fortnite Reload?
    • Fortnite Reload features classic weapons from Chapter 1 including the OG pump OG SCAR OG submachine gun as well as Mythic and Heisted Exotic weapons.