How to Get and Craft Macrobinoculars in LEGO Fortnite

Suki |  Published: May 04, 2024

Discover how to get and how to craft Macrobinoculars in LEGO Fortnite with this detailed guide.

The latest LEGO Fortnite update introduces the long-awaited Star Wars-themed items. One new item that you need to have is the Macrobinoculars. Follow our guide to learn how to get and craft Macrobinoculars in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Get Macrobinoculars

how to get and craft macrobinoculars
Epic Games

The path to acquiring Macrobinoculars in LEGO Fortnite is twofold, catering to both new and existing worlds.

If you are playing a new game, the process is straightforward. Upon starting a new world, the Rebel Captain Bravara will spawn alongside you, presenting you with a pair of Macrobinoculars free of charge. This seamless introduction allows you to dive right into the Star Wars content.

how to get and craft macrobinoculars
Epic Games

However, if you are continuing the adventure on a saved world, the task requires a bit more effort. The key lies in locating the Rebel Outpost, a distinctive Star Wars-themed structure that spawns within the Grasslands biome.

This outpost, identifiable by its campfire plume at night and crashed Y-Wings, serves as the home base for the Rebel Captain Bravara. Once you’ve identified the Rebel Outpost, seek out Rebel Captain Bravara.

Talk with her, and she will provide you with a pair of Macrobinoculars, officially starting your Star Wars adventure. After this point, you will eventually get yourself a Lightsaber from Captain Bravara.

How to Craft Macrobinoculars

how to get and craft macrobinoculars
Epic Games

However, if you are having a hard time finding the Rebel Outpost, crafting your own Macrobinoculars becomes a viable option. To craft Macrobinoculars, you’ll need:

  • 4 Plastoid
  • 2 Glass
  • 1 Basic Compass
  • 1 Power Cell

These resources can be acquired through exploration and gathering. Once you’ve assembled the required components, access the Rebel Workbench to unlock the Macrobinoculars crafting recipe.


Whether acquired through the Rebel Captain or crafted from scratch, the Macrobinoculars open up a world of Star Wars-inspired adventures in LEGO Fortnite.

Aside from the Macrobinoculars, the new LEGO Fortnite Star Wars Pass is also a fresh content you should explore!

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