LEGO Fortnite: Sandbox Week 1 Quest Guide

ruekuma |  Published: May 08, 2024

Discover how to complete every Sandbox Week 1 quest in LEGO Fortnite and collect the massive XP rewards with this guide.

The Fortnite Star Wars collaboration has brought a new weekly Sandbox mode into LEGO Fortnite, with new quests to complete. This guide will break down the steps to complete every Sandbox Week 1 quest in LEGO Fortnite and unlock the rewards along the way.

How to Complete Every Sandbox Week 1 Quest in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite Sandbox Week 1 Quest
Epic Games

Before diving into the quests, you’ll need to create a Sandbox world.

Head to the LEGO Fortnite tab, select “Create new world,” and set the Game Mode to “Sandbox.”

Upgrade Village Level in LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games

Now, construct your village by starting with the Utility Stations, and then upgrading your Village level.

Captain Bravara in LEGO Fortnite
Fortnite Events /Gamewitted

Soon, Star Wars starships will descend from the skies, signaling the arrival of Captain Bravara – your guide to the Star Wars equipment.

With a lightsaber in hand, you’re ready to tackle these three quests:

  • Defeat Stormtroopers with a Lightsaber (12)
  • Visit crashed Star Destroyer (1)
  • Complete 5 Builds in a Dry Valley cave (5)

Defeat Stormtroopers with a Lightsaber

Defeat Stormtroopers with a Lightsaber
Fortnite Events /Gamewitted

To defeat 12 Stormtroopers with a lightsaber, first equip one from the “Weapons & Tools” tab.

Then, head to “Creatures,” find Stormtroopers under “Star Wars,” and add 12 to your inventory. Place them down and let the battle begin!

Visit Crashed Star Destroyer

Visit Crashed Star Destroyer
Fortnite Events /Gamewitted

Use Captain Bravara’s Macrobinoculars to locate the Resistance cave.

Exit on the other side and follow the smoke trail to find the crashed Star Destroyer, completing the quest.

Complete 5 Builds in a Dry Valley cave

Dry Valley LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games

Return through the initial cave and locate the Desert biome. Look for a cave symbol on your map, marking a Dry Valley cave entrance.

Once inside, complete any five builds from the “Builds” menu – the quick “Log Lookout” is a great option.

Complete 5 Builds in a Dry Valley cave in Sandbox Week 1 Quest LEGO Fortnite
Epic Games

By spending just 10 minutes in LEGO Fortnite’s Sandbox mode, you can earn a massive 100,000 XP for your regular Battle Pass.

So quickly explore this Sandbox Week 1 quest in LEGO Fortnite with this guide and claim the rewards.

Check out these other guides below to catch up on the latest Fortnite quest and may the Force be with you!

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.