All Staff Stances in Black Myth Wukong and How to Unlock Them

Kyuma |  Published: August 20, 2024

Discover how to unlock, change & master the three staff stances in Black Myth: Wukong. Learn all upgrades for Smash, Pillar & Thrust stances.

Black Myth: Wukong offers players a dynamic combat system centered around three distinct staff stances. Each stance provides unique advantages and playstyles, allowing for versatile combat strategies.

This guide will explore how to unlock and utilize these stances effectively, as well as provide insights into their skill trees and combat applications.

How to Unlock Stances in Black Myth Wukong?

Unlocking Stances in Black Myth Wukong
Image Credits: GameWitted

To access the different stances in Black Myth: Wukong, players need to navigate the game’s skill system. The Self-Advance menu contains the Staff Stances skill trees, where players can invest in and unlock new combat styles.

  1. Open the Self-Advance menu
  2. Select the Abilities section
  3. Navigate to the Staff Stances skill trees

The skill trees are displayed on the right side of the screen, representing the three main stances: Smash, Pillar, and Thrust. Players start with the Smash stance already unlocked and equipped.

How to Unlock Smash Stance in Black Myth Wukong

Smash Stance in Black Myth Wukong
Image Credits: GameWitted

The Smash stance is available from the start of the game and focuses on offensive play. Its heavy attack involves a powerful leap into the air, followed by a crushing downward strike. This stance is ideal for dealing high damage at close range.

All Smash Stance Upgrades in Black Myth Wukong

Upgrade NameDescription
Force UnboundEnables Sprinting while charging
Ironbound ResolveEach Talent level increases Damage Reduction upon a charged Heavy Attack.
Smashing ForceEach Talent level increases the Damage dealt by Charged smash heavy attacks.
Peace from Peril When charging, Perfect Dodges retain any focus that has been built up.
Smash StancePath 2
Resolute CounterflowPerforming heavy attack during Light Attack combo with a Focus Point consumed, allows the Destined one to execute Resolute strike.

During Resolute Strike, the Destined One can see through the incoming enemy attacks and nulify their damage.

Enemies that have been seen through are easier to stagger.
Winding WindPerforming Light attack upon seeing through the enemy initiates Light Attack Combo from the third move.
Skyfall StrikeAfter a successful hit with Resolute strike, performing another Heavy Attack consuming a Focus Point executes Skyfall Strike.

The Destined One leverages his forward momentum, launching himself into the air with his staff to somersault forward, then unleashes a firm downward strike upon his enemy’s head.
InvigorationGrants Massive Focus upon seeing through and hitting the enemy with Resolute Strike.
Vantage PointAfter seeing through the enemy, Skyfall Strike deals more damage based on the number of Focus Points build.

How to Unlock Pillar Stance in Black Myth Wukong

_Pillar Stance in Black Myth Wukong
Image Credits: GameWitted

Unlocked at level 3, the Pillar stance offers a unique defensive option. The heavy attack in this stance allows the player to perch atop their elongated staff, avoiding ground-based attacks before crashing down on opponents.

While visually impressive, the Pillar stance can be challenging to use effectively in combat due to its specific requirements.

All Pillar Stance Upgrades

Upgrade NameDescription
Steel PillarEach Talent level moderately reduces the extra Stamina cost for maintaining balance.
SkylarkingWith over 3 Focus Points the Destined One can use the Gourd when perching on the staff.
Towering MountainThe Destined One no longer falls to the ground when perching but instead executes a Heavy Attack upon Stamina depletion.
Pillar StancePath 2
Sweeping GalePerforming Heavy Attack during Light attack combo will consume a Focus Point and execute Sweeping Gale.

Using it as a pivot, the Destined One grasps his staff with one hand and executes a full aerial spin, delivering sweeping kicks to all nearby enemies.
Gale’s BlessingsGrants a considerable amount of Damage Reduction when performing Sweeping Gale.
Churning GaleAfter a successful hit with Sweeing Gale, performing another Heavy Attack that consumes a Focus Point executes Churning Gale.

The Destined One leverages his forward momentum to execute rapid whirls, churning nearby enemies with his staff.
Collapsing GaleChurning Gale depletes all Focus Points and deals additional Damage based on the points consumed.

How to Unlock Thrust Stance in Black Myth Wukong

Thrust Stance in Black Myth Wukong
Image Credits: GameWitted

Available at level 20, the Thrust stance is considered by many to be the most versatile and effective option. Its heavy attack is a powerful forward thrust with high stagger potential and long range.

All Thrust Stance Upgrades

Upgrade NameDescription
Borrowed StrengthEach Talent level increases Stamina recovery when hitting enemies while in Thrust Stance.
Whirling ThrustsAfter performing Tactical Retreat, Forceful Thrust, or a charged Heavy Attack, hold Light Attack to unleash Whirling Thrusts.

The Destined One leaps forward to engage the enemy head-on, besetting them with barrage of Staff Strikes.
Force CascadeEach successful hit with Whirling Thrusts slightly increases Critical Chance for a short time. This effect can stack up to 15 times.
RelentlessStaggered or repelled enemies take increased Damage from charged Thrust Heavy Attacks.
Deadly DanceWhen with 4 Focus Points, automatically perform a Thrust Heavy Attack immediately after a Roll or Perfect Dodge.
Thrust StancePath 2
Offense in DefenseFollowing Light Attack with Heavy Attack performs Tactical Retreat.

The Destined One hops backward and hones his defenses while preparing for another Fierce Attack. Following Tactical Retreat with another Heavy Attack that consumes a Focus Point unleashes Forceful Thrust.
Whirling ThrustsAfter performing Tactical Retreat, Forceful Thrust, or a charged Heavy Attack, hold Light Attack to unleash Whirling Thrusts.

The Destined One leaps forward to engage the enemy head-on, besetting them with barrage of Staff Strikes.
AdaptabilityFollowing Whirling Thrusts with heavy attack unleashes a Tactical Retreat.
Lucky StrikeUpon performing Tactical Retreat, with the enemy seen through, executing another Heavy Attack initiates Forceful Thrust and gains brief Invincibility.
Ebb and FlowExempts all Stamina cost of a short duration upon seeing through the enemy in Tactical Retreat.

Summary Table: Stance Comparison

StanceUnlock LevelHeavy AttackBest For
SmashStartAerial slamClose-range offense
Pillar3Staff perch and crashAvoiding ground attacks
Thrust20Long-range thrustVersatile combat, staggering enemies

By mastering these stances and their respective skill trees, players can adapt to various combat scenarios in Black Myth: Wukong, creating a personalized and effective fighting style.

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