Is Ulmus Worth Investing in AFK Journey?

Kyuma |  Published: June 26, 2024

Ulmus is a tank hero in AFK Journey who has sparked debate among players regarding his value and usefulness. With a unique skill set that combines tanking abilities and crowd control, Ulmus offers interesting potential for various team compositions.

This article will examine Ulmus’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall viability to help players decide if he’s worth investing in.

Ulmus’s Abilities and Strengths

Ulmus's Abilities and Strength
Image Credits: GameWitted

Tanking and Survivability

Ulmus shines as a durable tank with impressive survivability. His key features include:

  • High HP pool, especially when combined with Hero Focus and faction bonuses
  • Natural HP recovery every second
  • Shield ability for additional protection
  • Potential to apply a shield to allies

Crowd Control

Ulmus excels in crowd control, offering:

  • Knock-down effects
  • Root abilities

Team Synergy

Ulmus works well in certain team compositions:

  • Pairs effectively with Eironn
  • Can replace Granny in some formations

Ulmus’s Limitations and Weaknesses

Despite his strengths, Ulmus has some notable drawbacks:

  • Relatively low damage output compared to other tanks
  • Requires specific team compositions to maximize effectiveness

    When deciding whether to invest in Ulmus, consider the following:

    • Aim for Mythic+ ascension to unlock his full potential
    • Hero Focus is crucial for maximizing his tankiness

    Comparison to Other Tanks

    To better understand Ulmus’s value, let’s compare him to other popular tanks:

    UlmusSurvivability, Crowd ControlLow Damage, Situational Use
    GrannySustainLess Crowd Control
    PhraestoTop Meta PickDifficult to Obtain

    Is Ulmus Worth It?

    Is Ulmus Worth It
    Image Credits: GameWitted

    While Ulmus is a solid tank with unique abilities, he may not be a must-have hero for all players. Here’s a summary of his worth:


    • Excellent survivability
    • Strong crowd control capabilities
    • Useful in specific team compositions


    • Not a game-changing hero
    • Limited effectiveness in certain game modes
    • Requires investment to reach full potential

    Ulmus is a good hero with niche uses, but not essential for most players. He’s best suited for those looking to diversify their tank options or push high deficits with specific team compositions. For the average player, it may be wise to save resources and wait for more impactful heroes.

    Tanking Ability8/10Excellent survivability
    Crowd Control7/10Strong, but requires team synergy
    Damage Output4/10Lower than other offensive tanks
    Versatility6/10Useful in specific comps, less so elsewhere
    Investment Value6/10Good, but not game-changing
    Overall Worth6.5/10Solid hero, but not a must-have

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