Cat Quest 3: How to Defeat Cathulhu (Mama Milka’s Quest)

ruekuma |  Published: August 14, 2024

Discover strategies to defeat Cathulhu in the Cat Quest 3 Lost and Found quest. Learn about ship upgrades and battle tactics for this boss battle.

Cat Quest 3 offers a thrilling adventure with its side quests. One standout is the Lost and Found side quest – a multi-part task across the Purribean Sea. This quest leads you to a battle against Cathulhu, which is a task given by Mama Milka. Let’s dive into how you can Defeat Cathulhu in Cat Quest 3.

How to Defeat Cathulhu in Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3 Mama Milka's Quest - Defeat Cathulhu
The Gentlebros

The quest begins with Mama Milka at the tavern. She’s missing her beloved Jug o’ Milk and your first task is to find this item. It’s located on a large island southeast of Pawt Purvanna.

  • Head to the southwest tip of this island. You’ll spot a canoe with a note. This note starts a small puzzle.
  • Follow the beach as instructed. Look for five starfish in a row. Between the fourth and fifth starfish, you’ll find the Jug o’ Milk.

Return it to Mama Milka. She’ll then ask you to take it to Cathulhu’s Rest.

Preparing for Battle

Before you sail off to face Cathulhu make sure you’re prepared. This sea monster is tough. You’ll want to upgrade your ship as much as possible. Focus on improvements like:

  • Firing Rate
  • Cannon Reload
  • Ammo Capacity

Ship Hull upgrades aren’t as crucial. The health boost isn’t worth sacrificing offensive power.

Your ship’s stats scale with your character level. So even without upgrades a higher-level character will have a stronger ship. Special cannonballs are a must for this fight. Stock up on as many as you can.

Finding Cathulhu

Cat Quest 3 Cathulhu's Rest
The Gentlebros

Cathulhu’s Rest is in the northeast corner of the map. When you arrive you’ll need the Jug o’ Milk to trigger the battle. Make sure to save at Fort Beakon before engaging.

The Cathulhu Bos Battle

Cat Quest 3 Cathulhu
The Gentlebros

Cathulhu is a level 65 enemy with matching stats. As the fight progresses it gets stronger. Here’s what you’re up against:

  1. Random tentacle strikes from the water
  2. Rapid tentacle strikes that follow your ship
  3. Slow-moving fireballs from its mouth

Dodging Attacks

The random tentacles are easy to spot. Watch for bubbles in the water. They give you a 3-second warning.

For the rapid strikes keep moving. They won’t catch you if you maintain speed.

Use the fireballs to steer away from Cathulhu at first. This gives you time to maneuver when they spread out.

Battle Phases

As Cathulhu’s health drops the fight intensifies:

  • At 75% health: Fireball volleys increase to three waves
  • At 50% health: A huge dump of fireballs follows the three waves

Stay in the back half of the stage to avoid the extra fireballs.

Attack Strategy

Use a hit-and-run approach. Get close to land your shots then pull back to avoid damage. Don’t get too close during the fireball phases.

Electric Cannonpaw is great for this fight. You get it by defeating Meowtallikcurse. But any special cannonballs will help.

Rewards for Defeating Cathulhu in Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3 Fang of Cathulhu
The Gentlebros

Beating Cathulhu nets you the Fires of Cathulhu. This special cannonball is perfect for tougher fights like the Duck of Doom.

You’ll also get the Fang of Cathulhu. Take this back to Mama Milka for a big upgrade to your Pawer Milk.

Remember “Lost and Found” is a three-part quest. Defeating Cathulhu is just one part of it. Keep talking to Mama Milka to progress through the entire storyline.

This battle is tough but with the right preparation and strategy, you can overcome Cathulhu. Take your time to upgrade your ship and don’t be afraid to retry if needed. The rewards are worth the effort. Good luck with your Cat Quest 3 adventure!


  • Where is Cathulhu located in Cat Quest 3?
    • Cathulhu is found at Cathulhu’s Rest in the northeast corner of the Purribean Sea map.
  • What level should you be to fight Cathulhu in Cat Quest 3?
    • While there’s no specific level requirement, Cathulhu is a level 65 enemy, so it’s best to be as high-level as possible with a well-upgraded ship.
  • What rewards do you get for defeating Cathulhu in Cat Quest 3?
    • Defeating Cathulhu rewards you with the powerful Fires of Cathulhu special cannonballs and the Fang of Cathulhu for Mama Milka’s quest.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.