Cat Quest 3: How to Increase Spell Count

ruekuma |  Published: August 15, 2024

Learn how to increase your spell count in Cat Quest 3. Discover the secrets of Aelius and unlock powerful magic abilities on your feline adventure.

Cat Quest 3 brings a world of magic and adventure to your fingertips. As you sail the high seas battling Pi-rats and other enemies you’ll need all the spells you can get. Let’s dive into how to increase your spell count in Cat Quest 3.

How to Increase Your Spell Count in Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3 Mana Crystal
The Gentlebros

When you start your journey you only have one spell slot. But as you explore the map, you can find up to four Mana Crystals. These crystals let you cast more spells before needing to recharge.

  • Mana Crystals refill over time as you fight enemies with melee and ranged attacks. Once a crystal is full you can cast another spell. But remember you’re stuck with just one slot until you find more.

Increasing Spell Slots

Cat Quest 3 Spell Slots
The Gentlebros

Getting more spell slots is all about finding a mysterious character named Aelius. Each time you encounter Aelius you’ll have a strange vision. When you wake up you’ll have a new mana crystal and spell slot!

There are three Aelius encounters to find in the game. Let’s break down where to look for each one:

First Spell Slot Upgrade

Your first chance to boost your spell count comes early in the game. Head to an island called Furtigua. It’s just south of Meowtallika Bay if that helps you find it on the map.

On Furtigua look for the Orion Ruins dungeon. Aelius will be standing to the left of the ruins’ entrance. Talk to them to trigger the vision and get your second spell slot.

Second Spell Slot Upgrade

The exact location of the second Aelius encounter is a bit fuzzy. But here’s what we know:

Look for the largest island in the Twilight Isles chain. On this island search near a treasure chest and a guidepost. Aelius should be waiting there to give you your third spell slot.

Third Spell Slot Upgrade

The final spell slot upgrade is tied to the story’s progress. You’ll need to collect all three keys to unlock the Volcano Mountain dungeon entrance at the Sunset Isles.

Once you have the keys Aelius will appear disguised as a purple parrot at Fort Beakon. This is where you normally save your game or connect to co-op. Talk to the odd-looking bird to get your fourth and final spell slot.

How to Use Spells in Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3 Cast Spells
The Gentlebros

Now that you know how to increase your spell count let’s talk about using them effectively:

  1. Experiment with different spell combinations. Mix and match to find powerful synergies.
  2. Equip spells that match your playstyle. If you prefer ranged combat focus on those types of spells.
  3. Pay attention to the order you equip spells. This determines which buttons or keys cast each spell.
  4. Don’t forget to equip new spells after getting more slots!
  5. Use your increased spell count to tackle tougher enemies and explore dangerous areas.

Remember to grab that final spell slot from Aelius before entering Volcano Mountain for the big finale. You don’t want to miss out on extra magical firepower for the final boss!

With these tips, you’ll be slinging spells left and right in no time. The Pi-rats won’t know what hit them! Enjoy your magical adventures in the world of Cat Quest 3.


  • How many spell slots can you unlock in Cat Quest 3?
    • You can unlock up to four spell slots in Cat Quest 3 by finding Aelius thrice throughout your adventure.
  • Where do you find the first spell slot upgrade in Cat Quest 3?
    • The first spell slot upgrade is on Furtigua Island, to the left of the Orion Ruins dungeon entrance.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.