Cat Quest 3: The Heirloom Side Quest Guide

ruekuma |  Published: August 07, 2024

Discover how to find all three Heirloom Keys in the Cat Quest 3 early side quest. Explore the Pawman Isles and unlock family treasures.

Cat Quest 3 brings an early side quest that’ll have you searching for Heirloom Keys. This quest starts when you meet three squabbling triplets in the Pawman Isles. They need your help to find three keys that’ll open chests containing a family heirloom.

This article will break down how to find every heirloom key and complete the Heirloom side quest in Cat Quest 3.

How to Find All Heirloom Keys in the Cat Quest 3 Heirloom Side Quest

Cat Quest 3 The Heirloom
The Gentlebros

To get your paws on these keys you’ll need to explore the islands around the Pawman Isles.

Each triplet will give you a hint about where to look. Let’s break down the locations for each key:

Right Heirloom Key

Cat Quest 3 Right Heirloom Key
The Gentlebros

Head south of the Pawman Isles and look for a floating shadow in the water.

Sail over and hop out of your boat to grab it. You might need to chase it a bit as it moves around.

Once you’re close enough hit the interact button to claim the Right Heirloom Key.

Left Heirloom Key

Cat Quest 3 Left Heirloom Key
The Gentlebros

For this one, sail to a small island just east of the main Pawman Isle. There you’ll encounter a tough starfish enemy.

Be careful – this enemy can dish out some serious damage if you get too close. Your best bet is to use ranged attacks and spells to take it down.

Once you’ve defeated the starfish, you’ll get the Left Heirloom Key as your prize.

Middle Heirloom Key

Cat Quest 3 Middle Heirloom Key
The Gentlebros

The final key is hiding under a rock on an island west of the main Pawman Isle.

Count six rocks from the right side of the island and check under that one. Voila! You’ve found the Middle Heirloom Key.

Completing the Heirloom Side Quest

Cat Quest 3 The Heirloom Key
The Gentlebros

Once you’ve collected all three keys make your way back to the triplets. When they open their chests using the keys they’ll find nothing. But then the triplets realize they need to work together and combine their keys to form the true Heirloom Key.

After they combine the keys, a chest appears with the real treasure inside – the true Heirloom Key. The triplets are so thankful for your help that they decide to reward you.

Cat Quest 3 The Heirloom Quest Reward - Purrivateer Hat
The Gentlebros

For your efforts, you’ll receive a Knight Hat (Purrivateer Hat) which gives a nice boost to your defense.


This early side quest in Cat Quest 3 is more than just a key hunt. It teaches a valuable lesson about family and cooperation. Plus it’s a great way to explore the Pawman Isles and get familiar with the game’s mechanics. You’ll practice sailing, swimming, and combat, all while earning a useful reward.

The Knight Hat you receive at the end of the quest is a solid addition to your gear. It’ll help you survive tougher battles as you continue your Cat Quest 3 adventure. So don’t skip this quest – it’s well worth your time!

So set sail, help reunite a family’s heirloom, and explore other quests for more adventures in the world of Cat Quest 3.


  • Where are the Heirloom Keys located in Cat Quest 3?
    • The Right Key is floating in the water south of Pawman Isles, the Left Key drops from a starfish enemy on an eastern island, and the Middle Key is under a rock on a western island.
  • What reward do you get for completing the Heirloom Key quest?
    • You receive a Knight Hat that boosts your defense after helping the triplets combine their keys and learn about family teamwork.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.