Dragon’s Dogma 2: Best Features

Bilal |  Published: March 06, 2024

Dragon’s Dogma 2 seems to be right around the corner. We managed to get our hands on early access for Dragon’s Dogma 2 and although we knew what to expect from this sequel, the preview session broke all expectations and we can’t wait to get our hands on the full game releasing 22 March. Here are some of the Best Features we experienced in Dragon’s Dogma 2 Preview.

Pawns feel more like friends than NPCs.

Image credits: Capcom

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a big step up when it comes to the mechanics of your party member (Pawns) accompanying you throughout your journey. Whatever class (vocation) you choose these AI-controlled party members end up doing most of the heavy lifting be it spamming you with heal bombs or spamming the enemies with magical flamethrowers. The game allows you to craft your main pawn while the other two are recruited from the world and in a newly spun twist you can enlist them from other people’s worlds. Did we fail to mention you can high-five your pawns after a successful monster hunt, How cool is that?

Classes ( Vocations ) can be changed mid-playthrough.

Image credits: Capcom

The game has introduced several vocations that are tailored towards different playstyles. We managed to play through the first couple of hours with the newly added Mystic Spearhand. It allows players to teleport to enemies and deal devastating blows.  But if that’s not to your liking and you decide mid-play through you wanna switch to a different vocation, this Dragon’s Dogma 2 Features allows you to simply do so by talking to a vendor. The following vocations have been confirmed for Dragon’s Dogma 2.

  • Starting – Fighter, Mage, Thief, Archer
  • Advanced – Warrior, Sorcerer
  • Hybrid – Mystic Spearhand, Magick Archer, Trickster, Warfarer

Dragon’s Dogma 2 doesn’t have fast travel.

Image credits: Capcom

Dragon’s Dogma 2 feels familiar with the open-world setting from the previous game but it has been given a new breath of life due to its technical and visual enhancement and refinement. The game feels dense and detailed with town square bustling with NPCs hustling. There is no load time between two areas giving an organic outlook while moving from a town into the wild considering the game has no fast travel.

Technically there is fast travel in the form of a consumable which is quite expensive, but yeah. This increases the immersion tenfold considering you just survived a Draken only to realize you gotta find your way back to the nearest town on foot. Not to forget anything you come across along the way is out to get you. You can hitch rides on oxcarts but your path is confined to the road the farmer is taking along to get to his destination.

Body type will have an impact on your character’s stats or characteristics.

Image credits: Capcom

In a recent Q&A with Capcom’s Itsuno when asked if body type will have certain advantages or disadvantages, he had the following to say: 

If your character is taller then there will be characteristics that match that. If your character is shorter, there will be characteristics that match that. For example, body type can impact the amount of weight they can carry or how fast their stamina recovers. Also, the length of their limbs affects the speed in which they move or the reach of their attacks.


Q: When is the release date for Dragon’s Dogma 2?

A: Dragons Dogma 2 is set to release on 22nd March 2024.

Q: Which platforms will Dragon’s Dogma 2 be released for?

A: It will be released for all current-generation consoles like PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, as well as for PC.

Q: Will Dragon’s Dogma 2 continue the story from the first game?

A: Details about the potential story or plot of Dragon’s Dogma 2 are unknown at this point. It could be a direct continuation, a prequel, or an entirely new story in the same universe.

Q: What new features or gameplay changes could be introduced in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

A: Speculation about new features includes improved graphics and visuals, expanded character customization, more advanced combat mechanics, and potentially an open-world environment.

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