Dungeonborne All Classes Guide: Skills, Passives, and Weapons

Kyuma |  Published: July 25, 2024

Explore in-depth details of all Dungeonborne classes, their skills & passives. Master your class with this guide to abilities & strategies.

Dungeonborne offers eight unique classes, each with its own set of skills and passives that define their playstyle. This guide provides a detailed breakdown of these abilities to help you understand and master your chosen class.

Dungeonborne All Classes, Skills, and Passives

Dungeonborne All Classes, Skills, and Passives
Mithril Interactive

Here’s a comprehensive table of all classes, their skills, and passives:

Dungeonborne fighter Class
Whirlwind, Inspire, Battle Cry, ChargeProficiency, Fired Up, Vengeful Riposte, Weapon Mastery, RestraintOne-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Swords
One Handed Maces
Dungeonborne priest Class
Divine Guidance, Cleanse, Divine Protection, GuardCleansing Rites, Resurrection, Faithful, Benediction, RecompenseOne-Handed Sword
One Handed Maces
Dungeonborne rogue Class
Petrifying Poison, Vanish, Quick Blades, Swift ConcealmentEvaporate, Featherfoot, Ambush, Toxic Cloak, Stealthbreak VenomOne-Handed Swords
Dungeonborne swordmaster Class
Psionic Blades, Whirling BladeMomentum, Crippling Strike, Healing Scabbard, Deflection, Flurry of BladesOne-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Swords
Dungeonborne cryomancer Class
Ice Storm, Frost Barrier, Frostbite Curse, Ice ArmorPermafrost, Frostbite, Cryotherapy, Frost Echoes, Bone ChillingOne-Handed Sword
Dungeonborne pyromancer Class
Pyroblast, Fire BlastRekindle, Swift Casting, Ignite, Iris of Fire, Phoenix AspectOne-Handed Sword
Dungeonborne Death Knight Class
Death Knight
Soul Shroud, Soulstorm, Grasp of the GraveSoul Reaper, Life Steal, Grim Harvest, Decay, Soul CageOne-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Sword
One-Handed Maces
Dungeonborne Druid Class
Primal Awakening, Revert, Force of Nature, Shadow AssaultPredatory Senses, Seed Pods, Hunter’s Focus, Natural Swiftness, Nature’s BreathDaggers
One Handed Mace

Detailed Breakdown of Dungeonborne All Classes, Skills, and Passives


Dungeonborne Fighter Class


  1. Whirlwind: The Fighter spins with a two-handed sword, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and ending with a powerful overhead slash. It’s uninterruptible but has a long recovery period.
  2. Inspire: Boosts your morale and that of your nearby allies for 3 seconds and increases the movement speed by 150.
  3. Battle Cry: Increases your attack damage by 30%, physical resistance by 30%, and grants 15% life steal for 5 seconds.
  4. Charge: Quickly charges forward a short distance.


  • Proficiency (50 Strength): Increases movement speed during Whirlwind.
  • Fired Up (87 Strength): Resets Rush cooldown after killing an enemy player.
  • Vengeful Riposte (33 Dexterity): Guarantees a critical strike after successfully parrying or blocking.
  • Weapon Mastery (42 Stamina): Grants a shield when activating Whirlwind.
  • Restraint (27 Will): Prevents dealing or receiving damage from allies.


Dungeonborne Priest Class


  1. Divine Guidance: Summons an oracle that heals allies and damages enemies. Can resurrect fallen allies with the Resurrection passive.
  2. Cleanse: Channels healing power to allies or self. Longer channel time increases healing.
  3. Divine Protection: Applies a Divine Shield to a target, making them immune to damage for 3 seconds.
  4. Guard: Applies a 60-second shield to nearby allies and self.


  • Cleansing Rites (38 Faith): Divine Guidance cleanses debuffs and grants temporary debuff immunity.
  • Resurrection (75 Faith): Allows Divine Guidance to resurrect fallen allies once per adventure.
  • Faithful (30 Stamina): Restores mana on critical hits.
  • Benediction (48 Intelligence): Allows Divine Protection and Guard to store two charges.
  • Recompense (24 Dexterity): When casting increases the movement speed.


Dungeonborne Rogue Class


  1. Petrifying Poison: The next attack petrifies the target for 10 seconds, disabling them but reducing damage from the next attack.
  2. Vanish: After a 4-second cast, the Rogue becomes nearly invisible for 15 seconds. Attacks from stealth are guaranteed critical strikes.
  3. Quick Blades: Shoots out 6 daggers to attack multiple enemies in front of you causing a 70% slow effect for 3 seconds.
  4. Swift Concealment: Enter stealth for 6 seconds, critical damage is increased during this time.


  • Evaporate (62 Dexterity): Automatically enters stealth after killing an enemy.
  • Featherfoot (93 Dexterity): Increases movement speed while in stealth.
  • Stealthbreak Venom (29 Strength): When in stealth unlocked attacks apply poison dealing damage over time.
  • Ambush (60 Strength): Grants life steal on the next attack that breaks stealth.
  • Toxic Cloak (36 Stamina): Enables entering stealth after a successful Petrifying Poison application.


Dungeonborne Swordmaster Class


  1. Psionic Blades: Summons up to 4 psionic swords that shoot towards enemies, dealing damage and restoring life.
  2. Whirling Blade: Summons a psionic sword that orbits the Swordmaster for 8 seconds, damaging nearby enemies.


  • Momentum (35 Dexterity): Increases critical strike chance after hitting with Psionic Blades.
  • Crippling Strike (72 Dexterity): Psionic Blades critical strikes reduce enemy movement speed.
  • Healing Scabbard (54 Strength): Restores 30 health when Swordmaster deals unblocked damage.
  • Deflection (36 Stamina): Whirling Blade grants damage reduction.
  • Flurry of Blades (27 Will): Reduces skill cooldown when shooting 3 or 4 swords simultaneously.


Dungeonborne Cryomancer Class


  1. Ice Storm: Summons a blizzard that deals cold damage and gradually freezes enemies.
  2. Frostbite Curse: Deal active damage and slowing the target, and inflict a frost curse on the target reducing their cold resistance for a period of time while causing them to take damage over time and healing Cryomancer.
  3. Ice Armor: Apply a shield to an ally target. When taking damage from the close range, slow the attacker.
  4. Frost Barrier: Encases the Cryomancer in ice, granting immunity to damage and life regeneration for 8 seconds.


  • Permafrost (31 Dexterity): Restores soul energy on critical damage.
  • Cryotherapy (24 Will): When dealing cold damage grants stacks of Cryotherapy. Consume all stacks on the next use of E to recover health per stack.
  • Frostbite (59 Intelligence): The damage dealt by the first phase of Q is increased.
  • Frost Echoes (33 Stamina): When allies deal unblocked active damage to targets affected by Q, gain a shield point.
  • Bone Chilling (49 Will): The further the distance between yourself and the target affected by Q, the higher the damage by Q skill.


Dungeonborne Pyromancer Class


  1. Pyroblast: Chargeable fireball attack with two stages, dealing fire damage and granting levitation.
  2. Fire Blast: Unleashes a fiery shockwave, knocking back and slowing nearby enemies.


  • Rekindle (42 Will): Resets Fire Blast cooldown on kill.
  • Swift Casting (30 Dexterity): Fire Blast hits grant faster Pyroblast channeling.
  • Ignite (50 Intelligence): Pyroblast and Fire Blast apply a damage-over-time effect.
  • Iris of Fire (87 Intelligence): Pyroblast creates a Fire Eye that automatically attacks enemies.
  • Phoenix Aspect (24 Stamina): When using Fire Blast restore life. For each additional target hit, restore health.

Death Knight

Dungeonborne Death Knight Class


  1. Soul Shroud: Summons evil spirits to deal shadow damage to nearby enemies.
  2. Soulstorm: Unleashes the soul energy, dealing continuous shadow damage to nearby enemies. While active, it continuously consumes soul energy and can be stopped at any time.
  3. Grasp of the Grave: Fires a spectral chain to pull targets towards the Death Knight.


  • Soul Reaper (42 Intelligence): Resets Grasp of the Grave on kill.
  • Life Steal (24 Will): Restores life when absorbing Soul Energy.
  • Grim Harvest (54 Strength): Grasp of the Grave generates Soul Energy on hit.
  • Decay (33 Dexterity): Enemies affected by Q skill have their movement speed reduced.
  • Soul Cage (39 Stamina): Activating Soul Shroud grants a temporary shield.


Dungeonborne Druid Class


  1. Primal Awakening: Transforms into Panther form. Removes all debuffs on transformation.
  2. Revert: Return to human form.
  3. Force of Nature: Summons a trend at the designated location. The Trent will attack nearby enemies and grant Druid a shield.
  4. Shadow Assault: Consumes primal energy to pounce forward, dealing shadow damage to enemies upon landing. Basic attacks in panther form restore primal energy when they deal damage to enemies.


  • Predatory Senses (36 Dexterity): In Panther form, you can sense enemies in a given range.
  • Seed Pods (45 Will): Force of Nature can restore an additional charge.
  • Hunter’s Focus (81 Intelligence): Shadow Assault returns additional points of Primal Energy when damaging enemies.
  • Natural Swiftness (44 Intelligence): The cooldown of Force of Nature is reduced.
  • Nature’s Breath (27 Stamina): Force of Nature grants a shield when summoned.

This detailed breakdown of skills and passives for each class in Dungeonborne should help players better understand the unique mechanics and strategies available to them. By mastering these abilities and their interactions, players can maximize their effectiveness in combat and contribute significantly to their team’s success.

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