Dungeonborne Cryomancer Best Build, Weapons, Passives & Skills

Shida |  Published: July 26, 2024

In this comprehensive guide, you will find out Dungeonborne Cryomancer best build, including the best weapons, passives, and skills for the character.

Cryomancers in Dungeonborne offer a mix of offense and defense, excelling in area control and support while dealing significant damage. For players looking to master the art of ice magic, this guide breaks down the optimal build, weapon choices, passives, and skills to dominate both PvE and PvP encounters.

Dungeonborne Cryomancer Best Build

Dungeonborne Cryomancer Class

The Cryomancer is a versatile spellcaster, capable of crowd control, damage dealing, and support roles. While slightly more durable than their Pyromancer counterparts, Cryomancers still require careful positioning to shine truly.

Their ability to freeze enemies, create protective barriers, and inflict devastating area-of-effect damage makes them a formidable force on any team. One of the Cryomancer’s standout features is its multiple skill sets, offering you flexibility in your approach to combat.

Best Weapons for Cryomancer in Dungeonborne

Best Weapons for Cryomancer in Dungeonborne
Mithril Interactive

Cryomancers have access to a variety of weapons, each suited for different playstyles. However, the two best weapons to use for Cryomancer are the Staff and Daggers.

StaffsThe go-to choice for maximizing spell damage and AoE potential. Staffs amplify the Cryomancer’s innate frost abilities.
DaggersQuick and deadly, complements Cryomancer’s frost-based slowing effects.

For most situations, staffs remain the optimal choice due to their synergy with the Cryomancer’s frost-based abilities. However, you should experiment with different weapon combinations to find what suits your playstyle best.

Best Passives for Cryomancer in Dungeonborne

Cryomancers have access to several powerful passive abilities that enhance their frost magic and survivability, but the best options are:

Passive AbilityDescription
PermafrostCrucial for maintaining soul energy. Allows for more frequent spell casting and sustained damage output.
FrostbiteEnhances the damage of the first phase of the Ice Storm ability, making it an essential pick for offense-oriented builds.
CryotherapyGrants health recovery based on cold damage dealt. Synergizes well with area-of-effect spells.

For most builds, prioritizing Permafrost and Cryotherapy provides a solid foundation of resource management and survivability for Cryomancer. As you become more comfortable with the class, incorporating Frostbite and Bone Chilling can dramatically increase damage output too.

Best Skills for Cryomancer in Dungeonborne

Best Skills for Cryomancer in Dungeonborne
Mithril Interactive

Cryomancers have a diverse skill set that allows for various playstyles. Here is the breakdown:

Passive AbilityDescription
Ice StormThe best AoE skill. Deals cold damage over time and gradually freezes enemies.
Frostbite CurseThe most powerful defensive tool, this skill encases the caster in ice, granting temporary invulnerability and health regeneration.
Ice ArmorApplies a shield to an ally and slows attackers.
Frost BarrierMost powerful defensive tool, this skill encases the caster in ice, granting temporary invulnerability and health regeneration.

The optimal skill rotation often involves opening with Ice Storm to control the battlefield, followed by Frostbite Curse on priority targets. Ice Armor should be used proactively to protect allies, while Frost Barrier is best saved for critical moments when survivability is paramount.

Mastering the Cryomancer class in Dungeonborne requires a balance of offensive and defensive play. By carefully selecting weapons, passives, and skills, you can create a powerful frost mage capable of turning the tide of battle. Remember, practice and experimentation are key to finding the perfect build that suits your playstyle and team composition!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.