Dungeonborne Fighter Best Build, Weapons, Passives & Skills

Shida |  Published: July 28, 2024

In this comprehensive guide, you will find out Dungeonborne Fighter best build, including the best weapons, passives, and skills for the character.

The Fighter in Dungeonborne is a versatile melee combatant who excels in close-quarters combat. This class combines powerful offensive capabilities with decent survivability, making it a popular choice for both newcomers and veteran players.

Dungeonborne Fighter Best Build

Dungeonborne Fighter Class

Fighters are known for their ability to dish out consistent damage while maintaining a strong presence on the battlefield. Moreover, the Fighter’s straightforward yet nuanced playstyle offers an excellent learning curve. New players can quickly grasp the basics, feeling effective from the get-go, while experienced players will find depth in mastering the class’s finer points, such as perfect parry timing and optimal skill rotations.

Best Weapon for Fighter in Dungeonborne

Best Weapon for Fighter in Dungeonborne
Mithril Interactive

When it comes to weapon selection, the Long Sword stands out as the top choice for Fighters. This weapon offers a balanced mix of damage, reach, and versatility. The Long Sword’s ability to parry attacks adds a defensive element that complements the Fighter’s playstyle.

For maximum efficiency, consider carrying long sword and double daggers for mobility. The Long Sword of Shadow and Knight’s Long Sword are excellent epic-tier options. The former deals elemental damage, while the latter focuses on pure physical damage. Choose based on your preferred build and playstyle.

Best Passives for Fighter in Dungeonborne

Among the Fighter’s passive abilities, Restraint stands out as particularly crucial. This passive prevents friendly fire, allowing for more aggressive play in team scenarios. It’s easily activated with just 27 Will, making it a priority in most builds.

Other notable passives include:

  • Fired Up: Resets Rush cooldown after the player kills.
  • Weapon Mastery: Grants a shield during Whirlwind.
  • Vengeful Riposte: Guarantees critical hits after successful parries or blocks.

While all passives have their merits, Restraint offers the most consistent value across various combat scenarios.

Best Skills for Fighter in Dungeonborne

Best Skills for Fighter in Dungeonborne
Mithril Interactive

The Fighter’s signature skill is undoubtedly Whirlwind. This powerful ability allows the Fighter to spin with a two-handed sword, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and finishing with a devastating overhead slash.

Whirlwind is uninterruptible but leaves the Fighter vulnerable during its recovery period. Other key skills for Fighter include

  • Inspire: Boosts morale and movement speed for nearby allies.
  • Battle Cry: Increases attack damage, physical resistance, and grants life steal.
  • Charge: Allows for quick forward movement.

Whirlwind serves as the Fighter’s primary damage-dealing and crowd-control ability, making it essential in both PvE and PvP scenarios.

Mastering the Fighter requires balancing aggression and tactics. In team fights, use Whirlwind for damage and Restraint to avoid hurting allies. Utilize Charge and dagger dashes for mobility, and use your crossbow against ranged threats or to interrupt enemy casters.

The Fighter in Dungeonborne offers a robust and engaging playstyle that rewards skillful play. By focusing on the Long Sword, utilizing Restraint, and mastering Whirlwind, players can become formidable forces on the battlefield. Adapt your build and tactics based on your team composition and the challenges you face.

Other Dungeonborne guide:

All Class Guide | Death Knight Best Build | Pyromancer Best Build | Cryomancer Best Build | How to Heal in Dungeonborne | How to Get Legendary Heirlooms

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.