Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Red XIII Romance Guide

Shida |  Published: March 09, 2024

To successfully romance Red XIII in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, follow this step-by-step guide!

Players can pursue a surprising romance with the intelligent beast Red XIII and experience a unique date with him at the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Use this guide to maximize Red XIII’s affection level with you.

Red XIII Romance Guide in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Red XIII’s fondness for Cloud grows each time he chooses supportive dialogue when they interact at critical points in the story. Opting for the most thoughtful response results in the greatest relationship increase.

Completing side quests linked to Red XIII and executing synergy skill abilities with Cloud in combat also helps improve his affection level.

Best Dialogue Options with Red XIII

FF7 Rebirth Red XIII Dialogue Options
Red XIII Dialogue Options

Selecting favorable and encouraging dialogue options when speaking to Red XIII is key to boosting Cloud’s affection level with him in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Picking the most constructive responses when given a choice of what to say can greatly improve their bond over the course of the story.

Please note that ✓ symbol means it is the best answer, 〇 means it’s a good answer, and X is a bad answer.

Chapter 2 – Kalm Village

Dialogue OptionsResults
I knew I could count on you.
Good boy.X

Chapter 4 – Sea Dragon Square

Dialogue OptionsResults
We’ll manage
Huh. Not goodX
Don’t worry, never thought you could

Chapter 6 – Costa del Sol

Dialogue OptionsResults
Don’t sweat it
We had no choice
Yeah, you shouldX

Chapter 9 – Gongaga Village

Dialogue OptionsResults
The Right Patch
The Middle Patch
The Left PatchX

Chapter 10 – Cosmo Canyon

Dialogue OptionsResults
I’ll lend an ear.
Don’t gimme that bullshit.
Wasn’t listening..X

Chapter 11 – Nibelheim

Dialogue OptionsResults
This isn’t my hometown.
I never liked that place either.
Yeah. Does kinda make you feel like shit.X

Complete Side Quests with Red XIII

Completing relationship-boosting side jobs like “Of Robed Men and Ransoms” and “Where the Wind Blows” improves affection between Red XIII and Cloud.

Side QuestRewards
O Chicken, Where Art Thou– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Lucky Amulet
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP
From Whence Life Flows– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Fortunes Untold Vol. IV. (10 SP for Cait Sith)
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP
Livestock’s Bane– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Owl Bracer
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP
Promises to Keep– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Mythical Amulet
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP
Of Robed Men and Ransoms– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Tale of the Red Warrior Vol. II (+10 SP for Red XIII)
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP
The Hardest Sell– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Merc Cap (Chocobo Gear)
– Merc Overalls (Chocobo Gear)
– Merc Legwraps (Chocobo Gear)
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP
Where the Wind Blows– Relationship up with Red XIII
– Whistlewind Scarf
– Party EXP +10
– Player EXP

Use Synergy Skills with Red XIII

FF7 Rebirth Red XIII Synergy Skill
Using synergy skill with Red XIII
Synergy SkillDescription
Howling Smash– Character: Cloud and Barret
 Skill Type: Ranged Magic
– Collaborate with your teammate to execute a series of three ranged magic attacks. This skill can be performed even while mid-air.

Using cooperative abilities like Howling Smash for the first time in battle also raises Red XIII’s fondness a bit.

Gold Saucer Date with Red XIII

FF7 Rebirth Red XIII Gold Saucer Date
Red XIII Gold Saucer date

Red XIII can join Cloud on a date during Chapter 12 if he has the highest relationship level. Go for maximum affection to see his intimate finale.

Check out other Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth romance guides here:

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.