All Weapons in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn

Shida |  Published: July 20, 2024

In this article, you will discover all weapons in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn, where, and how to find them.

Flintlock The Siege of Dawn offers players a diverse arsenal of weapons to tackle the undead hordes. From melee weapons to firearms this guide covers all the tools at your disposal in this action-packed RPG. Whether you prefer to slash through enemies up close or rain down destruction from afar there’s a weapon for every playstyle.

All Weapons in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn

Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Weapons
A44 Games

In Flintlock, the available weapons are divided into three options: Melee weapons, primary weapons, and secondary weapons. We will break them down below:

Melee Weapons in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn

Melee combat forms the backbone of Flintlock’s combat system. Players start with a basic axe but can acquire more powerful options as they progress:

Melee WeaponDescriptionHow to Get
Nor’s Axe
Nor’s Axe
Starting axe with 4-hit comboStarting weapon
Harbinger's Axe
Harbinger’s Axe
Applies burn damagePilgrim’s Bend storehouse
Herald's Blade
Herald’s Blade
Quick sword scaling with reputationDefeat Stone Herald boss
Irregular's Axe
Irregular’s Axe
Damage increases at low healthPilgrim’s Overlook
Judge's Hammer
Judge’s Hammer
Effective when used battling armored foesReward for “A Shot in the Dark” quest
Sunderer’s Hammer
Sunderer’s Hammer
Builds Prime on hitsDefeat Sealed Lord in Wanderer’s Rest

The Harbinger’s Axe stands out for its ability to set enemies ablaze while the Judge’s Hammer excels at breaking through tough armor. Experiment with different weapons to find the perfect fit for your combat style.

Primary Weapons in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn

No monster-slaying adventure would be complete without some firepower. Flintlock offers a range of pistols to complement your melee skills:

Primary WeaponDescriptionHow to Get
Baz’s Blunderbuss
Baz’s Blunderbuss
Wide spread, crowd controlReward for Baz’s “Lost to Battle” quest
Marauder’s Pistol
Marauder’s Pistol
High damage, slow fire rateMile’s End Barricade
Nor’s Pistol
Nor’s Pistol
Quick and precise starterStarting weapon
Skirmisher’s Pistol
Skirmisher’s Pistol
Triple-barreled, fast firingReward for “When Duty Calls” quest
Sunderer’s Pistol
Sunderer’s Flintlock
Delayed detonation, builds PrimeEnlightened Peak

The Marauder’s Pistol packs a punch for single-target damage while Baz’s Blunderbuss excels at clearing groups of weaker enemies. The Skirmisher’s Pistol offers a balance of speed and sustained fire for those who prefer to keep enemies at bay.

Secondary Weapons in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn

For when you need some extra firepower, Flintlock provides an array of secondary weapons with unique properties:

Secondary WeaponDescriptionHow to Get
Fire Cannon
Fire Cannon
Explosive incendiary roundsBreakwater Cliffs
Continuous flame streamReward for Luca’s “In Safe Hands” quest
Hand Mortar
Hand Mortar
Lobbed explosiveSulfur Mine
Marksman’s Musket
Marksman’s Musket
Long-range sniperGiven by Baz in Pilgrim’s Bend
Ricochet Cannon
Ricochet Cannon
Bouncing projectilesBlack Powder Factory
Wildfire Mortar
Wildfire Mortar
Area-of-effect fire damageReward for “No Rest for the Wicked” quest

The Marksman’s Musket allows for precise long-range attacks while the Hand Mortar and Wildfire Mortar excel at area damage. The Firespitter stands out as a unique option for constant close-range fire damage.

How to Get Weapons in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn

How to Get Weapons in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn
A44 Games

While some weapons can be found in chests or specific locations throughout the world many are rewards for completing side quests. As you progress through the game, additional quests will become available.

Exploring thoroughly and taking on optional missions will ensure you have access to the widest variety of weapons. Don’t be afraid to backtrack to previously visited areas as new quests may appear as the story progresses.

With such a diverse arsenal at your disposal it’s important to consider your playstyle and the challenges ahead when selecting weapons. Experiment with different combinations to find synergies between your melee weapon primary firearm and secondary weapon!


  • How many weapon types are there in Flintlock The Siege of Dawn?
    • There are three main weapon types: melee weapons, primary weapons, and secondary weapons.
  • Where can I find new weapons in the game?
    • Weapons can be found in chests specific locations and as rewards for completing side quests.
  • Can I change my weapons during gameplay?
  • Yes you can swap weapons at Founded Campsites throughout the game world.

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.