Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Skill Tier List: All Skills Ranked

Shida |  Published: July 21, 2024

This comprehensive and detailed Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Skill tier list will show you all the skills ranked from the best to the worst.

Flintlock The Siege of Dawn offers players a vast array of skills to enhance their combat prowess and survival abilities. With so many options available it can be challenging to determine which skills are worth investing in. This comprehensive tier list breaks down the most impactful abilities to help players prioritize their skill choices and create the most effective builds.

Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Skill Tier List

This Flintlock The Siege of Dawn Skill tier list ranks all the skills available based on several key factors, like their effectiveness and abilities within the game.

It helps players understand which skills are the most powerful or useful, allowing them to make informed decisions about which skills to prioritize and invest in. Scroll down to find out our complete tier list!

S-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn

S-Tier Skills Flintlock the Siege of Dawn
A44 Games

The following skills represent the absolute best Flintlock The Siege of Dawn has to offer:

Skill NameDescriptionPros and Cons
Counter ShotEnhances firearm ripostes after successful parriesPros:
– Increases riposte damage.
– Synergizes well with Poised Shot.

– Requires precise timing.
Poised ShotAllows parrying of normally unparryable attacks with firearmsPros:
– Drastically increases defensive options.
– Opens up new counterattack opportunities.

– Only useful after successful parries.
Shadow PartnerIncreases curse buildup when attacking in sync with EnkiPros:
– Enhances crowd control.
– Synergizes well with curse-focused builds.

– Requires coordination with Enki’s attacks.

These S-tier skills fundamentally change the way combat plays out. Poised Shot and Counter Shot together allow for devastating counterattacks against a wide variety of enemy moves.

A-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn

A-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn
A44 Games

While not quite as game-changing as S-tier options A-tier skills still provide substantial benefits:

Skill NameDescriptionPros and Cons
Armored PoiseGrants additional armor set bonusesPros:
– Allows for more diverse armor combinations.
– Increases overall defensive capabilities.

– Requires specific armor pieces to maximize effectiveness.
Curse SiphonHeals Nor based on curse levels when attacking with EnkiPros:
– Provides valuable sustain in combat.

– Less effective against low-curse targets.
MomentumIncreases attack speed and damage for well-timed follow-up strikesPros:
– Significant damage boost when chained properly.
– Improves overall combat flow.

– Requires practice to master timing.
Shadow Partner Increases curse buildup when attacking in sync with EnkiPros:
– Enhances crowd control potential.
– Synergizes well with curse-focused builds.

– Requires coordination with Enki’s attacks.
Taunt Makes Enki draw enemy aggroPros:
– Excellent crowd control tool.
– Creates openings for safe attacks.

– Can make enemy positioning less predictable
Withering CutsBuilds Enki’s Withering Gauge with melee attacksPros:
– Speeds up access to powerful Withering abilities.
– Encourages aggressive melee combat.

– Less useful for ranged-focused playstyles.

These A-tier skills offer powerful benefits that while not quite as universally game-changing as S-tier options can still drastically improve combat effectiveness when used properly.

B-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn

B-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn
A44 Games

B-tier skills are solid choices that can excel in certain situations or builds in Flintlock:

Skill NameDescriptionPros and Cons
Charged Attack Enhances power of charged melee strikesPros:
– High single-target damage potential.
– Effective against tough enemies.

– Leaves player vulnerable during charge-up.
Curse ChainAllows Enki to curse multiple nearby targetsPros:
– Improves crowd control efficiency.
– Useful against groups of enemies.

– Less effective against spread-out enemies.
Dodge AttackAllows attacks during dodge rollsPros:
– Increases offensive options while evading.
– Improves overall combat fluidity.

– Can be risky if not timed properly.
RestrainMakes Enki automatically attack nearby enemiesPros:
– Passive crowd control.
– Frees up player actions for other tasks.

– Less precise than manual Enki control.
Sapper’s Punch Adds an explosive punch attackPros:
– Provides area-of-effect damage option.
– Useful for breaking enemy guards.

– Limited range
UnleashingEnhances Enki’s attacks after building up a charge Pros:
– Provides burst damage potential.

– Requires setup time to maximize effectiveness.

These B-tier skills while not as universally applicable as higher tiers can still be very effective when used in the right situations or as part of specific build strategies.

C-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn

C-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn
A44 Games

C-tier skills have their uses but are often more situational:

Skill NameDescriptionPros and Cons
Curse ShotApplies curse with ranged attacksPros:
– Improves ranged curse application.
– Synergizes well with other curse-focused skills.

– Less impactful than melee curse application.
DeflectionReflects projectiles with well-timed blocksPros:
– Provides defense against ranged attacks.
– Can turn enemy projectiles against them.

– Requires precise timing.
Destructive Descent Adds a ground slam attack after air dodgesPros:
– Provides area-of-effect damage option.
– Useful for breaking enemy guards.

– Situational usefulness.
Knockdown Enhances Enki’s ability to knock down enemiePros:
– Improves crowd control options.
– Creates openings for follow-up attacks.

– Less effective against larger enemies.
Powder HandlingImproves firearm reload speedPros:
– Increases overall DPS with firearms.
– Useful for gun-focused builds.

– Less impactful for melee-oriented playstyles.
Rend SpiritAllows Enki to levitate and immobilize targetPros:
– Powerful crowd control option.
– Creates vulnerable targets for follow-up attacks.

– Drains Enki’s charges quickly.
Shadow Charge Allows dodging through enemies to apply cursePros:
– Improves mobility options.
– Adds utility to dodges.

– Can put player in risky positions.
Shadow SlamEnhances Enki’s ground slam attackPros:
– Improves area-of-effect damage potential.
– Useful for breaking enemy guards.

– Limited use cases.
Shadow StrikeMakes Enki attack after perfect dodgesPros:
– Rewards skillful evasion.
– Adds damage to defensive actions.

– Requires precise dodge timing.

These C-tier skills while not as universally useful as higher tiers can still find their place in certain builds or situations.

D-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn

D-Tier Skills in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn
A44 Games

D-tier skills are the least impactful but may still have niche uses:

Skill NameDescriptionPros and Cons
Arcane CleaveEnhances power of certain melee attacks.Pros:
– Increases damage potential for specific moves.

– Limited capability.
Charged ShotEnhances power of charged firearm attacksPros:
– Increases single-target damage potential.

– Leaves player vulnerable during charge-up.
Chain of MisfortuneIncreases curse spread between enemies. Pros:
– Improves curse efficiency against groups.
– Synergizes with other curse-focused skills.

– Less effective against spread-out or single targets.
Chaos VortexCreates a damaging vortex after certain attacksPros:
– Provides some area-of-effect damage.
– Can help control space in combat.

– Low damage output compared to other options
Explosives Expert Improves effectiveness of explosive weaponsPros:
– Enhances a specific weapon type.
– Can be powerful in the right build.

– Very limited applicability.
Extra ShotIncreases ammo capacity for all firearmsPros:
– Allows for more shots before reloading.

– Doesn’t directly improve combat effectiveness
Hearty FortitudeIncreases healing received from flasksPros:
– Useful for less skilled players.

– Less impactful than other defensive options.
Improved ReloadIncreases perfect reload window for long arms. Pros:
– Useful for less skilled players.

– Minimal impact for experienced players.
Piercing ShotAllows bullets to penetrate multiple targetsPros:
– Improves crowd control with firearms.

– Situational usefulness.
Rending Strike Improves armor-breaking capabilities of attacks. Pros:Pros:
– Useful against heavily armored enemies.

– Situational usefulness.
Shadow SelfAllows Enki to revive Nor once per restPros:
– Provides a second chance in tough fights.

– Limited use and high skill cost.

While these D-tier skills may not be as impactful as higher-tier options they can still find their place in certain niche builds or playstyles.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each skill helps players make informed decisions about allocating skill points in Flintlock the Siege of Dawn. Experimenting with combinations will also help find the ideal skill loadout for the game’s combat. Good luck!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.