In this detailed article, you will find out all champions in TFT Set 12 Magic n’ Mayhem, including their traits and abilities.
Teamfight Tactics Set 12 Magic n’ Mayhem brings a whimsical and chaotic twist to the auto-battler genre. With a roster of 60 champions spread across various costs and traits, this set promises exciting new strategies and team compositions.
This comprehensive guide breaks down every champion available in Set 12 providing valuable insights into their traits and abilities:
The one-cost pool in Set 12 has been expanded to 14 champions offering players more options for early-game strategies and reroll compositions. These champions form the backbone of many team comps and can be powerful when upgraded to three stars.
Champion | Traits | Ability Summary |
Ashe | Eldritch, Multistriker | Fires additional missiles dealing physical damage |
Blitzcrank | Honeymancy, Vanguard | Gains a shield and deals split magic damage |
Elise | Eldritch, Shapeshifter | Stuns target and heals in spider form |
Jax | Chrono, Multistriker | Deals AoE magic damage and gains defenses |
Jayce | Portal, Shapeshifter | Transforms gaining defenses and leaps to target |
Lillia | Bastion, Faerie | Heals and deals damage to enemies |
Nomsy | Dragon, Hunter | Fires a damaging cone that expands with Dragon trait |
Poppy | Bastion, Witchcraft | Gains a shield and deals bonus physical damage |
Seraphine | Faerie, Mage | Fires a damaging soundwave in a line |
Soraka | Mage, Sugarcraft | Deals AoE magic damage and heals allies |
Twitch | Frost, Hunter | Fires a piercing ice shard that applies Sunder |
Warwick | Frost, Vanguard | Gains attack speed and deals bonus damage |
Ziggs | Honeymancy, Incantor | Throws a bouncing explosive bee |
Zoe | Portal, Scholar, Witchcraft | Fires an orb that reduces magic resistance |
The two-cost tier features 13 champions with diverse abilities and trait combinations. These units often serve as powerful carries in the mid-game or as utility pieces in late-game compositions.
Champion | Traits | Ability Summary |
Ahri | Arcana, Scholar | Fires a damaging orb that returns |
Akali | Multistriker, Pyro, Warrior | Dashes and strikes with kunai |
Cassiopeia | Incantor, Witchcraft | Empowers attacks with magic damage |
Galio | Mage, Portal, Vanguard | Creates a damage-reducing barrier and fires magic bolts |
Kassadin | Multistriker, Portal | Gains a shield and empowers attacks |
Kog’Maw | Honeymancy, Hunter | Launches honey that buffs allies |
Nilah | Eldritch, Warrior | Gains attack speed with shields and repositions |
Nunu | Bastion, Honeymancy | Bites target and applies Chill |
Rumble | Blaster, Sugarcraft, Vanguard | Gains damage reduction and fires a damaging cone |
Shyvana | Dragon, Shapeshifter | Transforms and deals AoE damage |
Syndra | Eldritch, Incantor | Conjures damaging spheres that Shred |
Tristana | Blaster, Faerie | Fires a knockback cannonball |
Zilean | Chrono, Frost, Preserver | Places an exploding bomb on target |
The three-cost tier contains 13 champions that often serve as primary or secondary carries in mid to late-game compositions. These units typically have more complex abilities and synergies.
Champion | Traits | Ability Summary |
Bard | Preserver, Scholar, Sugarcraft | Fires bouncing missiles that increase damage taken |
Ezreal | Blaster, Portal | Dashes and fires a damaging blast |
Hecarim | Arcana, Bastion, Multistriker | Charges on takedown and cleaves enemies |
Hwei | Blaster, Frost | Paints lightning bolts that strike enemies |
Jinx | Hunter, Sugarcraft | Gains attack speed and deals bonus true damage |
Katarina | Faerie, Warrior | Blinks and deals AoE damage repeatedly |
Mordekaiser | Eldritch, Vanguard | Gains a shield and slams enemies gaining AP |
Neeko | Shapeshifter, Witchcraft | Transforms healing self and damaging enemies |
Shen | Bastion, Pyro | Gains damage reduction and knocks up enemies |
Swain | Frost, Shapeshifter | Transforms gaining health and fires lightning |
Veigar | Honeymancy, Mage | Gains AP from items and deals single target damage |
Vex | Chrono, Mage | Gains a shield and deals AoE damage |
Wukong | Druid | Gains defenses and spins dealing damage |
The 12 four-cost champions are often the cornerstone of late-game compositions providing powerful abilities and important trait synergies.
Champion | Traits | Ability Summary |
Fiora | Warrior, Witchcraft | Leaps and sweeps through enemies |
Gwen | Sugarcraft, Warrior | Dashes and snips enemies in a cone |
Kalista | Faerie, Multistriker | Embeds and activates spears for damage |
Karma | Chrono, Incantor | Attaches damaging rifts that can explode |
Nami | Eldritch, Mage | Fires bubbles and summons Leviathan |
Nasus | Pyro, Shapeshifter | Steals health and reduces mana |
Olaf | Frost, Hunter | Leaps to targets and gains combat buffs |
Rakan | Faerie, Preserver | Gains a shield and fires feathers |
Ryze | Portal, Scholar | Opens portals firing multiple bolts |
TahmKench | Arcana, Vanguard | Dives and resurfaces knocking up enemies |
Taric | Bastion, Portal | Redirects projectiles and releases a nova |
Varus | Blaster, Pyro | Fires a supernova that explodes |
The eight five-cost champions represent the most powerful units in TFT Set 12 Magic n’ Mayhem, often defining late-game strategies and serving as primary carries.
Champion | Traits | Ability Summary |
Briar | Eldritch, Ravenous, Shapeshifter | Leaps dealing AoE damage and gains combat buffs |
Camille | Chrono, Multistriker | Targets low health enemies and creates zones |
Diana | Bastion, Frost | Dashes dealing damage and healing allies |
Milio | Faerie, Scholar | Grants items and buffs while damaging enemies |
Morgana | Bat Queen, Preserver, Witchcraft | Gains a shield and summons damaging bats |
Norra & Yuumi | Explorer, Mage, Portal | Launches exploding balls creating damage zones |
Smolder | Blaster, Dragon | Flies around gaining massive attack speed |
Xerath | Arcana, Ascendant | Launches multiple Arcane blasts at enemies |
When building a team, it’s crucial to consider both the strength of individual champions and how their traits work together. Traits give powerful bonuses when enough champions with the same trait are fielded.
The strength of champions and traits can change due to balance patches and player discoveries. To succeed in TFT, stay informed about the current meta and be ready to adapt your strategies.
However, don’t be afraid to experiment with off-meta compositions. Unexpected synergies can sometimes lead to powerful strategies that catch opponents off guard.