All Classes List in Visions of Mana

Shida |  Published: August 29, 2024

Visions of Mana introduces a diverse array of classes that players can explore and master. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of all 45 classes available in the game, their elemental affinities, and the characters who can wield them.

All Classes List in Visions of Mana

Elemental Vessels
Square Enix

In Visions of Mana, the class system works with the Elemental Plot mechanic. Each character begins with a base class and can unlock more classes by getting and using Elemental Vessels.

These vessels are earned as you progress through the story, letting you expand your tactical choices over time. Below are tables detailing all 45 classes organized by their elemental affiliation:

Base Classes

Base Classes Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
ValGuardSmall SwordPhoenix Fervor
JuleiCustodianWandBlossom Blast
PalamenaMonarchFlailIcy Impact
MorleyRangerKatanaRending Brand

Dark Element Classes

Dark Classes in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
PalamenaReaperSickleMass Mortality
MorleySoothslayerCaneAmbitious Gambit
JuleiNecromancerUmbrellaWilting Gloom
CareenaMaverickGlovesFatal Struggle
ValBerserkerGreat SwordRaven Shriek

Fire Element Classes

Fire Class in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
JuleiGatekeeperHammerCrimson Impact
MorleyRogueKatanaPiercing Passion
PalamenaMasquerBootsFiery Firmament
CareenaDivine FistGlovesCrimson Crash
ValLiegeLanceHorus Inferno

Earth Element Classes

Earth Class in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
PalamenaMagusFlailTerra Firma
MorleyNinja MasterKnifeExtermination
JuleiHunterHammerCrushing Meteor
CareenaWarrior MonkGlovesCrushing Quake
ValWeapon MasterSmall SwordCerberus Strike

Light Element Classes

Light Class in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
MorleySovereignCaneSolar Shuffle
JuleiHigh ClericHammerSeeded Flash
CareenaStarlancerSpearLuminous Thrust
ValPaladinLanceUnicorn Charge
PalamenaArchmageSickleDawn’s Divide

Moon Element Classes

Moon Class in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
MorleyNightbladeKnifeSunset Gleam
CareenaMoon ChartererFanMoonlit Frolic
ValAegisLanceGarmr Ray
JuleiOccultistWandFlorid Moonlight
PalamenaMajestyBootsMoon March

Water Element Classes

Water Class Strikes in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
PalamenaGrand DivinerSickleWater Waltz
JuleiScholarWandLotus Scourge
CareenaDragon MasterSpearOphidian Geyser
MorleyAsceticCaneOcean Breaker
ValDuelistGreat SwordSerpent Srarge

Wind Element Classes

Wind Class in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
PalamenaRune SeerBootsPapillon Pirouette
ValRune KnightGreat SwordGaruda Tempest
JuleiPiperUmbrellaScatter Cyclone
CareenaDancerFanZephyr Spin
MorleyNomadKnifeGale Slice

Wood Element Classes

Wood Class in Visions of Mana
Square Enix
CharacterClassWeaponClass Strike
ValEdelfreiSmall SwordQuetzalcoatl Reave
JuleiSageUmbrellaRain Carnation
PalamenaBeastleaderFlailThistle Thrash
CareenaConjurerFanDappled Dance
MorleySamuraiKatanaFormless Slash

How to Unlock and Switch Classes

To unlock a new class in Visions of Mana, here is what you need to do:

  1. Obtain the corresponding Elemental Vessel through main quest progression.
  2. Equip the vessel to the desired character.

Switching classes is a flexible process too in the game. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the Elemental Vessel menu at any time.
  2. Swap out the equipped Elemental Vessel to change class.
  3. If no vessel is equipped, the character reverts to their base class.

With 45 classes across five characters and eight elements, you have many options for building your team in Visions of Mana. Try different setups to find what works best for your style and the challenges you face. Good luck with your class hunting, and may the Mana Tree guide you!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.