All Remnant 2 Weapons and How to Get Them

Kyuma |  Published: April 16, 2024

Discover all weapons in Remnant 2 and how to obtain them in the game.

Remnant 2 offers a vast array of weapons for players to master. From devastating long guns to agile handguns and powerful melee weapons, each type brings its own unique playstyle to the game.

In this guide, we’ll explore all the weapons available in Remnant 2.

Every Remnant 2 Weapon and How to Get Them

All Melee Weapons in Remnant 2 (Regular and Special)

All Melee Weapons in Remnant 2 (Regular and Special)
Image Credits: GameWitted
NameTypeHow to Obtain
Assassin’s Dagger
SpecialDeliver the Assassin Dagger from One True King’s chambers to Nimue
Atom Smasher
Atom Smasher
SpecialDiscover it in N’erud within the final train wagon following The Train Event in Terminus Station
Atom Splitter
Atom Splitter
SpecialLocate it in the Vault of the Formless
Blade of Adventure
Blade of Adventure
RegularUnlocked after completing the game at least once
Blade of Gul
Blade of Gul
RegularForge it at the Bloodmoon Altar with Blood Moon Essence
Bone Chopper
Bone Chopper
RegularDiscovered in a room accessed via small lifts post-The Feast Event
SpecialObtained by offering the Nightweaver Stone Doll to the Nighweaver’s Web
Edge of the Forest
Edge of the Forest
RegularSpotted in Imperial Gardens close to the world stone checkpoint
Feral Judgement
Feral Judgement
SpecialForged at McCabe’s using Ravager’s Maw, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Gas Giant
Gas Giant
SpecialAcquired from Tal Ratha in N’erud by allowing it to consume you
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s Store with a Melded Hilt
Hero's Sword
Hero’s Sword
SpecialDefault Melee Weapon for the Explorer archetype
Huntress Spear
Huntress Spear
SpecialCraftable by McCabe upon defeating The Huntress and acquiring the Venerated Spearhead
Iron Greatsword
Iron Greatsword
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Knuckle Dusters
Knuckle Dusters
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Krell Axe
Krell Axe
Labyrinth Staff
Labyrinth Staff
RegularDiscovered within The Labyrinth
SpecialCrafted by McCabe after vanquishing The Nightweaver and securing her alternate drop (Nightweaver’s Finger)
Ornate Blade
Ornate Blade
RegularRewarded for accusing the correct conspirator in Losomn’s The Fae Council Event
Ornate Flail
Ornate Flail
RegularLocated in Losomn’s Council Chamber via the hidden route in The Executioner Event
Rebellion Spear
Rebellion Spear
RegularDefault equipment for the Summoner Archetype
Red Doe Staff
Red Doe Staff
SpecialForged at McCabe’s using Doe’s Antler, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Ritualist Scythe
Ritualist Scythe
SpecialAcquired by uniting the Scythe Blade and Scythe Hilt discovered in The Forgotten Commune
Royal Broadsword
Royal Broadsword
RegularSpotted in Yaesha’s The Red Throne area
Rusted Claws
Rusted Claws
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Scrap Hammer
Scrap Hammer
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Scrap Hatchet
Scrap Hatchet
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Scrap Staff
Scrap Staff
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Spectral Blade
Spectral Blade
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s Store using an Eidolon Shard
Steel Flail
Steel Flail
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Steel Katana
Steel Katana
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13 or discovered in Root Earth’s Ashen Wasteland
Steel Scythe
Steel Scythe
RegularPurchasable from Brabus
Steel Spear
Steel Spear
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
Steel Sword
Steel Sword
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s Store using a Hollow Heart, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Vice Grips
Vice Grips
RegularBought from N’erud’s Drzyr Replicator in exchange for Lumenite Crystal, Galvanized Iron, and Scrap
SpecialForged at McCabe’s using Tormentor’s Pommel, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
All Melee Weapons in Remnant 2 (Regular and Special)

All Long Guns in Remnant 2 (Regular and Special)

All Long Guns in Remnant 2 (Regular and Special)
NameTypeHow to Obtain
AS-10 Bulldog
AS-10 Bulldog
RegularDefault weapon for the Challenger Class or purchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
Blackmaw AR-47
RegularDefault weapon for the Handler Class or purchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
Chicago Typewriter
Chicago Typewriter
RegularDiscovered in Ward 13, requires Biome Portal Key and portal platform in The Labyrinth
Coach Gun
Coach Gun
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
RegularDefault weapon for the Summoner Archetype
Ford’s Scattergun
RegularDefault Long Gun for the Explorer
Huntmaster M1
Huntmaster M1
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13 or default Long Gun for the Hunter archetype
Pulse Rifle
Pulse Rifle
RegularObtained after using the Decorum Cipher to access the locked door in Abyssal Rift
Royal Hunting Bow
Royal Hunting Bow
RegularRewarded for completing the Postulant Event in Losomn
Rusty Lever Action
Rusty Lever Action
RegularAutomatically equipped when creating your first character
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
Wrangler 1860
Wrangler 1860
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
XMG57 Bonesaw
XMG57 Bonesaw
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Forgotten Memory, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Void Cinder, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Crescent Moon
Crescent Moon
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Anamy’s Echo, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Imposter’s Heart, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Crimson Membrane, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Cursed Dream Silks, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Plasma Cutter
Plasma Cutter
SpecialFound in the Navigation Room in N’erud by donning the Navigator’s Helm
SpecialDiscovered in Yaesha’s Cathedral of Omen by solving the lever puzzle
Twisted Arbalest
Twisted Arbalest
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Twisted Lazurite, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
SpecialLocated in Root Earth’s Ashen Wasteland
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Hex Wreath, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Sparkfire Shotgun
Sparkfire Shotgun
RegularCrafted at Rigs Store using Iron and Scrap
All Long Guns in Remnant 2 (Regular and Special)

All Remnant 2 Hand Guns (Regular and Special)

All Remnant 2 Hand Guns (Regular and Special)
Image Credits: Steam
NameTypeHow to Obtain
Bolt Driver
Bolt Driver
RegularObtained by playing the secret song on the Water Harp in Yaesha: 1, 4, 0, 2, 5, 0, 3, 0
Double Barrel
Double Barrel
RegularDiscovered inside a safe in the Asylum within Losomn (Code: 2971)
RegularFound in Ward 13 by opening the locked chest in Ford’s room using a 4-digit code from the Flashlight, then using the Cargo Control Key in the dock area
Repeater Pistol
Repeater Pistol
RegularPurchasable from Brabus in Ward 13 or default Hand Gun for the Hunter Archetype
Rupture Canon
Rupture Canon
RegularDiscovered in N’Erud’s Vault of the Formless
Service Pistol
Service Pistol
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
Silverback Model 500
Silverback Model 500
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
Tech 22
Tech 22
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
Western Classic
Western Classic
RegularPurchasable from Brabus at Ward 13
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Cipher Rod, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
SpecialDiscovered during the Flooded Sewer event
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s using Spiced Bile, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
Rune Pistol
Rune Pistol
SpecialCrafted at Nimue’s using a Decrepit Rune
SpecialObtained in Yaesha by trading the Tear of Kaeula at Meidre
Star Shot
Star Shot
SpecialRewarded for completing the Supply Ship Event in N’Erud
SpecialCrafted at McCabe’s Store using an Occult Vessel, Lumenite Crystal, and Scrap
All Remnant 2 Hand Guns (Regular and Special)

With this extensive guide to Remnant 2’s weapons, you now have the necessary knowledge to create the perfect loadout for your playstyle. Whether you prefer the raw power of a long gun, the precision of a handgun, or the visceral thrill of melee combat, there’s a weapon for every occasion.

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