Discover the diverse roster of Squad Busters characters, from common to epic, and learn how to maximize their unique abilities in this guide.
Squad Busters features various characters, each with their own distinct abilities and playstyles. This guide will provide an overview of all Squad Busters characters, categorized by Common, Rare, and Epic.
By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each character, players can build powerful squads and dominate the battlefield.
All Characters in Squad Busters
Image Credits: SuperCell
Here is a list of all the characters in Squad Busters:
Common Characters: Barbarian, Goblin, Greg, Colt, El Primo, Shelly, Chicken, Bo, Mavis, Heavy, Trader
Rare Characters: Medic, Dynamike, Hog Rider, Wizard, Pam, Penny, Tank, Nita, Bea
Epic Characters: Witch, Barbarian King, Royale King, Mortis, Battle Healer, Max, Archer Queen
All Common Characters in Squad Busters
Description Baby Melee fighter with good damage Classic Becomes Elite after bashing lots of baddies Super Goes Elite instantly when with another Barbarian Ultra Becomes Enraged after busting a foe
Description Baby Gives 5 Coins Classic Increases Coins given to 7 Super Fusion Goblin gives a secret stash of 15 Coins Ultra Increases Coins given to 10
Description Baby Chops Trees for loot Classic Chops Trees twice as fast Super Trees drop more loot Ultra Trees drop a Heart
Description Baby Ranged fighter with high damage Classic Bust 4 foes to fire Bullet Storm Super Bullet Storm deals much more damage Ultra Bullet Storm charges when attacking Monsters
El Primo
Description Baby Defender with tons of Health Classic Bust 5 foes to do a Flying Elbow Drop Super Flying Elbow Drop deals more damage Ultra Heals a lot after Flying Elbow Drop
El Primo
Description Baby Bust 5 foes to fire Super Shell Classic Heals a large amount of health after Super Shell Super Shoots a second barrel with her normal attack Ultra Shoots bigger Super Shells
Description Baby Gives 2 Turbo Boots Classic Spawns up to 3 Hatchlings over time Super Increases Turbo Boots given to 3 Ultra Spawns Hatchlings much faster while using Turbo
Description Baby Deals 100% more damage to Monsters Classic Deals 125% more damage to Monsters Super Occasionally drops a Mine when stopping Ultra Mine deals much more damages to Monsters
Description Baby Can pick Carrots for Coins Classic Get bonus Coins for fully picking a Carrot patch Super Carrots picked heal the Squad Ultra Get more bonus loot from Carrot patches
Description Baby Shoots faster when staying in place Classic Heals when shooting faster Super Increases max shooting speed Ultra Heals more when shooting faster
Description Baby Gives 2 Gems for every 15 Coins collected Classic Heals the Squad slightly when giving Gems Super Increases Gems given to 3 Ultra Heals much more when giving Gems
All Rare Characters in Squad Busters
Description Baby Heals the Squad slowly over time Classic Throws strong Heal Packs when idle Super Passive heal gets stronger and faster Ultra Throws Heal Packs much faster
Description Baby Tosses big explosives Classic Throws a second stick of dynamite Super Dynamite gets a larger blast Ultra Tosses more powerful dynamite
Hog Rider
Description Baby Grass gives a burst of Turbo Classic Turbo lasts longer Super Turbo recharges faster Ultra Turbo increases movement speed even more
Hog Rider
Description Baby Gives a random Spell Classic Lets you hold 2 Spells at once Super Adds a chance for monsters to drop a Spell Ultra Bosses always drop a Spell
Description Baby Builds a Heal Station after opening a Chest Classic Heal Station emits a Heal Surge when destroyed Super Gives a Heal Station Spell Ultra Heal Station has more powerful healing
Description Baby Discovers a hidden treasure Classic Treasure sometimes has a key Super Treasure has some hearts Ultra Treasure has much more loot
Description Baby Takes control of Tanks found in Maps Classic Tanks Overdrive their attack speed occasionally Super Tanks start with Overdrive Ultra Tanks repair during Overdrive
Description Baby Summons a tough Bear to defend the Squad Classic After a while, resummons her Bear, if busted Super Bear gets enraged after the Squad busts a foe Ultra Resummons her Bear twice as fast
Description Baby Picks up Hives to get a circle of Bees Classic Hives give 1 extra Bee Super Bees last for much longer Ultra Bees circle much faster
All Epic Characters in Squad Busters
Description Baby Summons Skeletons repeatedly Classic Summons more Skeletons Super Gives a Skeleton Barrel Spell Ultra Skeletons get stronger bones and a sharp dagger
Barbarian King
Description Baby Your melee units attack faster Classic Occasionally pummels enemies with his Iron Fist Super Recovers health steadily when not attacking Ultra Gives a Super Rage Spell
Barbarian King
Royale King
Description Baby Deploys Royal Recruits after opening a Chest Classic Extra Kings in the Squad deploy extra Recruits Super Gives a Royal Delivery Spell containing an Elite Recruit Ultra Deploys Elite Royal Recruits
Royale King
Description Baby Revives up to 3 busted Monsters in the Squad Classic Revived Monsters turn into bats Super Allows reviving up to 4 busted Monsters Ultra Busted foes also spawn Bats
Battle Healer
Description Baby Boosts Squad health by 400 Classic Heals the Squad after opening a chest Super Increases Squad Health boost to 600 Ultra Heals much more after opening a Chest
Battle Healer
Description Baby Activates a Squad Speed Boost Classic Busting foes extends Speed Boost Super Speed Boost charges faster Ultra Speed Boost lasts much longer
Archer Queen
Description Baby Your ranged units attack faster Classic Occasionally fires exploding arrows Super Recovers health steadily when not attacking Ultra Gives an X-Bow Spell
Archer Queen