Best Viessa Build in The First Descendant

Suki |  Published: July 04, 2024

Discover the best Viessa build in The First Descendant with this detailed guide. We’ll explain everything you need to know!

Viessa is one of the most useful characters in The First Decendant. However, to play her effectively, you need to carefully select her attributes. This guide will walk you through the best strategies to create a powerful Viessa build that maximizes her potential in crowd control and debuffing enemies.

Best Viessa Build in The First Descendant

the first descendant best viessa build

Viessa is an ice-themed character who excels in debuffing enemies and providing crowd control for her team. Her primary role is to weaken enemies and support her allies, making her a valuable asset in team setups. However, playing Viessa solo can be more challenging due to her lower solo damage output.

Viessa’s gameplay revolves around building and releasing stacks of Ice Shackle. Use Frost Shards to build these stacks and then unleash them with Ice Wave for significant area damage. Her skills allow her to enhance her movement speed and shields, making her agile and defensive.

Viessa’s Skills

Viessa’s skills focus on building Ice Shackle stacks and dealing area damage:

Frost ShardsFires frost shards that deal area damage and inflict Ice Shackle.
Frost RoadIncreases movement speed and shields, creating ice sheets that inflict Ice Shackle.
SnapDeals chill damage and inflicts Ice Shackle.
BlizzardCreates a blizzard that deals continuous damage, debuffs defense, and inflicts Ice Shackle.
Ice Sphere (Passive)Creates an ice sphere that flies to nearby enemies, dealing area damage and inflicting Ice Shackle.
The First Descendant Viessa Skills

Best Modules for Viessa

the first descendant best viessa build

The best modules for Viessa enhance her skills and survivability:

  • Hypothermy: Replaces Ice Shackle with Ice Needle, dealing continuous damage.
  • Nimble Fingers: Reduces skill cooldowns.
  • Skill Extension: Improves skill durations.
  • Skill Expansion: Increases skill effect range.
  • Chill Specialist: Boosts chill skill power.
  • Non-Attribute Master: Boosts skill power, with an additional boost to non-attribute skill power.
  • Dual Claws: Adds dual claws attack during sub attack and increases module capacity.
  • Entropy Acceleration: Improves max MP and skill critical hit damage.
  • Energy Collection: Leeches MP from enemies.
  • MP Accelerant: Increases skill duration and max MP.
  • Skill Range Mastery: Increases skill critical hit damage and effect range.
  • HP Concentration: Increases max HP and skill critical hit rate.

Best Weapons for Viessa Build

clairvoyance the first descendant
Image Credits: GameWitted

The best weapons for a Viessa build focus on enhancing her chill status effects and skill power:

  • Clairvoyance (Beam Rifle): Triggers Frostbite, enhancing chill status effects.
  • Blue Beetle (Scout Rifle): Increases critical hit rate with fusion skills.
  • Secret Garden (Tactical Rifle): Boosts skill power and firearm attack with the Pest Control buff.

Best Reactor Stats for Viessa

For Viessa, the best reactor stats focus on enhancing fusion and chill damage. Choose reactors that boost skill power and status effects. Ensure your primary weapon fits the reactor’s optimal condition for maximum benefit.

External Component

The best external components for Viessa prioritize max shield strength. Look for components that increase:

  • Max Shields
  • Max HP
  • HP Recovery
  • DEF

How to Unlock Viessa

magister anais the first descendant
Image Credits: GameWitted

To unlock Viessa, choose her as your starting character, purchase her from the store, or research her. To craft Viessa, meet Anais and gather the following materials:

  • Viessa Enhanced Cells
    • Repton x422
    • Semiconstant Plasma x290
    • Fusion Plasma Battery x35
    • Viessa Enhanced Cell Blueprint
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Viessa Stabilizer
    • Compound Coating Material x239
    • Monomolecular Extractor x499
    • Common Carbon Activator x15
    • 200,000 Gold
  • Viessa Spiral Catalyst
    • Superfluid x571
    • Hardener x3867
    • Synthesized Artificial Biometal x88
    • Viessa Spiral Catalyst Blueprint x1
  • Viessa Code

These components are random drops and cannot be enhanced, serving as the finishing touches for your build.


Creating the best Viessa build in The First Descendant involves focusing on her strengths in crowd control and debuffing. Prioritize skills, modules, reactor stats, and weapons that enhance her ice-themed abilities and survivability.

With the right build, Viessa can be a powerful asset in any team setup, providing essential support and crowd control.

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