Cat Quest 3: All Lost and Found Item Locations Guide

ruekuma |  Published: August 14, 2024

Discover all Lost and Found item locations in Cat Quest 3. Find the Jug o’ Milk, Smithy Hammer, and Voodoo Doll to unlock the rewards!

Cat Quest 3 has some side quests for you to tackle and one of them is the Lost and Found quest. This quest takes you on a journey across the Purribean Sea to find three special items.

Each item belongs to a different character and comes with its own rewards. Let’s dive into all Lost and Found item locations in Cat Quest 3.

All Lost and Found Item Locations in Cat Quest 3

The “Lost and Found” quest involves finding three items:

  1. Mama Milka’s Jug o’ Milk
  2. Kidd Cat’s Smithy Hammer
  3. Mage Bonney’s Voodoo Doll

You don’t have to find these items in any specific order. But you’ll need to locate clues before you can grab the items. Here’s how to find each one:

Mama Milka’s Jug o’ Milk

Cat Quest 3 southeast of Pawt Purvanna
The Gentlebros

The Jug o’ Milk is the easiest item to find. Head to the large island southeast of Pawt Purvanna. Look for a canoe with a note at the southwest tip of the island. This note gives you directions to solve a puzzle.

Cat Quest 3 Purrier Beach
The Gentlebros

Follow Purrier Beach as the note says. You’ll see five starfish in a row on the sand. Between the fourth and fifth starfish, you’ll spot a “key” icon. Press the confirm button to get the Jug o’ Milk.

Cat Quest 3 Lost and Found Item - Jug o' Milk
The Gentlebros

Take the Jug o’ Milk back to Mama Milka at the tavern. She’ll ask you to take it to Cathulhu’s Rest next. But be careful! Cathulhu is a tough boss to beat if you haven’t upgraded your ship much.

Kidd Cat’s Smithy Hammer

Cat Quest 3 Twilight Isles
The Gentlebros

To find the Smithy Hammer go to the Twilight Isles. On the largest island look for a small coastline on the northern edge. You’ll find a note with the coordinates: “Latitude 6, Longitude 32”.

Cat Quest 3 Fort Beakon
The Gentlebros

Follow these directions to the northernmost Fort Beakon on the island. Look for a bush just left of the parrot. The Smithy Hammer is hiding there.

Cat Quest 3 Lost and Found Item - Smithy Hammer
The Gentlebros

After you get the hammer Kidd Cat will ask for a Dragon Bone. You’ll get this automatically during the main quest when you clear the Pi-rat King’s HQ on the Furggy Islands. It’s a high-level area so you might need to wait until later in the game.

Mage Bonney’s Voodoo Doll

Cat Quest 3 Sunset Islands
The Gentlebros

The Voodoo Doll is trickier to find. Go to the Sunset Islands in the northern part of the map. Look for a small island just north of where it says “SUNSET” on the map. You’ll find directions here.

Cat Quest 3 Lost and Found Item - Voodoo Doll
The Gentlebros

Follow these steps to find the Voodoo Doll:

  1. Sail near the Fire Pi-rat Hideout east of here.
  2. Then go northeast to the island at the east end of the main landmass.
  3. Check the red bush behind the North Star pointer sign.

Rewards for Finding Lost Items in Cat Quest 3

Cat Quest 3 Lost and Found Quest Rewards
The Gentlebros

Each item comes with its own reward when you return it:

  • Jug o’ Milk: Mama Milka gives you a Knight Shield melee weapon. It does good damage and blocks attacks.
  • Smithy Hammer: Kidd Cat rewards you with Knight Armor to boost your defense.
  • Voodoo Doll: Mage Bonney teaches you the Icepaw Spell. This spell freezes enemies in place.

But that’s not all! After returning the items each character gives you a new quest:

  • Mama Milka wants you to defeat Cathulhu.
  • Kidd Cat asks for the Dragon Bone.
  • Mage Bonney needs the Necropawmicon.

These follow-up quests lead to even better rewards. So make sure to complete them all!

The “Lost and Found” quest in Cat Quest 3 is a fun way to explore the world and get some cool items. It might take some time to find everything but it’s worth the effort. Happy hunting in the Purribean Sea!

Check out our other guides on Cat Quest 3 side quests:

The Heirloom | The Furlorn Fishercat


  • Where is the Jug o’ Milk in Cat Quest 3?
    • The Jug o’ Milk is found between the fourth and fifth starfish on Purrier Beach, southeast of Pawt Purvanna.
  • How do you get the Smithy Hammer in Cat Quest 3?
    • The Smithy Hammer is located in a bush left of the parrot at the northernmost Fort Beakon on the largest Twilight Isle.
  • What reward do you get for the Voodoo Doll in Cat Quest 3?
    • Returning the Voodoo Doll to Mage Bonney rewards you with the powerful Icepaw Spell.

About Author

Ti is a gaming writer who began her journey in the industry in 2022. She has covered a wide range of topics from popular titles like Fortnite and Once Human to indie gems, bringing a fresh perspective to the gaming scene. Before fully diving into game writing, Ti contributed to a media company for three years, starting in 2018, where she covered topics on books, movies, and entertainment. Although primarily focused on PC games, Ti also dabbles in mobile gaming and loves diving into RPG and survival genres. Beyond gaming, she has a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cinema, all of which shape her unique approach to writing.