Genshin Impact Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Guide

Shida |  Published: April 13, 2024

Here’s a comprehensive Genshin Impact Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Guide to help you navigate through the event and maximize your experience.

Genshin Impact‘s Version 4.5 introduces the delightful Feline Fortress Furrdyssey event, allowing players to interact with adorable cats by feeding them, decorating their homes, and playing with them. This time-limited event is a must-play for cat lovers and offers exciting rewards!

Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Guide

Genshin Impact Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event

The Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event consists of five stages, each featuring a different cat. Each stage has a Fluffy Feline Home requirement, where players must arrange furniture to create a comfortable environment for the cat.

During the Play Time phase, players can pet the cats to increase their Friendship Level. Each cat has specific spots they love, like, and dislike being petted. Petting the loved and liked spots is key to maximizing Friendship Levels. Upon reaching the Cherished friendship level, one of the disliked areas will turn into a liked spot.

The furniture sequence for each stage is provided in the guide. This guide also provides a detailed breakdown of each cat’s petting preferences. Check them out!

StageStage NameImage
1Snowball’s Warm Little DenStage 1 - Snowball's Warm Little Den
2Bunny’s Hopping HomeStage 2 - Bunny's Hopping Home
3Dustball’s Relaxing RoomStage 3 - Dustball's Relaxing Room
4Dopey’s Fantasy ParadiseStage 4 - Dopey's Fantasy Paradise
5Fantastic Felines’ Forbidding FortressStage 5 - Fantastic Felines' Forbidding Fortress

Stage 1 – Snowball’s Warm Little Den

Stage 1 - Snowball's Warm Little Den

Snowball is the cat featured on day 1 of Feline Fortress Furrdyssey. To unlock Snowball’s Fluffy Feline Home, you’ll need:

  • Snack Tray
  • Big Red Armchair
  • Gramophone Stand
  • Small Wide-Shelf

Snowball enjoys being petted on their paws, chin, and back, but avoid their ears and tail until you reach the maximum Cat Friendship Level. At the cherished level, Snowball particularly likes being petted on the right ear.

Stage 2 – Bunny’s Hopping Home

Stage 2 - Bunny's Hopping Home

Bunny is the featured cat for day 2 of Feline Fortress Furrdyssey. To unlock Bunny’s Fluffy Feline Home, you’ll need:

  • Small Cat Chair
  • Table with a Vase
  • Red Stool
  • Wide Bookshelf

Bunny enjoys being petted on their ears, nose, chest, and back but dislike pets on their paws and tail until they reach the maximum Cat Friendship Level. At the cherished level, Bunny particularly likes being petted on their tail.

Stage 3 – Dustball’s Relaxing Room

Stage 3 - Dustball's Relaxing Room

Dustball is the featured cat for Day 3 of Feline Fortress Furrdyssey. To unlock Dustball’s Fluffy Feline Home, you’ll need:

  • Tall Clock
  • Bookshelf with Typewriter
  • Green Stool
  • Dark Green Carpet
  • Multi-level Cat Tower

Dustball prefers to be pet on the nose, tail, chest, and paws but dislikes being touched on the stomach and ears. At the cherished level, Dustball particularly likes being pet on the lower body

Stage 4 – Dopey’s Fantasy Paradise

Stage 4 - Dopey's Fantasy Paradise

For Day 4, Dopey is introduced along with their balanced Fluffy Feline Home requirements, which consist of 5 items:

  • Red Sofa with Pillows
  • Tea Table
  • Thin Lamp,
  • Red Chair
  • Tall Bookshelf

Dopey enjoys being petted on its ears, chest, back, and tail, but dislikes being touched on the face and paws. At the cherished level, Dopey doesn’t have a specific preference for petting.

Stage 5 – Fantastic Felines’ Forbidding Fortress

Stage 5 - Fantastic Felines' Forbidding Fortress

On Day 5, Sir Pouncelot is the final featured cat and requires these furnishing in its room:

  • Blue Stool
  • Big Blue Sofa
  • Decorated Table
  • Vase with Blue Flower
  • Desk Cabinet

Sir Pouncelot enjoys being petted on its ears, paws, and back but dislikes being touched on the face, chest, and tail. At the cherished level, Sir Pouncelot particularly likes being petted on the upper body.

Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Duration

Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Duration

The Feline Fortress Furrdyssey event runs from April 8th, 2024, to April 18th, 2024. To participate, players must reach Adventure Rank 20 and complete the Archon Quest Prologue: Act 3 – The Song of the Dragon and Freedom.

Additionally, completing Genshin Impact‘s Archon Quest Chapter 4: Act 2 and A Teapot to Call Home: Part 1 is optional but recommended.

After meeting the prerequisites, players will automatically receive the Furball Fortress’ Frightful Fix! event unlock quest. Completing this quest will grant access to the Feline Fortress Furrdyssey event.

Feline Fortress Furrdyssey Event Rewards

Participating in the event offers various rewards. This is the reward breakdown for the event:

Furnish “Snowball’s Warm Little Den” completely– Primogem x40
– Mora x20,000
– Guide to Freedom x3
Reach the “Cherished” Friendship level with Snowball– Primogem x40
– Mora x20,000
– Guide to Freedom x3
Furnish “Bunny’s Hopping Home” completely– Primogem x40
– Mora x20,000
– Guide to Resistance x3
Reach the “Cherished” Friendship level with Bunny– Primogem x40
– Mora x20,000
– Guide to Resistance x3
Furnish “Dustball’s Relaxing Room” completely– Primogem x40
– Mora x20,000
– Guide to Ballad x3
Reach the “Cherished” Friendship level with Dustball– Primogem x40
– Mora x20,000
– Guide to Ballad x3

The Feline Fortress Furrdyssey event in Genshin Impact 4.5 is an engaging and rewarding experience for players.

By following this comprehensive guide, players can efficiently navigate through the event stages, maximize their Friendship Level with the cats, and earn exciting rewards. Don’t miss out on this purr-fect opportunity to bond with these adorable felines!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.