Harry Potter Quidditch Champions: How to Play Beater

Shida |  Published: September 06, 2024

Beaters in Harry Potter Quidditch Champions play a unique and crucial role on the pitch. Their primary objective is to disrupt the opposing team’s strategies while supporting their own teammates. This guide will explore the key aspects of playing as a Beater effectively.

How to Play Beater in Harry Potter Quidditch Champions

These are some tips and strategies that you can learn before playing as a Beater in Harry Potter Quidditch Champions, check them out!

Mastering Bludger Control

Bludger Quidditch Champions
Unbroken Studios

The Bludger is key for Beaters in Quidditch Champions. Press E on the keyboard or Y / Triangle on the controller to summon the ball. Aim carefully and time your shots right. Hit enemy Chasers, Keepers, or Seekers at key moments to stun them and disrupt their plays.

Bludgers leave color trails for easy identification – blue for your team and red for opponents. A well-aimed Bludger can stun an opponent and reduce their health. Two consecutive hits can knock a player off their broom removing them from the field for around 15-20 seconds.

Offensive Strategies

When your team has possession, focus on creating openings for your Chasers. Target the opposing Keeper to make scoring easier. During Snitch chases, prioritize hitting the enemy Seeker to give your team an advantage.

Defensive Tactics

Protecting your teammates is equally important too. Watch for enemy Beater actions and be ready to intercept their Bludgers. Position yourself strategically to cover your Chasers and Seeker.

An advanced technique involves using your bat to redirect enemy Bludgers. This not only protects your team but can turn the attack back on your opponents. Timing is key for a successful Bludger interception.

Close-Range Combat

Beater Guide Harry Potter Quidditch Champions
Unbroken Studios

Don’t forget the Beater’s bat can be used for more than just Bludgers. In close quarters, use melee attacks to disrupt opponents. This is particularly effective against enemy Chasers trying to score.

Adapting to Match Flow

A skilled Beater adjusts their playstyle based on the match situation. If your team is ahead, consider a more defensive approach focusing on protecting your lead. When behind, take more risks to create scoring opportunities for your team.

Seeker Support

Harry Potter Quidditch Champions Beater
Unbroken Studios

When the Golden Snitch appears, Beaters play a crucial role in the chase. Focus on disrupting the enemy Seeker’s path while clearing the way for your own. Anticipate Seeker movements and place Bludgers strategically to obstruct their pursuit.

Team Coordination in Quidditch Champions

Beaters in Harry Potter Quidditch Champions
Image Credits: GameWitted

Good teamwork boosts a Beater’s effect in Harry Potter Quidditch Champions. Talk with your Chasers to sync Bludger hits with their scoring tries. Team up with your fellow Beater to plan better plays and cover more of the field.

As usual, to master every position in the game, including the Beater role, you need practice, strategy, and teamwork. Focus on these areas to become a strong defender and change the game. The Beater’s job is more than hitting Bludgers; it’s about managing the game and helping your team succeed!

About Author

Shida is an avid gaming and anime writer with a background in journalism covering both the topics, and fashion. She is a passionate writer since she was in high school. Shida is also a lover of cozy games like The Sims, Stardew Valley, Coral Island, and FIelds of Mistria.