Honor Of Kings Alessio Build: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Kyuma |  Published: July 26, 2024

Discover the ultimate Honor of Kings Alessio build guide. Learn about his abilities, best items, arcana, counters, and gameplay strategies.

Honor of Kings players offers you various ADCs/Marksman to choose from. Among them is Alessio. This agile marksman brings a unique blend of area damage and stealth to the battlefield. Let’s dive into Alessio’s abilities, optimal build, and strategies to help you master this exciting hero for easy rank push.

Alessio’s Abilities in HoK

Alessio abilities and skills in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Ability NameDescription
Passive – Rebellious Little HawkAlessio’s basic attacks deal area damage, plus extra physical damage.
Skill 1 – Upgraded SkillEnhances his next 3 Basic attacks which deal extra physical damage in a greater area.
Skill 2 – Legendary Hero DebutThrows a smoke bomb, creating a cloud of smoke that grants Stealth to teammates within it. The bomb’s explosion sends him airborne and his basic attacks allow him to stay airborne.
Skill 3 – Sunset Fireworks ShowLeaps into the air and fires several shells, each shell dealing physical damage to the target in the area. Up to 1 enemy can take a shell for the target.

Best Alessio Build in HoK

Alessio Best Build and Items in hok
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Alessio:

Boots of DexterityShadow RipperEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser
Boots of DexterityShadow RipperEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser

Best Arcana for Alessio:

CalamityHuntReaverEagle Eye
Calamity7 x Hunt3 x ReaverEagle’s Eye
UnparalleledHuntReaverEagle Eye
Unparalleled7 x Hunt3 x ReaverEagle’s Eye

How to Play Alessio in HoK

How to play alessio in HoK
  • Early Game: Focus on farming and leveling up quickly. Use your passive ability to clear minion waves efficiently. Avoid overextending and stay close to your support. Practice last-hitting minions to maximize gold income. Use Skill 1 to enhance your basic attacks when trading with enemies or clearing waves faster. Remember that Alessio has a strong early-game presence and you can poke your enemy ADC effectively.
  • Mid-Game: As you gain levels and items, start participating in team fights. Use Skill 2 to create a smoke cover for your team, allowing for surprise engagements or escapes. Position yourself carefully to maximize your area damage output and if the enemy has a hardcore dive comp save your ult and Skill 2 for repositioning. Look for opportunities to use your ultimate ability on grouped enemies.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Alessio becomes a formidable damage dealer. Position yourself behind your frontline and use your enhanced basic attacks to shred enemy teams. Utilize your Skill 2 to reposition during fights and stay airborne with basic attacks. Save your ultimate for key moments to turn team fights in your favor. Focus on taking down enemy carries and securing objectives. One way of using your ult is to reach the enemy backline and take it down.

Combo Examples:

  • Skill 1 → Basic Attack → Skill 2 → Basic Attack → Basic Attack
  • Ultimate → Skill 1 → Basic Attack → Skill 2 → Basic Attack → Basic Attack

Alessio Counters in Honor of Kings

luaraHou Yi
Luara Hou Yi

As mentioned in our earlier ADC guides, we believe ADCs do not have a hard counter in the name except Consort Yu. Even Consort Yu is manageable. However, it is important to take into account enemy comps, ADC-support lane match-ups, and other factors when we talk about ADC counters. In our opinion, Luara and Hou Yi can trade well with Alessio in the farm lane and we prefer playing them into Alessio.

Summary Table

Damage TypePhysical, Area
Key AbilitiesArea damage basic attacks, Smoke bomb stealth
Core ItemsShadow Ripper, Eternity Blade, Daybreaker
PlaystylePositioning, Area damage, Team fight control
CountersAssassins, Long-range poke, Crowd control

In conclusion, Alessio brings a unique flavor to the marksman role in Honor of Kings. His area damage potential and stealth mechanics offer both offensive and defensive options.

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