Discover the optimal Donghuang build for the support role in Honor of Kings, including the best items, counters, arcana, and gameplay tips.
Donghuang is a meta-support hero in Honor of Kings. In this guide, we’ll explore the best build for Donghuang, including his abilities, recommended items, arcana, and gameplay tips to help you excel in the support role.
Donghuang Abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Ability Name
Passive Skill – Soul Sacrifice
Every time a dark orb passes through an enemy, it damages and restores health.
Skill 1 – Eclipse
Deals damage to enemies in range and summons a dark orb. Donghuang can have up to 3 dark orbs at a time. Hitting enemies with this skill reduces its cooldown.
Skill 2 – Dark Impact
Unleashes up to 3 dark orbs at the target location, increasing own Movement Speed and dealing damage to enemies in range. The 1st and 2nd dark orbs slow enemies. The 3rd dark orb stuns enemies.
Skill 3 – Forsaken Contract
Suppresses an enemy hero and summons 3 dark orbs. If he or the target is damaged during suppression, the other will take the same amount of damage.
Best Donghuang Build in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Best Items for Donghuang:
Support Item
Boots of Tranquility
Overlord’s Platemail
Ominous Premonition
Succubus Cloak
Glacial Buckler
How to Play Donghuang in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Early Game: Donghuang’s passive skill, Soul Sacrifice, makes him a strong presence in the early game. Look for opportunities to invade the enemy jungle alone, as your sustain and damage can catch the enemy jungler off guard. If you manage to steal a buff or secure a kill, you’ll set your team up for success in the early game. Use Eclipse to poke enemies and farm safely, as hitting enemies with this skill reduces its cooldown. Keep an eye on the map and be ready to rotate to other lanes if your allies need assistance.
Mid Game: As you transition into the mid game, your main focus should be on roaming and providing vision control for your team. If the enemy team has assassins, hold onto your ultimate, Forsaken Contract, to protect your ADC when they inevitably dive in. If you find yourself ahead in the game, consider using Flicker to initiate fights by suppressing a key enemy carry. Coordinate with your team to follow up and secure objectives after successful picks.
Late Game: In the late game, your primary objective is to keep your carries alive and create space for them to deal damage. Use Dark Impact to slow and stun enemies, disrupting their formation and allowing your team to engage favorably. If you spot an enemy hero out of position, use Forsaken Contract to suppress them, temporarily creating a 5v4 scenario. During teamfights, position yourself between your carries and the enemy team, using your abilities and items to peel for your allies and soak up damage.
Donghuang can be countered by several heroes and compositions:
Marco Polo: His passive makes it hard for Donghuang to sustain, furthermore he is a mobile marksman.
Long-ranged poke compositions: Teams with multiple heroes that can poke from a distance, such as Gan and Mo, can whittle down Donghuang’s health before he has a chance to close the gap and initiate.
Shouyue: Shouyue’s passive and his ability to maintain his distance posses a threat to Donghuang.
Double ADC compositions with Fang in the jungle: The high burst damage from two ADCs, combined with Fang’s aggressive jungling, can quickly overwhelm Donghuang and prevent him from effectively protecting his allies.
To counteract these threats, Donghuang should adapt his playstyle and build accordingly.
Summary Table
Early game invades, suppression, protecting carries
Vulnerable to long-range poke compositions
Best Items
Support item, Boots of Tranquility, Overlord’s Platemail, Ominous Premonition, Succubus Cloak, Glacial Buckler
Best Arcana
Harmony, Fate, Void
Donghuang is a versatile support hero in Honor of Kings, with the tools to create chaos in the enemy team and protect his allies. By following this comprehensive build guide and adapting your playstyle to counter specific threats, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate your games as Donghuang and lead your team to victory.