Honor Of Kings Dun Build: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Kyuma |  Published: July 29, 2024

Discover the best builds, counters, and arcana for Dun in Honor of Kings. Learn how to dominate as this warrior-tank in the current meta.

Dun is a formidable force in the current Honor of Kings meta, excelling as both a tank and a warrior in the clash lane. His unique blend of tankiness and sustained damage makes him a versatile pick for any team composition. With the ability to initiate and disengage from fights, Dun’s presence on the battlefield can turn the tide of any encounter.

Dun Abilities in Honor of Kings

Dun abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Let’s break down Dun’s abilities to understand what makes him so potent:

Passive: Unyielding MightWhen Health drops low, taking damage enhances Dun. While enhanced, hits from skills and Basic Attacks recover Health.
Skill 1: Wind SlashSlashes in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies within range and slowing them. If the skill hits an enemy hero, it can be used again before going into cooldown, dealing damage to enemies in range and launching them.
Skill 2: BenedictionDeals damage to enemies in range and grants shield. Enhances the next 3 Basic Attacks, dealing extra true damage. Every enhanced Basic Attack reduces the cooldown of Unruly Blade.
Skill 3: Unruly BladeTosses his chain blade in the target location, stunning and dealing damage to enemies hit. When max range is reached or an enemy is hit, the chain blade will pull Dun to its location, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Fun Fact: Dun’s AoV counterpart is Arduin.

Best Dun Build in Honor of Kings

Dun Best support build and items in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Dun:

Tank BuildSupport Build
Crimson Shadow
Support Items
Blazing Cape
Blazing Cape
Boots of Resistance
Boots of Resistance
Frigid Charge
Frigid Charge
Frostscar's Embrace
Frostscar’s Embrace
Longnight Guardian
Longnight Guardian
Eye of Phoenix
Eye of Phoenix
Ominous Premonition
Ominous Premonition
Blood Rage
Blood Rage
Blood Rage
Blood Rage

Best Arcana for Dun:


How to Play Dun in HoK

How to play Dun as support in HoK (1)
Image Credits: GameWitted

  • Early Game: Focus on maxing out Skill 2 (Benediction) first. This provides a shield and enhances your Basic Attacks, making you more durable and dangerous in lane trades. Use your Skill 1 (Wind Slash) to harass enemies and clear waves efficiently. In the lane, prioritize protecting your carry and zoning out enemies.
  • Mid Game: As teamfights start to break out, use your Skill 3 (Unruly Blade) to initiate or catch out-of-position enemies. Always ensure your passive is ready before diving into fights. If your team is behind, play more defensively and use your skills to peel for your carries. Use your tankiness to body-block skillshots and zone enemies away from your damage dealers. When initiating with Unruly Blade, try to hit multiple enemies to maximize your crowd control.
  • Late Game: In full-scale teamfights, you have two options: dive the enemy backline or protect your own. If your team is ahead, use Unruly Blade to disrupt the enemy formation, targeting their carries if possible. Chain your crowd control by following up with Wind Slash to keep enemies locked down. If behind, save your Wind Slash’s second charge to peel for your carries. Position yourself between your backline and the enemy team. Use your items’ active abilities wisely to provide additional protection or crowd control.

As a Warrior:

  • Early Game: Trade aggressively with your lane opponent. Your strong early game allows you to bully many heroes. Use Benediction to enhance your trades and sustain in lane. Start with Wind Slash at level 1 for early harass and wave clear. At level 2, get Benediction for enhanced trading potential. Focus on last-hitting minions while harassing your opponent with enhanced Basic Attacks. Try to freeze the lane near your tower to deny farm and set up potential ganks. Watch the minimap for roaming opportunities or incoming ganks.
  • Mid Game: Look for opportunities to roam and impact other lanes. Your Unruly Blade gives you excellent gank potential. Push your lane, then use Unruly Blade to quickly move to another lane for a surprise gank. In skirmishes, try to reach the enemy backline and disrupt their positioning. Use Wind Slash’s slow to stick to targets and prevent their escape. When taking objectives be ready to engage with Unruly Blade.
  • Late Game: In teamfights, your role is to dive the enemy carries. Use Unruly Blade to close the gap, then follow up with Wind Slash and enhanced Basic Attacks from Benediction. Always be aware of your passive’s status to maximize your survivability. Look for flanking opportunities to catch enemies off guard. If your team is behind, consider split-pushing to draw pressure away from your teammates. Use your mobility to quickly join fights when needed. In extended fights, cycle your abilities efficiently to maintain consistent damage and disruption.

Dun Counters in Honor of Kings

Marco PoloSun CeMulan
Marco PoloSun CeMulan

To effectively counter Dun, consider the following strategies:

  • Pick heroes with split-push capabilities like Sun Ce or Mulan to force Dun away from teamfights.
  • Choose heroes that can outmaneuver him in the early game.
  • Avoid prolonged trades in the lane; instead, clear waves quickly and look for kills in other lanes.
  • When Dun is played as a support, consider picking Marco Polo, Arli or Fang.
  • AOE damage heroes can be effective against Dun in teamfights.

Summary Table

LaneClash, Roam
StrengthsTankiness, Sustained Damage, Initiation
WeaknessesVulnerable to Split-push, Can be Kited
Core ItemsBoots of Resistance, Frigid Charge (Tank), Blazing Cape (Support)
CountersMarco Polo, AOE Damage Heroes, Split-pushers

In conclusion, Dun is a powerful and versatile hero in Honor of Kings, capable of fulfilling both tank and warrior roles effectively. His ability to initiate fights, sustain damage, and disrupt enemy formations makes him a valuable asset to any team composition.

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