Honor Of Kings Fang Build: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Kyuma |  Published: July 26, 2024

Discover the best Honor of Kings Fang build, including best items, arcana, and counters. Learn how to dominate the jungle.

Honor of Kings features a diverse roster of heroes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. Among these, Fang stands out as a formidable jungle ADC, capable of dealing massive damage and swiftly taking down enemy heroes. This guide will delve into Fang’s abilities, optimal build, and strategies to help you master this deadly hero.

Fang Abilities in HoK

Fang abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive – Going UndercoverPeriodically reveals a random enemy hero within range. Attacks on monsters deal extra true damage.
Skill 1 – Target SightedMarks the target enemy while gaining attack speed and range. Attacks on marked targets stacks more marks, increasing mark damage. When marks expire or reach max stacks, they explode, dealing area damage.
Skill 2 – Wheel AwayDashes in the target direction, slowing and dealing damage to enemies in the path. He is untargetable while dashing.
Skill 3 – BladestormThrows his blade to the target location, dealing damage over time and slowing enemies within range.
Fang Abilities in HoK

Best Fang Build in HoK

Fang Best Build and Items in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Fang:

Rapacious BiteBoots of DexterityAxe of TormentBloodweeperEternity BladeDaybreaker
Rapacious BiteBoots of DexterityAxe of TormentBloodweeperEternity BladeDaybreaker
Best Items for Fang

Best Arcana for Fang:

HuntRed MoonEagle Eye
HuntRed MoonEagle Eye
Best Arcana for Fang

How to Play Fang in Honor of Kings

How to play Fang in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: As a jungler, Fang’s early game revolves around efficient farming and opportunistic ganks. Start by clearing jungle camps quickly, utilizing your passive’s true damage bonus on monsters. Look for opportunities to gank lanes when your ultimate is available, using Target Sighted to mark enemies and increase your damage output. Coordinate with your team to secure objectives in the early game. Furthermore, Fang really shines in taking down enemy turrets so make complete use of it in the early game.
  • Mid-Game: During the mid-game, Fang is quite strong. Focus on picking off isolated targets and participating in team fights. Use Wheel Away to position yourself advantageously or escape dangerous situations. Bladestorm is excellent for zoning enemies and applying pressure in team fights. Continue to farm the jungle when possible to maintain your gold and experience lead.
  • Late Game: In the late game, your primary goal is to eliminate high-priority targets like enemy carries. Use your mobility and burst damage to quickly take down squishy heroes before they can retaliate. In team fights, wait for the right moment to engage, using Wheel Away to dive the backline and unleash your full combo. Remember that Fang has a high turret push potential throughout the game and you should use it wisely to apply pressure.

Fang Counters in HoK

To counter Fang effectively, teams should focus on vision control and stick together. Heroes with crowd-control abilities can disrupt Fang’s combo and leave him vulnerable. Tanky heroes who can survive his initial burst and peel for their teammates are also effective. Early invades on Fang’s jungle can set him behind and delay his power spikes.

Summary Table

StrengthsHigh burst damage, mobility, target marking
WeaknessesVulnerable to CC, reliant on farm
Key ItemsRapacious Bite, Axe of Torment, Bloodweeper
Key ArcanaHunt, Eagle Eye, Red Moon


  • Q: What is the best ADC in Honor of Kings?
    • A: The best ADC can vary depending on the current meta and personal play style. Some popular choices include Luara, Loong, and Erin.
  • Q: Does Fang have an Arena of Valor counterpart?
  • Q: What are Fang’s counters in Honor of Kings?
    • A: Fang can be countered by heroes with strong crowd control abilities, tanks who can survive his burst, and heroes with good vision control.
  • Q: What is the best Fang build?
    • A: The optimal Fang build includes Rapacious Bite, Boots of Dexterity, Axe of Torment, Bloodweeper, Eternity Blade, and Daybreaker. This build maximizes his damage output and survivability in the jungle and team fights.

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