Honor Of Kings Garo Build: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Ash |  Published: July 26, 2024

Discover the ultimate Garo build in Honor of Kings. Learn about optimal items, counters, arcana, and gameplay strategies.

Honor of Kings features various ADCs to choose from in the farm lane, each with its own capabilities and strengths. Among these is Garo. Garo is a mid to late-game marksman, capable of dealing massive damage from afar. This guide delves into Garo’s abilities, optimal build, and strategies to help you master this elite sharpshooter.

Garo Abilities in HoK

Garo abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive: Piercing Arrow Deals double damage to shields with basic attacks and skills
Skill 1: Enchanted Arrows1. On –  Range and basic attack interval increases. The basic attack costs mana and deals damage over time.
2. Off – Gains movement speed and restores range and basic attack interval to initial values.
Skill 2: Silent ArrowFires an arrow in the target direction, dealing damage to enemies hit – while silencing and slowing them. After a brief delay, deals another strike of damage to enemies within range of the same location.
Ultimate: Sphere of PurityDamages enemies in range and gains attack speed and critical rate when in the magic circle, use this skill again to grant critical rate and move speed to teammate in the circle and damage enemies in the circle.
Garo Abilities in HoK

Best Garo Build in HoK

garo Best Build and Items in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Garo:

Boots of DexterityShadow RipperEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser
Boots of DexterityShadow RipperEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperAnti-Tank/Sunchaser
Best Items for Garo

Best Arcana for Garo:

Red MoonHuntReaverEagle Eye
Red Moon7 x Hunt3 x ReaverEagle Eye
Best Arcana for Garo

How to Play Garo in HoK

How to play Garo in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: Garo is notably weak in the early game, making her vulnerable to aggressive plays. Focus on farming safely and avoid unnecessary confrontations. Use Enchanted Arrows to last hit minions and harass enemies from a safe distance. Coordinate with your support to stay protected and secure farm.
  • Mid Game: As Garo starts to build up her items, her damage output increases significantly. Use Silent Arrow to set up plays or disengage from threats. Position carefully in team fights, utilizing Enchanted Arrows to poke from afar. Remember to toggle the skill off when you need to reposition quickly.
  • Late Game: Garo reaches her full potential in the late game. With a complete item build, her basic attacks become devastating, especially against shielded targets. Use Sphere of Purity strategically in team fights to boost your damage output and support your team. Focus on dealing consistent damage from a safe distance, using your ultimate to create advantageous fighting zones.

Garo Counters in Honor of Kings

Sun CeLamSima Yi
Sun Ce LamSima Yi

Garo is particularly vulnerable to assassins and heavy warrior dive compositions. Heroes like Sun Ce, Lam, and Sima Yi can effectively shut down Garo before she can unleash her full potential. To counter these threats, stick close to your team’s protection.

Summary Table

Damage TypePhysical
Team PositionBottom Lane
Key StrengthsHigh late-game damage, shield-breaking potential
Key WeaknessesWeak early game, vulnerable to dive compositions

Remember to practice positioning and map awareness to maximize Garo’s potential and lead your team to victory.

FAQ Section:

  • Q: What is the best ADC in Honor of Kings?
    • A: The “best” ADC can vary depending on the meta and individual play style. We honestly do not believe in the concept of best ADC as every game in MOBA is different, but if we talk about the meta ADCs they would be Loong, Luara, and Marco Polo.
  • Q: What is the hardest ADC in Honor of Kings?
    • A: Difficulty is subjective, but Garo could be considered one of the more challenging ADCs due to her weak early game.
  • Q: Who counters Garo in Honor of Kings?
    • A: Garo is particularly vulnerable to assassins and heavy dive compositions. Heroes like Sun Ce, Lam, and Sima Yi can effectively counter Garo by exploiting her weak early game and lack of mobility.
  • Q: Does Garo have an Arena of Valor counterpart?
    • A: Garo shares some similarities with a long-range marksman in Arena of Valor – Tel’Anas.

About Author

Ash is a seasoned gaming and esports writer with a rich background in the industry since 2017. Starting as a beta tester, Ash progressed to become an esports player, specializing in MOBAs like AoV, Pokemon Unite, and WildRift. His expertise spans across mobile gaming and various video game platforms, with a particular passion for League of Legends. Ash's comprehensive knowledge extends from game lore to champion specifics. As a gaming guides writer, he has contributed to renowned publications including Dexerto, PCInvasion, and Gosugamers. With his extensive experience and deep understanding of the gaming world, Ash offers valuable insights and content for gaming enthusiasts & professionals alike.