Honor Of Kings Hou Yi Build: Items, Counters, And Arcanas

Kyuma |  Published: July 23, 2024

Discover the ultimate Hou Yi build in Honor of Kings. Learn about his abilities, best items, arcanas, and strategies to dominate the game.

Honor of Kings offers a diverse roster of heroes, and Hou Yi stands out as a formidable marksman. This guide delves into Hou Yi’s abilities, optimal builds, and strategies to help you master this powerful archer and dominate the battlefield.

Hou Yi Abilities in Honor of Kings

Hou Yi Abilities and stats in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive: Chastising ShotBasic attacks grant attack speed and stacks of enhancement. At 3 stacks, enhanced basic attacks shoot 3 arrows, dealing more total damage.
Skill 1: Arrow VolleyEnhances basic attacks for 5 seconds, dealing heavy damage. Hou Yi also shoots arrows at two other enemies in front, dealing 50% damage.
Skill 2: After GlowInflicts damage and slows enemies in the target area while granting vision.
Skill 3: Burning Sun ArrowFires an arrow that deals AoE damage on hit, stunning and slowing the target hero.

Best Hou Yi Build in Honor of Kings

Best Hou Yi Build in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Hou Yi:

Boots of DexterityShadow RipperEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser
Boots of DexterityShadow RipperEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser
Boots of DexterityDoomsdayEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser
Boots of DexterityDoomsdayEternity BladeDaybreakerBloodweeperSunchaser

Best Arcanas for Hou Yi:

Eagle EyeUnparalleledCalamityHuntReaver
Eagle Eye7 x Unparalleled3 x Calamity7 x Hunt3 x Reaver
Eagle EyeCalamityHuntReaver
Eagle Eye Calamity7 x Hunt3 x Reaver

How to Play Hou Yi in HoK

How to Play Hou Yi in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: Focus on farming and leveling up quickly. Use your passive to harass enemies and gain lane control. Be cautious of ganks and use After Glow for vision and escape. Last hit minions to build your core items, starting with Boots of Dexterity for improved mobility.
  • Mid-Game: As you complete your core items, start participating in team fights. Use Arrow Volley to enhance your damage output and hit multiple targets. Position yourself safely behind tanks and use Burning Sun Arrow to initiate or counter-engage. Rotate to objectives and help secure them with your high-damage output.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Hou Yi becomes a powerhouse. With your full build, you can shred through enemies quickly. Use your enhanced basic attacks from your passive to deal massive damage. In team fights, stay at the backline and focus on priority targets. Use Burning Sun Arrow to peel for yourself or catch out-of-position enemies.

Hou Yi Counters in HoK

Consort YuLady Sun
Consort YuLady Sun

It’s important to note that ADCs like Hou Yi don’t typically have hard counters in the traditional sense. Their effectiveness often depends on various factors, including lane matchups and the synergy with their support. However, certain heroes can pose challenges to Hou Yi:

  • Assassins with high mobility can potentially dive into the backline and threaten Hou Yi if he’s caught out of position. Heroes with strong crowd control abilities can disrupt his positioning and prevent him from maximizing his passive.
  • Consort Yu is often considered a counter to most ADCs on paper due to her immunity to physical damage. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean Hou Yi is weak against her. Skilled Hou Yi players can still outplay Consort Yu by timing their abilities well and coordinating with their team.
  • Lady Sun or any other long-range ADC. Hou Yi does not have the longest range when it comes to ADCs hence it is better to use an ADC that can poke him from a distance before going all in.

To mitigate threats, focus on positioning, map awareness, and coordinating with your support.

Summary Table

Hou YiDetails
Main Damage TypePhysical
Key StrengthsHigh consistent damage, AoE abilities, vision control
Key WeaknessesVulnerable to burst damage, limited escape options

In conclusion, Hou Yi is a powerful marksman in Honor of Kings with the potential to dominate games when played correctly. By mastering his abilities, optimizing your build, and understanding his strengths and weaknesses, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield.

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