Honor of Kings Lady Sun Build: Items, Arcana, Skills and Counters

Kyuma |  Published: June 21, 2024

Learn how to build Lady Sun in Honor of Kings with the help of this detailed guide covering all items, arcana, skills and counters.

Honor of Kings was recently released on a global level and has already been creating buzz in the MOBA community. HoK offers various heroes in different roles with unique abilities and Lady Sun is one of them.

In this guide, we will talk about everything you need to know about the best Lady Sun build in Honor of Kings.

Lady Sun Abilities in Honor of Kings

Lady Sun Abilities in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive (Energy Burst)
Passive (Energy Burst)
Basic attack reduces the cooldown of Skill 1
Skill 1: Rolling Raid
Skill 1: Rolling Raid
Rolls in the target direction, granting extra range and a piercing effect on the next Basic Attack.

Gains increased movement speed if there are enemy heroes nearby after rolling.
Frag Grenade
Skill 2: Frag Grenade
Throws a grenade at the target location, damaging marking and sundering hit enemies. Her basic attack deals extra damage to marked enemies.
Ultimate Shell
Skill 3: Ultimate Shell
Fires a shell in the target direction, dealing AoE damage when enemies are hit or when exploding at max range.

Skill Upgrade order: Skill 1 > Skill 3 > Skill 2

Possible Combos:

  • Initiation: Skill 1 (Roll Back) > Skill 2 > Ultimate
  • Kiting: Skill 1 > Skill 2 > AA > Skill 1

HoK Lady Sun Best Build and Arcanas

HoK Lady Sun Best Build and Arcanas
Image Credits: GameWitted

Lady Sun Build:

Eternity BladeMaster SwordBloodweeperDaybreakerboots-of-resistance
Eternity BladeMaster SwordBloodweeperDaybreakerBased on SituationBoots of Resistance/Boots of Dexertity
Lady Sun Build

Lady Sun Arcanas:

Unparalleled ReaverHuntEagle Eye
Unparalleled x 10Reaver x 3Hunt x 7Eagle Eye x 10
Lady Sun Arcanas
Unparalleled ReaverHuntEagle Eye
Calamity x 10Reaver x 3Hunt x 7Eagle Eye x 10
Lady Sun Arcanas

Lady Sun Basic Skills

Flash (Recommended)Purify (Well, it works but not the best choice)
Lady Sun Basic Skills

Lady Sun Counters

Finding counters for ADCs in MOBAs can be tricky. The support role is key in deciding which ADC will win in the lane match up. Although ADCs don’t usually have “hard counters” in the laning phase, here are some ways to counter Lady Sun:

Team Composition:

  • Tanks and Warriors: Teams with multiple tanks and warriors do well against Lady Sun. These champions can dive onto her and stay close, making it hard for her to move and attack. (Reason: This is because Lady Sun relies on burst damage and CD from her passive and warriors sticking to her makes it harder for her to kite).
Consort YuConsort Yu

Laning Phase:

  • Consort Yu: Consort Yu does really well against Lady Sun in the laning phase.
  • Early Game ADCs: Any ADC with a strong early game can harass Lady Sun and make her life difficult.

Note: It’s not very useful to list warriors or assassins as counters since they generally counter ADCs anyway and they play different roles.

How to Play Lady Sun in Honor of Kings?

How to Play Lady Sun in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: GameWitted

Early Game: The early game is a crucial phase for Lady Sun, as it sets the foundation for her mid and late-game success. As an ADC, your primary focus should be on farming efficiently and reaching your power spikes safely. While Lady Sun may not have the strongest early game compared to some other ADCs, she can still apply pressure and secure kills with the right playstyle.

  • Start the game by positioning yourself in the bush and use your A ability to poke the enemy ADC or support. This allows you to assert dominance in the lane while minimizing the risk of taking heavy damage in return.
  • Prioritize last-hitting minions to maximize your gold income. Only use your A ability to secure cs if absolutely necessary, as it’s your primary poking tool and should be used strategically.
  • If the enemy is playing aggressively, let the minion wave push towards your tower so you can farm safely. If the enemy overextends, communicate with your jungler and request a gank to punish their positioning.

Mid Game: As you transition into the mid game, Lady Sun starts to come online and becomes a noticeable presence in teamfights. With one or two core items completed, she can dish out significant damage and has the potential to swing skirmishes in her team’s favor.

  • Group up with your teammates and look for opportunities to contest objectives and engage in skirmishes.
  • Position yourself at maximum range during fights and use your A ability to poke enemies before fully committing. Your poke damage can quickly chunk down squishy targets.
  • Utilize the bushes to your advantage. You can also use your Skill 1 to create distance and kite enemies when necessary.
  • Save your ultimate ability for high-priority targets such as the enemy ADC or mage.
  • Be aware of enemy crowd control abilities and burst damage, as Lady Sun is still relatively squishy. Stay close to your support and let your tank initiate and soak up damage.

Late Game: In the late game, a fully built Lady Sun becomes one of the most oppressive ADCs in Honor of Kings. Her exceptional range, sustained damage, and outplay potential make her a force to be reckoned with.

  • Siege enemy towers with your team and use your long range to poke enemies under their own turret.
  • Avoid facechecking brushes alone, as you can easily be caught out and picked off. Stick with your team and move together towards objectives.
  • If you find yourself being focused by the enemy team, use your Roll ability to kite backwards and create distance.

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