Honor Of Kings Loong Build: Items, Counters, And Arcanas

Kyuma |  Published: July 23, 2024

Discover the ultimate Loong build for Honor of Kings, including the best items, arcanas, counters, and gameplay strategies.

Honor of Kings has a huge pool of Marksman to choose from and Loong is one of them. Loong brings impressive elemental abilities to the farm lane. This guide will explore Loong’s skills, optimal build, and strategies to master this dragon-themed marksman.

Loong Abilities in HoK

Loong Abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive: Hidden DragonThe elemental Dragon souls from Loong’s last 2 skill attacks will be attached to his primary and secondary swords. When using his basic attack, he attacks with his primary sword and if there are other enemies nearby he will also attack them with the secondary sword.
Skill 1: Flaming PalmLoong unleashes a wave of sword energy, dealing physical damage to enemies within range and recovering health upon hitting the enemy.

Use of Downpour attaches 1 Water dragon soul to his sword, allowing him to recover health and mana from basic attacks.

If a Water Dragon soul is attached to both swords, he recovers even more. If a Water Dragon soul is attached to his primary sword, he will deal physical damage with his enhanced basic attacks and also recover health.
Skill 2: DownpourUse of riding the wind attaches one Wind Dragon soul to his sword, granting him Movement speed. If a Dragon soul is attached to both swords, he gains an extra 50% movement speed.

If a Wind Dragon soul is attached to his primary sword he will deal physical damage and knock back the enemy with every strike of his enhanced basic attack.
Skill 3: Riding the WindLoong leashes a wave of sword energy, gaining 1 Dragon soul mark and dealing physical damage to enemies within range.

The use of Flaming Palm attaches 1 Fire Dragon soul to his sword, allowing him to deal extra physical damage during basic attacks. He deals even more physical damage if a Fire Dragon Soul is attached to both swords.

If a fire Dragon soul is attached to his primary sword, his enhanced basic attacks will deal true damage and physical damage.
Ultimate: Infinite VastnessLoong leashes a wave of sword energy, gaining 1 Dragon soul mark and dealing physical damage to enemies within range.

Use of Flaming Palm attaches 1 Fire Dragon soul to his sword, allowing him to deal extra physical damage during basic attacks. He deals even more physical damage if a Fire Dragon Soul is attached to both swords.

If a fire Dragon soul is attached to his primary sword, his enhanced basic attacks will deal true damage and physical damage.

Best Loong Build HoK

Best Loong Build HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items for Loong:

Item 1Item 2Item 3Item 4Item 5Item 6
Boots of Resistance
Axe of Torment
Axe of Torment
Eternity Blade
Eternity Blade
Master Sword
Master Sword
Siege Breaker
Siege Breaker
Sage's Sanctuary
Sage’s Sanctuary
Best Items for Loong:

Best Arcanas for Loong:

CalamityStealthEagle Eye
CalamityStealthEagle Eye
Best Arcanas for Loong:

How to Play Loong in HoK

How to Play Loong in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: In the early game, Loong should focus on farming and harassing enemies from a safe distance. Use Flaming Palm to deal damage and stack Dragon Soul marks. Downpour can help sustain health and mana while farming. Avoid aggressive plays and prioritize last-hitting minions to build up gold for core items.
  • Mid-Game: As Loong transitions into the mid-game, he becomes more powerful with items like Axe of Torment and Eternity Blade. Look for opportunities to roam and assist in team fights. Use Riding the Wind to reposition quickly and knock back enemies. Alternate between elemental skills to maximize Dragon Soul effects and adapt to different situations.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Loong reaches his full potential. With a complete build, he becomes a formidable damage dealer. Use Infinite Vastness to dive into team fights, dealing massive damage and causing chaos with the Dread effect. Switch between elemental Dragon Souls to optimize damage output and sustain. Position carefully to make the most of his enhanced basic attacks and additional target hits.

Loong Counters in Honor of Kings

Loong Counters in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: GameWitted

Loong is currently considered overpowered, making him a common ban in ranked games. However, he struggles against tanky, heavy-dive compositions. When facing Loong, consider drafting heroes that can withstand his burst damage and engage on him directly. While there isn’t a hard counter in the ADC lane, heroes like Hou Yi and Laura can hold their own against Loong due to their strong meta presence.

For a safer laning phase against Loong, consider playing Shoyue. This hero can farm from a distance under the tower, mitigating Loong’s lane harassment potential.

Summary Table

LaneFarm Lane
Core ItemsBoots of Tranquility, Axe of Torment, Eternity Blade
Key ArcanasCalamity, Stealth, Eagle Eye
StrengthsHigh damage output, versatile elemental abilities
WeaknessesVulnerable to heavy dive compositions
CountersTanky heroes, Shoyue for safe farming

In conclusion, Loong is a powerful addition to the Honor of Kings roster, offering a unique playstyle with his elemental Dragon Soul mechanics. By mastering his abilities and understanding the optimal item build, players can dominate the farm lane and carry their team to victory. Remember to adapt your playstyle based on the enemy composition and always be mindful of potential counters.


  • Who is the hardest hero in Honor of Kings?
    • The difficulty of heroes in Honor of Kings varies depending on individual playstyles and skill levels. However, heroes with complex mechanics or high-skill ceilings, such as Heino are the hardest to master.
  • What are the ranks in Honor of Kings?
    • Honor of Kings features a tiered ranking system, typically including Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and higher ranks such as Master and Grandmaster.
  • What counters Loong in Honor of Kings?
    • Loong is currently very strong, but he can be countered by tanky heroes and heavy-dive compositions. Heroes that can withstand his burst damage and engage on him directly are effective.
  • Can Loong be played in the jungle or top lane?
    • Loong is primarily designed as a marksman for the farm (bottom) lane. While creative players might experiment with different positions, his kit is optimized for the ADC role. Playing him in the jungle or top lane may not utilize his full potential and could put the team at a disadvantage in terms of overall composition and lane presence.

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