Honor of Kings Luban No.7 Build: Items, Counters, And Arcanas

Ash |  Published: July 24, 2024

Discover the best build, arcanas, and counters for Luban No.7 in Honor of Kings. Learn how to dominate with this explosive marksman.

Luban No.7 is a formidable marksman in Honor of Kings, known for his explosive abilities and potential to carry late game. This guide will delve into his abilities, optimal builds, arcanas, and strategies to help you master this powerful hero.

Honor of Kings Luban No.7 Abilities and Skills

Luban No. 7 skills and abilities in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: TiMi
PassiveEvery 5 basic attacks or the first basic attack after using a skill gains a piercing effect and deals continuous damage
Skill 1: Blowfish GrenadeThrows a bomb at the target area, dealing damage and slowing all enemies hit
Skill 2: Shark CannonLaunches a rocket in the target direction, knocking back enemies in close range and dealing damage
Skill 3: Air SupportBombards the target location, slowing and dealing damage to enemies while gaining vision of the area

Best Luban No.7 Build in HoK

Luban No. 7 best Build in Honor of Kings
Image Credits: GameWitted

Luban No.7 has two popular item builds that players can choose from:

Build 1Build 2
Boots of Resistance
Boots of Resistance
Shadow Ripper
Shadow Ripper
Eternity Blade
Eternity Blade
Eternity Blade
Eternity Blade

For arcanas, players have two effective options:

UnparalleledHuntReaverEagle Eye
Unparalleled7 Hunt3 ReaverEagle Eye
CalamityHuntReaverEagle Eye
Calamity7 Hunt3 Reaver Eagle Eye

How to Play Luban No.7 in Honor of Kings

How to play Luban no 7 in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: In the early game, Luban No.7 should focus on farming and staying safe. His decent wave clear allows him to manage the lane effectively. Use Blowfish Grenade to harass enemies and clear minion waves. Be cautious of ganks, as Luban lacks mobility. Coordinate with your support to secure kills and objectives.
  • Mid Game: As the game progresses, Luban No.7’s damage output increases significantly. Position yourself carefully in teamfights, using Shark Cannon to knock back diving enemies. Air Support is excellent for zoning and providing vision during objective contests. Remember to weave in basic attacks between abilities to maximize your passive’s damage.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Luban No.7 becomes a powerhouse. Your passive ability is crucial for dealing sustained damage. Position yourself behind your frontline and focus on dealing continuous damage to priority targets. Use Air Support to control teamfight areas and Blowfish Grenade to slow fleeing enemies. Be mindful of your positioning, as Luban is vulnerable to dive compositions.

Luban No.7 Counters in Honor of Kings

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Luban No.7 Counters in Honor of Kings

Luban No.7’s immobility makes him susceptible to certain strategies:

  1. Dive heroes with high burst damage can easily take him out if he’s caught out of position.
  2. Heroes with strong crowd control abilities can disrupt Luban’s damage output, as he relies heavily on his passive for sustained damage.
  3. In lane, while Luban has no hard counters due to his wave clear, frequent ganks can set him back significantly.
  4. Strong duo lanes with meta supports or tanks can pressure Luban in the early game.

To counter Luban No.7, consider heroes like Loong, Luara, or Consort Yu paired with a meta support or tank. These combinations can apply pressure in lane and potentially shut down Luban’s early game.

Summary Table

Luban No.7Details
StrengthsHigh sustained damage, area control, vision
WeaknessesImmobility, vulnerable to dive compositions
Best ItemsBoots of Resistance, Eternity Blade, Bloodweeper, Daybreaker
Key ArcanasUnparalleled/Calamity, Hunt, Eagle’s Eye
CountersDive heroes, strong CC, early ganks

Luban No.7 is a powerful marksman in Honor of Kings, capable of dealing massive damage and controlling teamfights with his unique kit. You can become a formidable force on the battlefield by mastering his abilities, optimizing your build, and understanding his strengths and weaknesses. Remember to practice your positioning and map awareness to overcome his lack of mobility, and you’ll be climbing the ranks in no time.

About Author

Ash is a seasoned gaming and esports writer with a rich background in the industry since 2017. Starting as a beta tester, Ash progressed to become an esports player, specializing in MOBAs like AoV, Pokemon Unite, and WildRift. His expertise spans across mobile gaming and various video game platforms, with a particular passion for League of Legends. Ash's comprehensive knowledge extends from game lore to champion specifics. As a gaming guides writer, he has contributed to renowned publications including Dexerto, PCInvasion, and Gosugamers. With his extensive experience and deep understanding of the gaming world, Ash offers valuable insights and content for gaming enthusiasts & professionals alike.