Honor of Kings Marco Polo Build: Items, Counters, and Arcanas

Kyuma |  Published: June 24, 2024

Discover the best strategies, builds, and counters for Marco Polo in Honor of Kings. Learn how to dominate with this agile ADC from early to late game.

Marco Polo is a versatile Attack Damage Carry (ADC) in Honor of Kings. Known for mobility and sustained damage, Marco Polo excels at dealing consistent damage while maintaining a safe position. This guide covers Marco Polo’s abilities, optimal builds, and strategies for success.

Marco Polo Abilities Honor of Kings

Marco Polo Abilities Honor of Kings
Image credits: GameWitted
Chain Reaction
Passive Skill: Chain Reaction
Basic attack and skill hits inflict stacks on the opponent, dealing extra true damage at max stacks. Extra Attack Speed bonuses increase the number of bullets fired by Skill 1 and Skill 3.
Resplendent Revolver
Skill 1: Resplendent Revolver
Fires in the target direction for a period of time and gains increased Movement Speed while firing.
Roaming Gun
Skill 2: Roaming Gun
Teleports in the target direction.
Passive: Gains Attack and Movement Speed when a nearby enemy hero is within range.
Fevered Barrage
Skill 3: Fevered Barrage
Shifts in the target direction and deals damage over time to nearby enemies within range
Marco Polo Abilities Honor of Kings

Upgrade Order: Skill 1 > Skill 3 > Skill 2

Combos: AA > Skill 1 > AA > Skill 3

Note: Make sure to save your skill 2 for either gap-closing an escaping enemy or to get out of tricky situations.

Note: Check out our guide on Lady Sun.

HoK Marco Polo Best Build and Arcanas

HoK Marco Polo Best Build and Arcanas
Image credits: GameWitted

Marco Polo Build

Attack Speed Build

DoomsdayBoots of DexterityShadow RipperSparkforged DaggerDaybreakerSage's Sanctuary
DoomsdayBoots of DexterityShadow RipperSparkforged DaggerDaybreakerSage’s Sanctury
Attack Speed Build: Marco Polo

Defensive Build

DoomsdayBoots of DexterityShadow RipperFrigid ChargeDaybreakerSage's Sanctuary
DoomsdayBoots of DexterityShadow RipperFrigid ChargeDaybreakerSage’s Sanctury
Attack Speed Build: Marco Polo

Marco Polo Arcanas

Red MoonHuntEagle Eye
Red Moon x 10Hunt x 10Eagle Eye x 10
Red MoonHuntReaverEagle Eye
Red Moon x 10Hunt x 8 + Reaver x 2Eagle Eye x 10

Marco Polo Basic Skills

Flash Purify (We prefer this)

Marco Polo Counters

Marco Polo Counters
Image credits: GameWitted

Marco Polo is an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) known for his mobility and sustained damage. While ADCs typically do not have hard counters in Honor of Kings, there are strategic ways to counter Marco Polo effectively.

Direct Counters

Consort Yu: She is a notable counter to most ADCs, including Marco Polo, primarily due to her Skill 2, which makes her immune to AD (Attack Damage) for a duration. This ability allows her to negate Marco Polo’s damage in 1v1 situations.

Other Counters

ADCs with Longer Attack Range: Marco Polo has a shorter basic attack range compared to some other ADCs. Drafting ADCs with a longer range can allow for poking and harassing Marco Polo from a safe distance, reducing his effectiveness in the lane.

Team Compositions

  • Poke Compositions: Long-ranged Poke comps excel against Marco Polo. His main damage source is stacking his passive using his A ability. Poke compositions can keep their distance and continuously chip away at his health, preventing him from effectively stacking his passive.
  • High Crowd Control (CC) Compositions: Marco Polo’s ultimate ability requires him to dive into the enemy team to deal significant true damage. However, this makes him vulnerable to crowd control. Compositions with multiple CC abilities can interrupt his ultimate, making it risky for him to engage. High CC teams can lock him down before he can maximize his damage output.

Strategic Considerations

  • Laning Phase: In the laning phase, ADCs are typically accompanied by their support. Thus, the effectiveness of counters depends on the ADC+Support lane matchup rather than just the ADC alone. Selecting a support that can either protect Marco Polo from poke or provide additional CC can mitigate some of his weaknesses.
  • Team Fights: In team fights, countering Marco Polo revolves around the overall team composition. A well-drafted team comp with poke and CC can prevent him from diving in and dealing his true damage. Positioning and timing are crucial; allies should be ready to peel for Marco Polo or disable enemy threats.

In summary, while there are no absolute hard counters to ADCs in general, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Marco Polo allows for strategic drafting and gameplay to reduce his impact. Consort Yu serves as a direct counter in 1v1 scenarios, while poke and high CC team compositions can neutralize his threats in team fights.

How to Play Marco Polo in Honor of Kings

How to Play Marco Polo in Honor of Kings
Image credits: GameWitted

Early Game


  • Farm efficiently
  • Avoid unnecessary trades
  • Establish lane control


  1. Focus on Last-Hitting: Ensure you are last-hitting minions to maximize your gold and experience gain. Marco Polo’s power spike comes with his items, so efficient farming is crucial.
  2. Positioning: Maintain safe positioning in the lane. Use your mobility to dodge skill shots and avoid getting caught by the enemy support.
  3. Harass Wisely: Use your A ability to harass the enemy ADC when safe. However, prioritize farming over-aggressive plays unless you see a clear opportunity.

Mid Game


  • Participate in skirmishes and objectives
  • Transition your farm lead into map control
  • Build towards core items


  1. Roam for Objectives: After securing your lane, start rotating to assist in taking objectives like the Dragon or turrets. Marco Polo’s mobility makes him effective in skirmishes.
  2. Power Spike: Recognize your power spikes when you complete key items. Use this advantage to fight for control over neutral objectives.
  3. Team Coordination: Coordinate with your team for group fights. Your role is to deal consistent damage from a safe distance while staying mobile.
  4. Jungle Farm: Take advantage of jungle camps if they are available and safe to farm. This can give you an additional gold and experience boost.

Late Game


  • Maximize damage output in team fights
  • Maintain optimal positioning


  1. Team Fights: Your primary role in the late game is to deal sustained damage in team fights. Use your ultimate wisely to burst down high-priority targets, but ensure you do so safely to avoid getting CC’d.
  2. Awareness: Pay attention to enemy abilities and cooldowns. Wait for key enemy CC to be used before diving in with your ultimate.

By following these guidelines and focusing on your objectives at each stage of the game, you’ll be able to play Marco Polo effectively and contribute significantly to your team’s success.

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