Honor Of Kings Milady: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Kyuma |  Published: July 30, 2024

Discover the best items, counters, and arcana for Milady in Honor of Kings. Learn effective strategies for early, mid, and late-game dominance.

Milady is a strong mage in Honor of Kings, currently occupying a solid A-tier position. This mechanical mastermind excels in siege compositions and can be played effectively in the mid-lane. Milady’s unique ability to summon mechanical minions and control the battlefield makes her a potent force throughout the game, particularly from level 4 onwards.

Milady Abilities in HoK

MiLady Abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive – Mechanical MinionsSummons a mechanical minion when an enemy unit is killed. Minions explode at the end of their lifespan, damaging nearby enemies.
Skill 1 – Air SuperiorityLaunches aircraft to bombard in the target direction, dealing damage. Can be reactivated to split the aircraft, slowing and damaging enemies over time.
Skill 2 – Forced InvasionSummons mechanical minions in the target area, dealing damage. Minions activate after a short delay and attack nearby enemies. Can be stacked up to 3 times.
Skill 3 – Chaos FieldMarks a target enemy or structure, slowing and damaging them over time. Non-structures are briefly stunned. Marks explode upon expiry, dealing damage based on damage taken while marked. Enhances nearby mechanical minions.

Best Milady Build in HoK

Best Milady Build in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted

Best Items and Runes for Milady:

Boots of TranquilityScepter of ReverberationMask of AgonySavant's WrathVoid Staff
Boots of TranquilityScepter of ReverberationMask of AgonyTwilight StreamSavant’s WrathVoid Staff

Best Runes:

NightmareHuntMind's Eye
NightmareHuntMind’s Eye

How to Play Milady in HoK

How to Play Milady in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game (0-5 minutes): Focus on farming and reaching level 4 as quickly as possible. Avoid using Skill 2 before minion waves cross, as ranged minions may linger under the tower, slowing down lane clearing. Pay attention to last hits, as only kills summon mechanical minions. Use the brush to your advantage, summoning minions while hidden to maintain lane pressure.
  • Mid Game (5-15 minutes): Once you hit level 4, start rotating to other lanes to apply pressure. Combine your ultimate (Chaos Field) with Skill 1 and 2 to control and burst down enemies. Be cautious of your positioning, as Milady lacks built-in mobility. Use Flicker judiciously to escape dangerous situations. When sieging towers, summon mechanical minions in the brush and use your ultimate to lock onto the tower, allowing for stealthy tower damage.
  • Late Game (15+ minutes): In team fights, focus on controlling and bursting down less mobile enemy heroes. Use the ultimate in combination with Skill 1 and 2 to create chaos and deal significant damage. Position yourself safely behind your frontline, as Milady is vulnerable to dive heroes. Coordinate with allies like Da Qiao to keep enemies in check and secure safer retreats. Capitalize on your siege potential by pushing objectives aggressively when the opportunity arises.

Throughout the game, remember that mechanical minions do not expose Milady’s vision when attacking towers, allowing for sneaky plays. Continuously create minions through minion wave kills and use them to maintain lane pressure and zone out enemies.

Milady Counters in HoK


Hero Counters: Milady struggles against dive heroes and those with high mobility. Effective counters include:

  • Nakororu
  • Fuzi
  • Mulan
  • Nezha

To counter these heroes, focus on positioning and use your crowd control abilities defensively. Coordinate with teammates to peel off aggressive divers and maintain a safe distance.

Summary Table

RoleMid lane, Support
StrengthsSiege potential, Area control, Sustained damage
WeaknessesLow mobility, Vulnerable to dive
Key ItemsScepter of Reverberation, Twilight Stream, Void Staff
CountersNakoruru, Fuzi, Mulan, Nezha

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