Honor Of Kings Xiao Qiao Build: Items, Counters, And Arcana

Kyuma |  Published: July 30, 2024

Learn how to play Xiao Qiao in Honor of Kings. Discover her optimal build, effective counters, and best arcana choices in this guide.

Xiao Qiao is one of the strongest late-game mages in Honor of Kings, currently sitting at A-tier. She excels in mid to late-game scenarios, making her a strong pick for the mid-lane. Xiao Qiao’s kit allows her to farm quickly and dish out significant damage, particularly when ambushing enemy marksmen.

Her playstyle revolves around precise skill usage and positioning, rewarding players who can master her abilities.

Xiao Qiao Abilities in HoK

Xiao Qiao Abilities in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
Passive – Encouraging ThoughtsBecomes enhanced when skills hit, gaining Movement Speed while enhanced.
Skill 1 – Blossoming FanThrows a fan in the target direction, which returns to her upon reaching range, damaging enemies in its path both ways.
Skill 2 – Honeysweet BreezeDeals damage to enemies in the target area and launches them.
Skill 3 – Meteor StormSummons meteors, dealing damage to nearby enemies in range.

Fun Fact: Krixi is the AoV counterpart of Xiao Qiao.

Best Xiao Qiao Build in HoK


Boots of ArcaneScepter of ReverberationSavant's WrathVoid StaffTome of WisdomSplendor
Boots of ArcaneScepter of ReverberationSavant’s WrathVoid StaffTome of WisdomSplendor


NightmareHuntMind's Eye
NightmareHuntMind’s Eye

How to Play Xiao Qiao in Honor of Kings

How to Play Xiao Qiao in HoK
Image Credits: GameWitted
  • Early Game: In the early game, Xiao Qiao should focus on farming efficiently to reach her power spikes. Use Blossoming Fan to clear minion waves and harass the enemy laner from a safe distance. Avoid overextending, as Xiao Qiao is vulnerable to ganks due to her lack of mobility.
  • Mid-Game: As the mid-game approaches, Xiao Qiao’s damage output increases significantly. Look for opportunities to roam and assist in skirmishes or objectives. Utilize Honeysweet Breeze to set up kills for your team or disengage from unfavorable situations. When contesting objectives, position yourself safely behind your frontline and use Meteor Storm to zone out enemies or secure the area.
  • Late Game: In the late game, Xiao Qiao becomes a formidable threat. Her ability to burst down squishier targets makes her excellent for picking off enemy carries. Use the bushes to your advantage when setting up ambushes. The combo of Meteor Storm followed by Honeysweet Breeze and Blossoming Fan can quickly eliminate an unsuspecting target. In team fights, aim to hit multiple enemies with your area-of-effect abilities while staying safe from dive champions.

Master these combos to maximize Xiao Qiao’s effectiveness:

  1. 2-1-3: Use Honeysweet Breeze to launch enemies, follow up with Blossoming Fan, and finish with Meteor Storm.
  2. 3-2-1: Start with Meteor Storm for area control, then use Honeysweet Breeze and Blossoming Fan to clean up.
  3. 3-Flash-2-1: Surprise enemies by flashing after Meteor Storm, then follow up with Honeysweet Breeze and Blossoming Fan.
  4. 3-2-1-Flash: Use this combo to deal damage and quickly reposition with Flash.
  5. Flash-2-3-1: Engage with Flash, use Honeysweet Breeze, then follow up with Meteor Storm and Blossoming Fan.

Xiao Qiao Counters in HoK

DunNakoruruNezhaFuziLamMulanSun Ce
DunNakoruruNezhaFuziLamMulanSun Ce

Xiao Qiao struggles against heroes who can dive and stick to her or burst her down quickly. Champions like Nezha, Nakoruru, and Fuzi pose significant threats. To counter these heroes, focus on positioning and map awareness. Use Honeysweet Breeze defensively to create distance and rely on your team’s protection in teamfights. Consider building defensive items if you’re constantly targeted.

Summary Table

Xiao QiaoDetails
Power SpikesMid to Late Game
Core ItemsBoots of Arcane, Scepter of Reverberation, Savant’s Wrath
Key AbilitiesHoneysweet Breeze, Meteor Storm
CountersNe Zha, Nakoruru, Mozi
PlaystyleBurst damage, Area control

Xiao Qiao is a powerful mage in Honor of Kings, capable of turning the tide of battles with her area-of-effect damage and crowd control.

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