How to Complete Proving Grounds in Remnant 2

Suki |  Published: April 24, 2024

Find out how to complete the Proving Grounds in Remnant 2 The Forgotten Kingdom DLC in our detailed guide.

Remnant 2’s Proving Grounds present a formidable challenge that tests even the most skilled players’ skills and reflexes. This area is a gauntlet of lethal traps and timed puzzles that must be navigated with precision and speed. Fear not, brave souls, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge to complete Proving Grounds in Remnant 2.

Proving Grounds in Remnant 2

The Proving Grounds is a treacherous area introduced in Remnant 2’s Forgotten Kingdom DLC. Despite the seemingly low number of enemies, this labyrinth of traps and puzzles will push your abilities to the limit.

Brace yourself for a series of rooms filled with deadly arrow traps, moving pillars, ceiling saws, and timed challenges that will test your agility, patience, and problem-solving skills.

The Arrow Trap Room

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

The first room greets you with an array of arrow traps embedded in walls and platforms, firing in alternating patterns, just like in the Indiana Jones series.

To navigate this room safely, observe the rhythm of the traps and move swiftly after they have discharged.

Pro tip: Always stand on the left side of the platforms! You will not get hit by the arrows if you are standing on the left edge.

Remember, timing is everything: sprint along the arrow’s trajectory immediately after they have been launched, leap to the next platform, and sidestep any remaining arrows.

After you pull the lever in this room, don’t leave yet! Remember, this is Remnant 2, this game is filled with hidden rewards. You can get the Battle armor set in this area. Check out our guide on how to get the Battle armor set for more details!

The Pillars Room

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

In the second room, you’ll find yourself facing a series of movable pillars and triggered dart traps. Navigating this area requires both speed and precision. As you enter, take note of the large room with mostly inactive dart traps scattered around. However, these traps will activate as you progress, so staying alert to their patterns is crucial.

The first step is to head left, then straight to the end of the room. Here, you’ll find a red pressure plate. Step on this plate and remain there until the pillar on the right side of the room lowers completely. Move swiftly once the pillar is down, as dawdling could prove fatal.

After reaching the lowered pillar, stand on top of it and wait for it to rise again. As it ascends, keep an eye on the nearby platform and prepare to jump across when the pillar reaches the appropriate height. Timing is everything, as you don’t want to be crushed by the rising pillar.

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

Next, you’ll need to jump to the back area of the room, where another red pressure plate awaits. Step on this plate, and a pillar in the center of the room will begin to descend. Wait patiently for the pillar to lower completely before making your move.

Once the central pillar is down, quickly stand on it and wait for it to rise. As it ascends, focus your attention on the platform to its right. When the pillar reaches the optimal height, make a precise jump to the platform, avoiding any triggered dart traps along the way.

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

From this platform, turn towards the entrance, then pivot around to face the back-right side of the room. Here, you’ll find one final red pressure plate. Step on it, and the pillar leading to the exit will begin to lower.

Swiftly run towards this final pillar and wait for it to rise to a safe jumping height. With careful timing, make the leap forward and activate the lever to complete this treacherous room and proceed to the next challenge.

Remember, in the Pillars Room, speed, precision, and patience are essential. Watch for the patterns of the triggered dart traps, and time your movements perfectly to navigate the obstacles unscathed. Stay focused, and you’ll emerge victorious, ready to face the next trial in the Proving Grounds.

The Ceiling Saws Room

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

The third room presents a new challenge: deadly ceiling saws. These saws move back and forth, creating a lethal obstacle course.

To navigate this room, watch for gaps in the saws’ patterns and crouch in the safe areas. Step on the central pressure plate to open the exit, then make a daring dash for the door when the opportunity arises.

This part is not that hard, you just need to time when you run.

The First Saw Run Room

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

The fourth room combines wall and floor saws in a treacherous parkour challenge. Timing and agility are paramount here.

Climb ledges, jump across platforms, and stick to the opposite wall to avoid the saws’ deadly paths. Stay focused and make every move count to reach the exit before the door closes.

This is the easiest challenge so far. Just stay calm and jump at the right time, you’ll pass this part easily.

The Final Saw Run Room

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

The fifth and final room of the Proving Grounds is a true test of your skills, presenting an extreme version of the previous saw run. This gauntlet combines all the challenges you’ve faced thus far, amplifying the difficulty to the maximum.

As you enter this room, take note of the red pressure plate located on the left side. Step on this plate until the door at the end of the path fully opens, revealing the final obstacle course. Timing is crucial from this point onward, as any misstep could prove fatal.

Begin by climbing the ledge when the saw starts moving away from your chosen side. Watch the patterns carefully and make your move swiftly, as the window of opportunity will be brief.

Once on the ledge, shift your gaze to the gap ahead, where two ceiling saws pose a deadly threat. Wait for both saws to move away from your side, then make a precise jump across the gap. Hesitation could cost you dearly, so trust your instincts and timing.

Upon landing on the next platform, you’ll face another set of saws, both on the ceiling and the platform itself. Here, the side platforms are too dangerous to traverse, so aim for the center of the platform. Again, wait for the saws to move away from the center before making your jump.

The final obstacle is a treacherous ledge guarded by both ceiling and platform saws. Remain patient and observe the patterns carefully. As soon as both sets of saws move away from the center, make a daring leap to the final ledge.

With the ledge secured, the exit door lies before you. Muster all your remaining energy and make a final sprint towards the door, ensuring you pass through before it closes behind you.

Proving Grounds Reward: Ceramic Flask

remnant 2 proving grounds guide
Gunfire Games /GameWitted

After conquering the extreme trials of the Proving Grounds, your hard-earned reward awaits: the Ceramic Flask. This prized artifact is not merely a trinket but a powerful base material for crafting an extraordinary weapon mod.

Journey to Ward 13 and seek out Ava, the master craftswoman. Present her with the Ceramic Flask, and she will guide you through the process of forging the legendary Flying Bomb Trap Weapon Mod.


The Proving Grounds in Remnant 2 is a trial of skill and determination, but with this guide, you now possess the knowledge to easily pass every deadly traps and puzzles. Remain vigilant, stay focused, and trust your abilities.

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