Visions of Mana introduces an adorable and practical companion known as the Pikul Mount. This unique creature combines the traits of a Yorkshire terrier pangolin and the Egyptian god Anubis, resulting in a charming and useful ally for your adventures. Unlocking the Pikul mount early boosts your gameplay by allowing faster travel and easier navigation through the game’s large world.
If you want to meet this lovable creature, you need to go to the Fallow Steppe first. It is available in chapter one of the main story. Upon arriving, you’ll also encounter an NPC named Meelpa, who plays a key role in helping you obtain the Pikul mount.
After meeting Meelpa and talking to him, you’ll receive a special item called the Beckon Bell. This artifact allows you to summon Pikul whenever you need it to travel. The Beckon Bell becomes an essential tool for exploring the vast landscapes of Visions of Mana.
To summon the Pikul mount, you can use the shortcut menu. The Beckon Bell is automatically added to the shortcut menu when you get it, making it easy to quickly summon Pikul whenever you need it.
The Pikul mount offers several advantages for you in Visions of Mana:
While the Pikul excels on land, Visions of Mana also provides other mounts for different terrains:
Unlocking and using the Pikul Mount early in the game makes the Visions of Mana experience better. This cute companion adds charm and helps with faster exploration and travel. Whether crossing wide plains or getting past small obstacles, the Pikul mount is a valuable ally on your adventure!