How to Get Polygun in Remnant 2 Forgotten Kingdom DLC

Suki |  Published: May 01, 2024

Learn how to unlock Remnant 2’s unique Polygun with this step-by-step guide.

Remnant 2 is just full of surprises! In the new Forgotten Kingdom DLC, there are tons of hidden stuff that you can get, classic Remnant! One such elusive rewards is the Polygun long-gun. You can easily miss the chance to get this weapon, but worry not, this guide will provide all you need to know to get Polygun gun in Remnant 2.

How to Get Polygun in Remnant 2

remnant 2 how to get polygun
Gunfire Games

The Polygun long-gun is one of Remnant 2’s most deeply hidden secrets. To even begin the quest for this powerful weapon, you must have a campaign set up after the Forgotten Kingdom DLC release.

Additionally, you must clear the Labyrinth, including the formidable Labyrinth Sentinel, to unlock the path to the Polygun.

Embarking on this treasure hunt requires you to locate and shoot 13 floating white constructs hidden throughout the Labyrinth. These constructs must be shot in a specific order, and the entire process must be completed in one life without dying or interacting with a World Stone. Failure to do so will reset the hunt, requiring you to start from the beginning.

All Cube Locations

remnant 2 how to get polygun
Gunfire Games

From the main room where the Master Portal Key is inserted to hidden alcoves and perilous drops, you must go through the Labyrinth’s treacherous terrain to uncover these cubes:

Cube Location/How to Get It
1In the main room of the Labyrinth, look in the ‘+’-shaped hole in the wall to the right of the Portal Key podium.
2Go through the rotating portal to the left, wait for the floating platform moving left. Look up at the tall stones, cube is near the top.
3In the Bastion fight area, go behind the stone you came down from, drop to platforms below, turn around to see the cube.
4Don’t go through portal at end of upper right path, look off edge behind it to see a vertical portal below. Fall in, go through next portal, cube is below near closed door.
5From cube 4, go back through portal, jump down near World Stone, go north through portal, turn left to see cube above bridge.
6Use portal from cube 2, jump off onto left platform area, drop down to deactivated portal below, hit cube to activate it.
7At dead end south of starting room World Stone, climb up raised area and look up and left.
8Go past Labyrinth Sentinel arena all the way up to Clementine and Observer, cube is in abyss behind them.
9From main room, go through Small Golem maze area to the right, follow path out to narrow outcropping, drop down and cross over.
10Use corrupted loadout, go through red portal at end of cube 9 area, take portal looking into abyss to backrooms, cube is in back left room.
11From backroom door, go right through portal, go to bottom of stairs before Clementine, take left into hallway, make drops to see cube across outcropping.
12After cube 11, new platform appears in front, hop on it, cube is above.
13After cube 12, another platform appears, hop to it then to solid ground, Polygun is ahead.
All Polygun Cube Locations

Before You Go…

Before you go, you are strongly advised to clear the Labyrinth of all enemies. This task will involve exploring every nook and cranny of the interdimensional maze, and leaving enemies alive increases the risk of an untimely death, forcing a restart of the hunt.

Furthermore, you must equip the “Corrupted Loadout,” which includes specific archetypes, skills, relics, weapons, amulets, and rings. This loadout is the same one required to obtain the Archon Archetype, another well-guarded secret in Remnant 2.

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